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Everything posted by Dog

  1. I don't know what is an AnTient Freemasonry?
  2. Why is it that Freemasons act the fool, demand defintive evidence, bring up spurious debate, boast of charity, just about anything but debate exactly how they operate within society? They make sure they adopt positions of power and use this to their own ends or the ends of Freemasonry. The first dead body has been found associated with this scandal - how many more?
  3. Good luck! At first I thought you had adopted a bear.
  4. Why is the word Freemason pracitically omerta for the BBC? There seems to be a lot of freemasons potentially involved in this scandal. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Judges that look into the scandal will be too - the whole thing stinks.
  5. I think I know what you are alluding to but a link would be useful. What do you know about No. 1591 United Studholme Alliance Lodge?
  6. Dog

    Naan bread

    Make fresh it's always best - cook them in a cast iron skillet pan on your regular stove if you don't have a real oven.
  7. The dominoes are falling...
  8. I also like your web page to sell your house. I marketed my main residence in UK myself in the Sunday Times and had 20 people that came to view. After three months I gave it to an upmarket estate agents who put it up for sale much cheaper - wow they sold it to the first viewer before they had even photograhed it or done details. The main thing I learned apart from the fact that it is easy to sell cheap is that it is not easy for a private seller to get the same feedback that a third party seller can elicit. It is not so easy to ring the potential buyer the next day and say what didn't you like and what do you think of the price? I now realise this is possible but it's what I learn't learned on this sale.
  9. Forgot to add if you are worried about kiddy fiddlers and paedophiles.. http://www.darkpolitricks.com/2011/06/mp-reveals-freemason-involvement-in-news-of-the-world-phone-hacking-scandal/ You will have to read it all.
  10. I was pleased and surprised that Ross Kemp had not made public any insider knowledge he may have of his wifes actions in her professional capacity. The bigger scandal within this phone hacking scandal is that she has alluded to a much bigger scandal, it is possibly.... like the last two times police forces had to be restructured, is because of Masonic malpractices. A Liberal MP has already asked questions. Even the BBC has made mentioned it. You just have to read betwen the lines.
  11. I guess you don't mean scrambling but green laning or off roading. Yes there is lots in France it's a republic!
  12. [quote user="Binky"]We went to the Maire and he recommended someone. I think someone told me the fire service used to come out but not sure if they do.[/quote]   They used to but now you have to find someone and pay! I would suggest unless it is entirely needed leave these insects alone they do good.
  13. [quote user="Christine Animal"] But the French don't tick, they vibrate.  Or as Norman said, they get branched.   [:D]   [8-|]   [/quote]     Atlas found a blind hedgehog tonight and he sends big wet kisses/
  14. [quote user="Christine Animal"] Ce qui les fait vibrer.     [/quote]   Sorry but if they tick they might just be suicide bombers!
  15. I think you took my words on Ross Kemp out of context. The nasty criminal that murdered Milly Dowler is the one that deservedly needs demonising. I just do not believe the family suffered because a mobile phone was made use of because it was insecure. This family are being abused by politicians for thier own ends. As usual I am sorry to say that it is the usual sinister corrupt characters in the UK behind a lot of the abuses. I will  even give you a link... http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jun/08/phone-hacking-scandal-jonathan-rees  
  16. [quote user="Judith"]Seems to be talking about bottled water, which is not all that good for you I reckon ..... but you should read "your boddy's many cries for water", if you think you don't need to drink water .... never looked back since I increaased my water intake ..... I am always amazed how little water French people drink, they can only be severely under -hydrated. [/quote] Judith I think you are correct. I have an old book on Hatha Yoga that goes on at length about why we should drink plenty of fresh water. As we are a large part water it is important to wash away and renew water in the body. There is a lovely description in this old book of where the body finds water if it doesn't have fresh supplies, it takes water from the bowels - so it is refreshing supplies from the sewer, this is the way it is described.  
  17. Isn't it time for the chattering classes to move on and concentrate on the more important things going on in UK? So a few journos listened to some voice mail - probably shouted into a mobile phone in a public place and already overheard - who cares. Every household in UK has a £80,000 debt -  a leaving present from a few bankers. The police run themselves for themselves - someone now remind me where UK is in world league of corruption... I can only add that I am for once proud of Ross Kemp for staying silent so far.....
  18. [quote user="AnOther"] Heartening to know that the average online shopper is educated enought to spot the errors however it seems to be a tad self conradicting. If the quality in the literacy of job candidates is so apalling then who are these potential shoppers who eschew a site simply because they spot an odd spelling mistake. I suppose you can't argue with the statistics but for my own part, whilst I find simple spelling and grammar mistakes mildly irritating, if the site has someting I want to buy at a price I'm prepared to pay I'd have no hesitation in shopping there. Standard caveats apply of course, unless it's a site I know and trust I will always have a little poke around to make sure there is say a phone number and other little things which lend it legitimacy. Just like on eBay, even if a seller has 100% positive feedback I always go and have a look at it. You can easily get 100% by selling say 50 10p items then go for the kill by posting one fake or even nonexistent high value item up for sale and you're bound to catch out some poor sap ! [/quote] I thought the same if the average workers cannot spell neither can the average surfer/buyer. But I reckon he should move away from the cheapest hiring area and pay a real wage.
  19. Best way to approach a 12 hour plus flight is to be well hydrated, take lots of exercise and only sleep two hours a night for preceeding two days, take earplugs sleep the entire way. I do it's lovely!
  20. Horrible scenario but that's no GSD that's a Groendael a Belgian Shepherd dog, just like my unfaithful companion 'Atlas'. Bloomin' journos you just cannot trust them these days....
  21. Yes it is possible but you are buying a failed project,  in France why not buy some land and start from scratch? Many people prefer finding old properties 300 hundred or more years old and restoring and remodeling. If you just want a modern house that needs a little work there are lots here. Welcome and good luck/
  22. Tell them not to worry - the vets I have met all have some English and sometimes the assistants speak beautiful English. Vets deal with animals that cannot speak so have have no trouble with homo sapiens - we are after all animals.
  23. I am never quite sure what a Mulberry tree looks like. The one we had at school in UK was a 60 foot tree with big red fruit. In many car parks here they have small trees perhaps 10 feet high with long thinnish black fruit that look like elongated raspberries - whatever they are they taste lovely and very sweet. I can't believe nobody picks them. I always have a few when I visit.
  24. I had a recent find at the bottle bank, sitting by the side were four boxes containing a large quantity of vintage kilner jars in different shapes with various lovely embossed names on the glass. Even the seals are expensive so they went straight into the boot. I reckon at a Vide Grenier they'd want 3 euros each for them.
  25. I used a UK based lawyer who was also a qualified French lawyer. I had a peculiar problem in that the sale took over a year as the Notaire involved enjoyed playing golf and drinking to working. The lawyer I used was on the ball, gave the Notaire a rocket, checked all paperwork and local planning applications, could be contacted at all times and saved me a trip to France to sign the paperwork. He even sorted things so I could pay in pounds in UK. They operated from Birmingham and did a fixed cost of £600 to see through a purchase. If you have any doubts or concerns I throughly recommend them, I only wish I had instructed them earlier. I am not usually a fan of lawyers but the Anglo/French lawyer was worth every penny.
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