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Everything posted by Mpprh

  1. Hi Frankly, I think the changeover has gone remarkably smoothly. Peter
  2. Hi the answer to this is : it all depends ! Order from Amazon UK and you will pay 0% VAT. From US, it is a bit more tricky. Amazon are pretty clever. If you first land the books within EU in Holland or UK (and maybe other states) the future retransportation does not attract VAT. So if you ordered the books for rapid transport direct to France there will be VAT. If you ordered slowest (surface mail) direct to France VAT will be paid. If you opt for the medium speed transport it will probably escape VAT as Amazon will route it through a non VAT EU entry point. And if it is a small charge you may escape anyway. Not too important with Vat on books at 5.5% (I think)in France. It was more important ordering for delivery to Sweden with VAT (MOMS) on books at 25%. Peter
  3. Hi we do them like this : 1)Soak them in 3% sodium hydroxide (caustivc soda) overnight 2)Rinse twice per day until the water is clear 3)Bottle in brine with optiona added garlic, pickles, spices, etc. The caustic soda bit sounds unlikely, but I promise you it is true. You'll find the garden and hardware shops have a display of lessive soudure (often with the olive treatment recipe) at this time of year. Peter
  4. Hi I only buy malt vinegar, teabags and best back bacon in quantity from UK these days. However, if you are heavy users you could think of large pack sizes of HP sauce, Marmite and Branston. Peter
  5. Hi it is worth saying that labour rates in France are much lower than in UK for mechanical work, but higher for bodyshop work. My local Peugeot is charging Euro 24 for mechanical work. Regards Peter
  6. Hi Foie Gras ? Disgusting throughout the entire process, but highly recommended ! Did you know that it is based on a natural process ? Before migrating, birds stuff themselves and have engorged livers. Peter
  7. Hi To understand the various options, it is worth reading this site (in English !): http://www.apce.com/index.php Peter
  8. Hi SB ............. it is the butcher in Boisseron, who is the son of the butcher in the main street in Sommieres, who both use the same old boy to buy the cows. Of course, MRS MPPRH only goes to places that give big bones for the dog. We also have a butchers van ....... Does he come your way ? As a price indicator : Beef fillet is Euro 26 per kg in Intermarche, and much the same in Boisseron. And if you want exclusive meat ......... you sometimes see a certificate along the lines " this animal met an honourable death yesterday. Name of animal, Kgs, name of matador, name of arena." I've seen it in Lunel . It is countersigned by the vet of course! Peter
  9. Hi IKEA has more tricks to play ................... you can buy Swedish delicacies in the shop. Not a contradiction in terms. The smoked fish egg paste is quite palatable, but avoid kotbullar, glogg, and particularly surstromming ( http://www.allscandinavia.com/surstromming.htm ). And I speak from experience ! Peter
  10. Hi There are some skilled local butchers. One near us, buys his beef on the hoof. They use an 80 yr old buyer for this. He visits farms he knows and selects the next weeks animals for slaughter. The prices are not much different from the butcher section in our local supermarket. Peter
  11. Hi Yes, I am married to a French national. I can become French, but I haven't pursued it. As I said, I believe the dual citizenship within EU has ended. Anyone successfully applied for it recently ? A French passport is not welcomed everywhere ! Particularly in the South Pacific. Peter
  12. Hi I may be completely wrong, but I understood that there is no longer the possibility to acquire dual nationality within EU states ? In any event, the planned EU passport will presumably eliminate this ? Peter
  13. Hmm listening to a record ? Those black things with a hole in the middle ? Peter
  14. Hi Broadband service seems to be a bit random. Some villages have it, some not. We've been told that it will be late arriving here because the local exchange is antiquated. We've also looked at several other options. Satellite was eventually rejected after a visit to a village that has installed it. It seems that it didn't work as well as expected because of the way the data is packed for transmission. Does anyone use satellite for connection ? Can you tell us your experience ? And what exactly is latency ? Peter
  15. Hi I'm a little bit further East of you, but I guess it is much the same. After a few nights of thunder & lightning we are back to normal weather, but it is getting chilly at night. Expect: max = 25 - 30 C min = 10 - 15 C It is really rather pleasant. Blue skies, not too hot, and cool at night. Peter
  16. hi I think this is a long process. I have stone walls that were flooded in Sept 2002 and they are still not 100% dry. So far, I'm relying on natural breathing. Peter
  17. Hi That tallies with my local discussions. It started by local agents saying that they just couldn't get enough desirable properties, but is now more along the lines of "the market is stable". You may well feel that this is doublespeak for "there are no buyers" ? I've noticed that local agents seem to have more property for sale, and for longer, than 12 months ago. Peter
  18. Hi Oops ! I think you are correct ! Here is the correct link (touch wood !) : http://s.webring.com/hub?ring=britsinfrance The good news is that since I had the idea 21 people have signed up, and 1000 pages have been viewed. Peter
  19. Hi not quite gone forever ! The old owners are going back to UK, but keeping their house here with a view to retiring to it in a few years time. The shop is currently being refurbished. It will reopen as an ................. English bookshop (but with the tea room reinstated). Allegedly. More info here : http://www.aimoo.com/forum/postview.cfm?id=409079&CategoryID=110996&threadid=1272474&highlight_key=y&keyword1=as%20you%20like%20it Peter
  20. Hi The rendering should allow the walls to breathe. Therefore no resin or cement should be added. It is not always a good idea to remove external rendering (even sand and lime) because some of the soft stones are porous. Peter
  21. Hmmm Me, a cynic ? Nestle is currently rationalising its production of mineral waters. If you read the small print on the labels, they own quite a few (including Contrex and Vittel in the Vosges, Quézac in Lozère and Perrier at Vergèze). They have a proposal to dispose of the original spring and bottling plant at Vergèze, but keep the brand name Perrier. So where will the new Perrier come from ? Peter
  22. Hi I've been collecting links for a few years ! Here are a few which will appear on my new website (when I get round to finishing it) : http://www.the-languedoc-page.com/languedoc-links-1.htm I'm happy to add more, and change any broken links Peter
  23. Hi When we inherited a puppy, our vet recommended rabies jabs for all pets. We have no rabies here, but I think it makes sense. Holidaymakers, wild animals, could bring it in ? Peter
  24. Hi I came across this website : http://www.dontmovetofrance.org.uk I certainly agree that lots of research is needed. And crossing 23 miles of brown water doesn't guarantee arrival in paradise ! Peter
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