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  1. [quote user="powerdesal"]A few items of co-incidence:- French Forces are serving as part of NATO in a foreign sandy type place. People of said sandy type place believe in a certain religion that supports murdering those who are not believers. Supporters of people in the said sandy type place have moved to Europe. Just co-incidence of course.[/quote] Coincidentally is that the "sandy place" where urination on dead bodies, burning korans and murdering 16 civilian villagers is popular?
  2. Chantal,last night, suggested that dameuse drivers on black runs were probably drunk.[:D] I wouldn't fancy going down a black run shut in a dameuse. A video of one at samoëns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-vyV3x0AD8&feature=related But not at night.[:-))]
  3. Last night Chantal enthused about last week in samoëns, in the grand massif area.[:)] The only Ski resort in france classed as a Monument National, so none of those Courchevel structures inspired by high rise blocks in Govan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samo%C3%ABns http://www.grand-massif.com/hiver/
  4. Sorry fellow regional members I forgot to add the link to the publication in the JO. A bit hazy today I was up to 5 AM putting "Lord of the Dance" 3D version from the Dublin O2 in the box. Here it is; http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000025417826&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id
  5. Subsequent to the publishing today Thursday the 1st Marc in the Journal Officiel of the French Republic, the decree dated the 28th of February announces that the measure will come into force on the 1st of July this year 2012 but that fines will only be applied from the 1st of Nonvember 2012. Publics concernés : conducteurs de véhicule terrestre à moteur. Objet : obligation de détention d’un éthylotest pour tout conducteur de véhicule terrestre à moteur. Entrée en vigueur : le texte entre en vigueur le 1er juillet 2012. Le défaut de possession d’un éthylotest sera sanctionné à partir du 1er novembre 2012. NOR : IOCS1130720D
  6. The Hermione wiki is a bit light on contact so please find a link below to the hermione site, the link is in english and opens on the history of the vessel; the tabs can be used to amplify the navigation. The launch will be a big event but nothing like the start of the inaugural first voyage to America in 2014. http://www.hermione.com/en/the-hermione-project/the-history/
  7. But thankyou google. Three days of festivities. In link note window in right border entitled " limited access reservatio necessary' price € 5 for non rochefort residents. http://www.hermione2012.fr/#!vstc0=festivites
  8. [quote user="Cendrillon"]Where can people make reservations PPP is there a link that you can give us please? [/quote] It was on france bleu poitou radio this morning but they didn't mention the locale for the reservations; I presume the Corderie Museum in Rochefort where the vessel is being built but I will check on monday.
  9. At rochefort on the 6th july the full size replica of the hermione will be launched. The hermione participated in the struggle against the British Colonial Regime during the American war of Independence. Reservations possible at € 5.
  10. [quote user="JK"][quote user="pachapapa"] The PV électronique will start in deux-sèvres on the 29th of february. The first area to be covered will be Niort but it will spread quickly as equipment is delivered. The lack of a notification under the windscreen wipers may cause problems for casual visitors to secondary residences as the notification may lie undiscovered in a letter box. [/quote] When I first read this I was very impressed. Up until now the only time I've ever seen PV used as an abbreviation is for per vagina examination. [/quote] I would imagine about 40,000,000 of the 60,000,000 + frogs would be able to tell you what a PV is.....try connecting with 3 ( pas per vagina), on the basis of normal Quality Assurance Probability Models one of them should know. An ever so teeny-weeny bit of integration will yield synergical rewards.[;-)]
  11. [quote user="NickP"] It seems that everybody in our Department, Loir et Cher has to buy new Euro parking discs for the "blue zones" , the new ones only allow 1 hour free parking instead of the old 1 1/2 hours. Is this the same in other departments? [/quote] Keep in touch! Just pop in to your insurer and pick up a disque with their publicity on it. At my insurer it costs € 0,00.
  12. Yes![;-)] http://www.planet.fr/dossiers-de-la-redaction-les-pv-electroniques-arrivent-en-france.97939.1466.html
  13. [quote user="Pommier"]I thought it was Photovoltaic![/quote] By juin 2012 all will be PVe. http://www.service-public.fr/actualites/002273.html http://www.modernisation.gouv.fr/index.php?id=1182
  14. The PV électronique will start in deux-sèvres on the 29th of february. The first area to be covered will be Niort but it will spread quickly as equipment is delivered. The lack of a notification under the windscreen wipers may cause problems for casual visitors to secondary residences as the notification may lie undiscovered in a letter box.
  15. While watching the video on the tube, I noticed that a further 58 comments had been added.[:)] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=a1Pj1SLBfVc
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