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Everything posted by Simon-the-censored

  1. pachapapa - looks great - how much and does it have free internet access? Simon :-)
  2. I was indeed referring to the Youtube video Frederick - but wasn't entirely sure what pachapapa meant in his/her post...... Simon :-)
  3. Guess that depends what you're used to and what you're using it for pachapapa... Here in the Pyrenees I currently pay 44,40€ a month (532,80€ a year!) for the use of a 3G dongle for internet access which is no faster than the Kindle. So, for me, it's brilliant and FREE. I guess everything's relative - even though obviously not up to your usual standards! Simon :-)
  4. Frederick - great video !! Surely there can't be any more sceptics out there ???? :-)
  5. Heck AnOther and Coeur de Lion - some people will always find a reason NOT to do something - go on, be daring, get one, use it and THEN have your say...... I have a Kindle Wifi / 3G version for reading books. It's brilliant. Added to that I can browse the web on it, listen to music on it and it can even read my books to me - all these added extras are completely FREE. That's what my Kindle can do TODAY. I will always be able to read books on it and, if Amazon decide to withdraw their prototype extras - so be it. In the meantime I'll just enjoy it and have fun.......to heck with the T's & C's! Simon :-) - (sent from my Kindle!)
  6. Don't think so AnOther....on the Kindle itself Amazon clearly state: (in relation to the Web Browser, MP3 Player and Text-to-Speech functions) ''We are working on these experimental prototypes. Do you find them useful? Should we continue working on them? We would love to hear what you think, so please send your comments to [email protected]'' Don't want to sound over-optimistic (!) but...looks like Amazon are actively encouraging us to use these great, FREE, services on the Kindle.......Love it! Simon :-)
  7. woolybanana - you can still do all those things - as well as having a Kindle. For some people it's about portability. AnOther - not sure what you mean by 'abusing it' ??? Care to enlighten us ? Simon :-) (posted from my Kindle!)
  8. Hi Chancer Yes - you get free Wifi / 3G / EDGE / GPRS internet access. But...just to stress again - it's all in black & white (electronic ink) format. However, it works just fine. Yes - you can get free books (nearly 5000 are currently free for download). You pay for newspaper and magazine subs but you do get a 14 day no obligation free trial. Over 519,000 books available to buy and download onto your Kindle / PC / Ipad / Iphone. And yes - once downloaded you own them forever and can copy them. Just take a look at Amazon.fr / .co.uk or .com Simon :-)
  9. Hi Janet Bit steep from a neighbour - more like a high end retail price - but not out of the ballpark. Simon :-)
  10. And - just to clarify - there are NO monthly fees etc - Amazon have done a global deal with the network providers. AnOther - lets not be so pessimistic - just enjoy it! It's highly unlikely that Amazon would take a backwards step in their Kindle technology. The web browser, MP3 player and voice control work just fine - they're FREE. In any case we bought it to read books, newspapers, mags etc on! All these other things are simply a bonus. Simon :-)
  11. Hi Sid - yep - you do get free Wifi / 3G access with the £149 model and yep it works globally. Quite simply the Kindle picks up the strongest available signal - if it'can't pick up Wifi or 3G it logs on to an Edge or GPRS mobile signal. It's completely automatic and takes minutes to set up. Couldn't quite believe it myself as we're at the foot of the Pyrenees! Simon :-)
  12. hi woolybanana No problem at all getting books from amazon.co.uk. Just register the Kindle to a UK address - still pay with French registered card. Easy! Simon:-)
  13. Got a Wifi / 3G one for Christmas - amazing! Apart from the books, newspapers, mags, blogs etc you get totally free internet access, email, mp3 player. Ok, it's all in black and white but for the one-off price (£149) it's pretty amazing. A definite (formerly reluctant!) convert here! Simon :-)
  14. Hi johnycarper - yep - you need to display the car insurance sticker / vignette in the car window. ''Le 9 septembre 1986, le législateur rend l'affichage obligatoire de la vignette d’assurance sur les véhicules afin de faciliter le contrôle du respect de l'obligation d'assurance.'' Simon
  15. Thanks cooperlola - I'm using Google Chrome so don't get all those options. I'll use IE for this forum - to enhance my experience !!! Simon :-)
  16. Hi Possett Lady These official updates may help : http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/F1222.xhtml#N10153 and http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCodeArticle.do;jsessionid=380415CCC9C6AE3949F402BC117968C7.tpdjo08v_2?idArticle=LEGIARTI000022496542&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006069577&dateTexte=20101216 Simon :-)
  17. Well you would agree with Gluestick wouldn't you DerekJ ? Surrey and the Lot....says it all really....time you popped out for a bit of fresh air and exercise...may help your 'developed' mind. Simon :-)
  18. LOL - No cooperlola - I do kind of like it though and..... if the cap fits .....! Have a great day Simon
  19. Oh dear me Gluestick - what a sad and cynical (your word not mine) world you must live in....... X Factor is a light entertainment TV programme - why the Orwellian analysis? I'm pretty sure there are many people out there that listen to decent music, read good books , go outside and take some exercise AND, believe it or not, watch the X Factor. So, you and crossey67 have the same view - good for you - no need to take the moral high ground and be patronising and insulting. You're right, the truth does hurt sometimes - that's no reason to stick the knife in though! Oh, and thanks for sharing your definition of fun with us.... Simon-come-lately :-)
  20. Woooooah crossey 67 - it's only a 'light' entertainment TV talent show - not so sure that warrants you insulting the 11m + people that enjoy watching it - for a bit of fun. Do you remember 'fun' crossey67.......? Simon (not Cowell)
  21. Cooperlola - my name is Simon -not 'Johnny - come - lately' ! It's not always the message that counts - it's often how it's delivered......think about it. Simon :-)
  22. Frank - my pleasure and I appreciate your thanks. You know what - there are hundreds of thousands of expats in France from the UK alone - not to mention the additional hundreds of thousands from around the world. Most of us get by just fine - it's simply a question of adapting. No major brain surgery involved. For most (not all!) it's a lifestyle choice. The best advice I could give you would actually be to get professional advice relevant to your own particular situation. Best of luck whatever you decide. Simon
  23. Hi greyman - I'm going to be picky too if that's ok. I was just trying to keep things simple.... I appreciate there are some fairly 'general' criteria in the French Code but they are qualified with some 'tie-breakers' (for fiscal purposes) which are pretty similar to those in the UK. Take a look at the following link : http://droit-finances.commentcamarche.net/contents/impot-revenu-declaration/imp10-impot-sur-le-revenu-notion-de-residence-fiscale.php3 I've copied the first 'qualifier' here : (it's the last line that's the important bit!) - Les personnes qui ont leur foyer ou leur lieu de séjour principal en France. Il s'agit de la résidence habituelle de la personne ou de sa famille (enfant et conjoint). Une personne travaillant à l'étranger pourra être ainsi considérée comme résident fiscal français si sa famille habite en France. Il suffit de séjourner plus de 183 jours en France (y compris à l'hôtel) pour remplir cette condition. Simon
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