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Complete France Forum


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  1. [quote user="Dick Smith"]I'm also very aware that there used to be a Boghound on this forum who was a pretty unpleasant troll. You aren't him, are you? [/quote] Yes that's right......but....I'd rather be an "unpleasant Troll" then someone that thinks they know all there is to know about a country but still doesn't live there full time[:P]  Perhaps you might also be interested in a new web site I also stumbled across: http://www.the-vendee.com [Www] but...there again perhaps not...As the "webmaster" is very particular with whom he communicates with.[8-)]
  2. No he's not involved. As he has been very heavy handed with the delete button
  3. [quote]Some good posts here I too feel myself having to justify our move back - even putting the words 'move back' doesn't seem right. France is a good move, the people are so welcoming even to the most sh...[/quote] Good for you Lee....but why you feel as though you are under an obligation to justify the move, beggers belief....Sod what people think...You are still at an age where your whole life is ahead of you...just do it! France is like an "Open-Prison" and it's inmates need time out to survive. Oh...There are lots of places in and around Moss Side to empty a loo.
  4. Read the poll last week....very interesting/funny....but the biggest laugh was, it was conducted by French...the result must have been a Hell of a shock....another interesting result was, the French views about the English, were exactly the same as the views by the English about the French.
  5. When you take property out of the equation...France is certainly not any cheaper then the UK and in a few issues more expensive...15/20 years ago...a different story.
  6. "I am viewing a Beaver this afternoon." Well...I'm with you...nothing like an afternoon viewing a good collection of "Beavers"...I find the Brazilian is the most interesting to watch.
  7. [quote]Spot on Tresco, I was referring to the original posting. As "un dame du certain age" myself, I'm afraid I find grown women who attempt whimsy, feyness or gawd help us, cuteness, very difficult to tol...[/quote] Why?....or is it a case of the "Green eyed Monster"....raising it's head!
  8. [quote]I think you have to be careful when defining a forum member. I am retired and a part-timer. Our house is only used by us, even our family don't visit unless we are there even though they could. So fa...[/quote] How can you be retired and a part-timer? I would have thought you are either one or the other....or am I getting to be a bit like your friend Dick!
  9. We had an unmarried mother in the local village a few years ago...I often see her floating past...when I'm sitting in the garden....can't understand why they didn't use proper weights like they use to years ago...perhaps thought they might get stuck in the beaks of the local waterfowl...very much into conservation around here but not unmarried mothers...although I don't know.
  10. This post should also include the "promise" of Town Gas and ADSL....mind you....we have been notified that ADSL is suppose to arrive in the last quarter of 2005 but at the price they are chargeing...who wants it!
  11. [quote]Am I the only one to have noticed that someone has posted, in the Food and Wine section, to ask what their clafoutis should look like? This really is too embarrassing for words. Why, for God's sake...[/quote] Yes but it all depends what gender he caught it off.
  12. [quote]Should i presume then that both Boghound , WJT and the majority of ordinary french people never claim any state benefits whatsoever ? You have made me so guilty (NOT !!). Without people 'breeding' as...[/quote] Just because you can claim it...really doesn't mean you have to! Oh..by the way...the amount of State Pension I can claim...isn't worth the effort of sending it.
  13. [quote]Boghound, Are you really suggesting i pay social charges and income tax for a couple of years BEFORE i claim child benefit or a rebate on the property taxes ? Are you barking mad ? (pun intended). W...[/quote] Yes. Why should I pay for you to breed and for the upkeep of your offspring.
  14. "Kirsch is virtually unknown here where the dish was invented, and in any case is FAR too expensive to be used in the quantities needed." Obviously not lived here long...move in the circles I entertain in...or live in the Vendee.
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