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Everything posted by PossumGirl

  1. I've seen this several times, Ian, and it always makes me smile.  Thanks for sending it along. PG
  2. [quote user="Forum Admin"]Then maybe only users/members of that website can see it? There must be a reason why some of you can and some of you can't. It's not forum settings. [/quote] I don't know, James.  I have it set to "public" so the theory is that ANYONE can see it.  What I find weird is that, Tresco, for example, was able to see it, but when she checked back she no longer could. My bet would be a Yahoo problem of some type, but what type, I have no idea... PG (perplexed...)
  3. [quote user="powerdesal"]PG, I still see it on this thread, have done all day. Regards [/quote] Well, that is just plain strange.  I wonder if it's a problem between individual ISPs and either here or Yahoo? PG
  4. Okay, I opened up a thread in the questions about the forum area and posted another picture, so we'll have to see if James figures it out over there! PG
  5. I was able to cut and paste a photo from my Yahoo Photos account on the "Please, Please, Please Help" thread over in the Internet/Satellite section.  Yesterday, it appeared to be there for all to see.  However, today, I am informed that others see only an empty frame with a red cross, indicating that there is no picture, while I am quite clearly able to see the picture when I look. I reset my Yahoo Photos account to make that particular picture "public" but that doesn't seem to have resolved the issue.  So, any suggestions on what I did wrong and how to fix it? I'm repeating what I did here with another photo: PG
  6. [quote user="Christine Animal"]No, still not there, and Fulcrum said the same. [/quote] I find myself flummoxed, as it was there yesterday and on my end, I've changed nothing?  Perhaps I will post a question so that Admin can ferret out an answer? PG
  7. I've actually thought of doing it, but we haven't had our antenna connected to our television for French TV in about 7 months and haven't missed it all that much. We mostly watch the British channels or DVDs, so I couldn't see even trying to spend the extra money.  I figured I'd wait until the TNT signal is available here and then just do it that way, which seems the best option for us. PG
  8. [quote user="Christine Animal"]Then Possum, have you deleted the photo from your Yahoo thing? Oh God........   Steve!   [/quote] Christine, check now.  I think it may have had to do with the privacy settings on Yahoo, which I've now tweaked.  Clearly, I can't tell as it knows it's me looking! PG
  9. [quote user="Christine Animal"]... Possum, don't know if it's just me, but can't see the Diva anymore.  She was there when you first posted it yesterday, but now just the empty frame with a red cross. [/quote] Christine, I just checked and she was still there for me.  I wonder if anyone else is having that problem??? PG
  10. [quote user="powerdesal"]Just by coincidence I have just poured one, I hesitate to admit this though - its Californian  ( my apologies to all )[:$] [/quote] Why, as a Californian (Ex), I'm flattered! Actually, we've had several bottles of Californian wine brought over for our friends here, and the verdict has been very positive! PG
  11. My mother is 82 and my stepfather is 68-ish.  They lived about two hours away from us when we were in California.  My sister lives on the East Coast and has major health issues, so there is no way she can get to see them.  I know my mother was sad when we told her we were moving, but I didn't feel I could stay just because of that.  With the traffic, we only saw them a couple of times a year while we were there. It's really out of the question for them to travel to visit us here, as they have small health problems that make such a long journey totally unfeasible.  We can't really afford to fly back there at the moment either.  So, we stay in touch by phone and all hope for the best as far as major health issues are concerned. Yes, I do feel bad that I don't know when I'll get to see her again, but we have a better life here and I have no regrets about the move.  One of the things we're supposed to do as adults is make our own way in life.  My case is extreme because of the distances involved, but the issues are the same for all of us. The worst thing in life is to live with the question of what would have been if only... PG
  12. [quote user="Christine Animal"]Great!  That's a lovely photo Steve, couldn't see it so well on the avatar.  Good one of your girl too Possum.  Looking forward to more photos... tell, me did you both use the copy and paste method? Looking back on the previous thread mentioned above, it looks as if when you delete a picture from Photobucket, it deletes it on here too by the IMG link.  I wonder if that happens if you have done copy and paste, maybe not.    [/quote] Thanks, Christine.  The Diva adds her thanks as well, as she's quite the glutton for compliments! Yes, I did use the copy and paste method and it worked easily.  It had never occurred to me that it was so easy to do it that way! PG
  13. Lori, call me paranoid, but I would be starting to wonder if it isn't a prank caller or worse.  If it goes on, I would go to your nearest FT office (I always find these things are so much better to do in person) and talk to someone there.  If it is someone doing it on purpose, FT may be able to put a trace thingie on the line. Good luck. PG
  14. I wonder if  you shouldn't check customs regulations to see what plants are allowed/forbidden for importation?  I know that California is more maniac than most places, but there,you aren't really even allowed to bring in most plants from other STATES.  Being in Oz, I assume that you are familiar with a similar problem? Good luck.  It would be a shame not to take things that you love. PG
  15. Tresco, I do agree that it's much better to be able to flip through the pages with books, but I'm afraid I'm an Amazon baby now.  First, clearly, for English-language series we're not exactly in prime browsing country.  But, to be honest, even in the last few years in the States, the hegemony of the big box bookstores made it difficult to see anything but the bestsellers or perennial authors.  Nothing a little less known was ever stocked, even in the mystery or SF aisles.  I've had a few disappointments, to be sure, but I find that overall, ordering online isn't all that bad. And, of course, if I'm collecting a series, I buy all the titles anyway! PG
