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  1. [quote user="mascamps.com"] Just had a rather extended conversation in French with a Londoner before we realised that neither of us was French. At nearly 5 minutes, it's my personal best before the penny dropped. Has anyone beaten that? If nothing else, at least it shows that my French accent must sound more French than Brit now :)   Arnold   [/quote] I had a similar experience with an Irish lady a couple of years back Arnold.  She had been married to a French guy for about 20 odd years.  She had worked out that I wasn't French but thought that perhaps I was German or Dutch.
  2. [quote user="daisymay"]I recall two men walking past the oldest hotel in St Albans (forgotten the name) The English guy said to the American "that pub is older than your country"[/quote] The Fighting Cocks
  3. That's very interesting Arnold and we have been told stories in the past from our military visitos about how they can buy "gas" on base at US prices, as well as all their vital foodstuffs.  However, it is strictly illegal (or at least against military orders) to buy stuff on behalf of people "off base" ie, US friends who just happen to be living and working in Europe but are not part of the military.  All our previous military visitors have had US plates on their vehicles because they have imported them from US to the base but this lady has a German plate.  She is actually only in the reserve so don't know whether she's entitled to full military "perks" (don't know why she shouldn't be).  So perhaps she's treated as these other US citizens who aren't allowed to benefit from the base prices.  Otherwise I don't know why she would have German plates rather than US ones???.
  4. Similar one last night Cerise - Military Gal's OH asked how old the house is, "about 275 years old" I reply, (quite modern by French standards of course)  "Oh my God, California isn't that old, it can't be"  He then spent the rest of the evening, standing in the courtyard, looking at the house in disbelief.
  5. I think you need to learn the meaning of rhetoric Q. Mine's a pint of rum Cas, especially after my Italian fiasco the other night!!!
  6. No I didn't ask IF you earned over 30,000 euros and I wouldn't be so presumtious as to ask what you earn in the first place.  You stated that you would be paying a fair amount of this year's earnings in tax, which I said would mean that you must be earning well in excess of 30K and that is quite hard to do in a 4 bed B&B run by only two people.
  7. Oh NO!  Not cars - not on a two-way road, coming in the opposite direction!!!  Whatever next. We've just had dinner with an american guest who turned up in a 5 series BMW. She's based (military) in Germany so OH asked if she'd bought it whilst over here in Europe.  "Oh no I ordered it from the US"   Derrrr....[blink]
  8. Forgot to add maintenance of the new pool, they need cleaning, filtering etc every other day or so don't they?
  9. [quote user="Quillan"] So I guess filling 21 weeks is not going to be a problem but it's very hard work especiaaly if you are doing half board.[/quote] The fact that you are able to do 21weeks 100% occupancy with evening meals and that huge garden to maintain so beautifully, go to bed often around 10pm, as you tell us here on the forum you are doing, as well as taking on the role of moderator and thus keeping an eye on just about every thread going on this and other forums and clock up so many postings as well as all the interaction that occurs between you and your local businesses/tourist organisations, with just two of you.  You must be Superman [;-)]  My OH and I are used to working extremely hard but nothing compares to how hard we have had to work since we have taken on this B&B.  The ironing, cooking, cleaning, entertaining and shopping alone keep me occupied from 7.30am to at least 11.30pm most days from June to September.  I just don't know how you do it all - well done!!! [:D]
  10. [quote user="Quillan"]The down side is that much of the extra money will disappear when the tax becomes due.[/quote] You mean you're earning well in excess of 30,000 euros from 4 rooms?!?!?
  11. I haven't worked it out yet (and I do because it helps to decide where to advertise) but last year it was about 45% Brits, 25% French, 20% North American, 5% Australasian/S African and 5% other European.  This year I would guess that we have had quite a few less Brits and more Americans and other European and if we weren't now full for the rest of the month the French percentage would have taken a sharp upturn from the amount that are phoning or emailing daily, wanting rooms at very short notice.
  12. Has anyone else experienced the same srange booking patterns this year? I know that for our last 4 seasons it has been slightly different each year, and as our dear departed friend Miki used to say, you can never judge the season until it is over and you have banked the money. But this year is exceptional.  We usually get a flurry of bookings in January and February for July and August.  We then get a steady interest for April-June, usually booked anything between one and 4 weeks in advance.  The remaining free days of July and August tend to be booked anything between two nights and 2 weeks in advance and the first half of September is usually booked during late August. This year, by early March we were about 35% up on bookings at the same time in our previous best year.  By the end of April we were about 50% up on nights already stayed between January and April and about 20% up on advance bookings.  Then it all went very quiet.  June always is quiet but the first half of July was DEADLY, nothing for ten nights.  Then all hell broke loose.  We have been FULL since 21st July and are now fully booked to 23rd September, with one free day next week, which I am determined to keep free!  So no chance for any of those that leave it until a few days beforehand to book.  This week we even have some young French boys camped in the garden because we didn't have enough rooms for the whole family.   I just can't understand the booking patterns.  And just to make it even better, we have had only about half a dozen one-nighters in August instead of the usual 20 or 30.  Most people have booked a minimum of 4 nights and ALL of our September bookings are for at least 4 nights, some for 6, and also groups of 4 or 6 adults travelling together - perfect! [:D] We've already taken more than the whole of last year (when we had visitors through until the end of November), so at this rate I may even be tempted to close for November and December.  Who said you can't make a living out of B&B?  We're doing very nicely thank you!  And we can't even thank the weather. What are other experiences of this peculiar summer?
  13. The best and easiest solution I've found after 5 seasons is to buy good quality bedding int he first place - then the ironing is easy no matter what iron/system you use.
  14. Idon't think Catalpa has a crystal ball, I think you have to follow her links, ask the Maire of your potential new commune and do your own research.
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