  16. Tresco, we haven't had them in our village, but they've been having them in places near us like Camon and Puyvert.  I was very, very glad that they gave us a miss, as apparently the machine gun fire and grenades were going off for hours.  I think we would have had to scoop Maggie up from the floor with a spoon! PG
  17. I think it's an individual, personality thing.  We have a lovely vet.  He's Vietnamese (although everyone around here thinks he's Chinese!) and is extremely compassionate and loving towards the animals in his care.  I know several people who hold him in the highest regard for having saved their pets in really hopeless situations. I had great vets in the U.S., and ones who were less than wonderful as well, but who charged a small fortune for their services.  So, I don't think it's cultural at all.  Although, Ian may be right about it being a rural vs. city thing. PG
  18. [quote user="Croixblanches"]   ........but I am a friendless soul. [;-)] (Although Possum Girl loves me[:$]) [/quote] Just don't tell Mr.  Possum! PG
  19. We live in Chalabre and know Maitre Duchan well. We've used him for several things beyond the purchase of our house and have never had cause to complain.  Most of the English home buyers that I know around here have used him as well and all seem quite happy with the experience. We didn't have an official survey, but did have an engineer from Foix come out and do a report on the house before buying it.  Granted, it did have the usual things wrong with it, but he reassured us that there was nothing major, in particular structural, which left us feeling comfortable enough to go through with the purchase.  If you're interested, I can dig up his name. PG
  20. [quote user="Davidball"]I think the essense of the problem is that this is a 'girlie' book, one reason I tend to shy away from female writers, as a male reader I just got the 'this is a girlie book' feeling very quickly. [/quote] This is an interesting point, David.  When I was meeting with network executives, trying to sell animated series for the children's market, one of the things I was told over and over again was that girls will watch "boy" shows but boys will not watch "girl" shows.  Obviously, this is something that carries over to adults. So, the question is why?  Why can we enjoy an action flick, book or television show and you can't (or prefer not to) enjoy something that appeals to us? PG
  21. I must admit that I mostly like mysteries.  I tend towards procedural (like PD James), ,not-overly-cute cozies (M.C. Beaton) and historical mysteries (Sharan Newman, Peter Tremayne). Sadly, I find I have so much less reading time than I once did.  I'm about half-way through the Labyrinth, but Mr. Possum  told me the McGuffin yesterday [:(]and now I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it!  He says knowing the McGuffin doesn't matter, but it does to ME!  He is one of those irritating people who reads the end of a mystery before he really gets started.  I don't know how he can do that!! PG
  22. John, heartworm is a very bad disease.  In the U.S. it has spread to most of the country. I was using Heartgard there with Maggie.  I asked our vet (we're about 45 km from you in the Aude on the Ariege border) and they told me it is NOT a problem in most of France.  Perhaps in a few places right along the Mediterranean, but otherwise, not.  They suggested a twice a year worming with Milbemax.  However, since I am actually as, if not more, worried about Leishmania (again, not really a problem in our region, but we do visit Toulon occasionally), I use K9 Advantix which protects against mosquito bites.  That would lead me to believe that Maggie is then protected against both problems. BTW, the Scolibor collar also protects against mosquito bites. PG
  23. [quote user="Croixblanches"]No doubt someone will come along with a better suggestion, but I have been having a similar problem and downloaded some software called spamjab(spamjab.com) from the net..[/quote] I LOVE YOU!!! Seriously!  This thing seems to be truly amazing!  15-20 a day?  Try 300 a day!  That's about the number of spam messages that I get. Because my email addresses are the ones I use for business purposes, I can't simply drop or change them to get rid of the problem.  I know that we shouldn't publish our email on our websites, but that horse is long out of the barn. I keep waiting for there to be a catch with this service, but just since signing up, it's collected 20 spam messages. So, bless you, Croixblanches! PG
  24. [quote user="Fay"]I was really looking forward to getting stuck into Labyrinth but have actually put it aside after about 80 pages, which is something I very rarely do... I found her style too 'historical romance' for my taste, plus the descriptions of the modern-day heroine's slender brown legs etc every few pages got on my nerves... I'll give it another try at some point I guess. As another editor/writer (what a lot of us there are!) and ex-children's bookseller I read JKR in spite of myself but give me the two great Philips - Pullman and Reeves - any day. And on the other bit of 'thread' - great re-reads have to include To Kill a Mockingbird and, with a French theme, Greengage Summer.[/quote] Fay, I have to give you points on the "long slender legs" bits, as well as the other extremely pointless descriptions of people running their hands over various body parts!  Not at all necessary for plot, characterization, or any real reason I can imagine.  I have to admit that it's taking me way longer to plow my way through than I had hoped. I'm still a fan of JKR, but definitely agree with you on TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.  Also, I adore CATCH 22, periodically re-read the LOTR trilogy and, in French, adore ALL of the Pagnol works no matter how many times I read them. PG
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