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Pierre ZFP

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Everything posted by Pierre ZFP

  1. Without seeing a picture, it would seem that your options are a gate or some sort of hedge. HERE are some suggestions for wind tolerant shrubs
  2. Unfortunately now everyone on your friend's contact list can expect a whole raft of such scam/spam messages as the list gets sold from one evil scammer to another. It makes me so angry [:@]
  3. It's a phishing scam of course. It's been going around for a few years now More info HERE
  4. I had similar problems with a website I made for a friend.  In this case, some 'advertising agencies' were lifting the images and creating rather awful flyers etc that were available at a bargain price [:@] I followed the instructions HERE and immediately the Spam stopped.  It is certainly not foolproof and can be circumvented but it is enough to deter most intruders who will soon pass on to easier pickings. You do have to know a little bit of html to use it though
  5. Another great website, thanks. The section of that piece of yew illustrates perfectly why it is such a good material for a bow. The off-set growth rings means you can split and select the best piece. The heartwood is good in compression for the belly of the bow (the side facing the archer) and the sapwood is good in tension for the back of the bow (the side facing away).  The website also mentions cypress as a related wood and I have some nice seasoned staves of that....if I can just remember where I put them [:'(]
  6. That is a super website J-J, I have bookmarked it, thank you. I have no end of holly, hawthorn and elder but had never considered them before. I wonder if I can get out and cut something next weekend of will the sap already have risen? I also have a quantity of cherry but I have no idea how that would behave. I'm aiming (pardon the pun) for a bow of approx 70 inches, pulling around 55 lbs.  That's what my English Longbow is and I'm comfortable  with that.   I've also had requests for American flatbows but one thing at a time!  I once pulled a warbow of 220 lbs (after proper instruction) but the effort nearly killed me ! As an aside, I suppose that ash will be available in great quantities soon due to the regrettable ash die-back disease .
  7. It is a piece of beech because it was straight and available. I can't find any Yew, and I wouldn't waste it until I was more confident about my abilities.  I'm told that holly makes a good bow and I have some of that so I'll try that next
  8. Just to balance all the wonderful stuff that J-J has been showing us, I thought I would show 'n tell a failure [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb233/Pierrezfp/Bow-1st-try_zpskhedmz9q.jpeg[/IMG][/URL] My plan was to make a 'Primitive' bow  ie one carved from one piece of wood. I selected and cut a sapling then set about it with nothing more than a sheath knife.  To give an idea of size, it's about 60 inches long. So, after much carving and tillering (that is getting the limbs to bend and hold a bend), I made a string and tried it. First I used bow scales which told me that it's 30 lb at 28 inch.  A bit less than I would like but hey-ho Then it was time to use it.  It was at my club so everyone was watching.  I nocked an arrow and pulled it to my draw length of 29.5 inch There was a resounding CRACK and I now have what looks like a very large coathanger. Ah well, try again
  9. What's a pirate's favourite letter? Ye'd think it was R but his first love be the C
  10. Yes it's exactly as AnOther says Here's a link to French Government website.   http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F19083.xhtml which includes sample letters You may have to pay 1 month's premium to the old company but I wouldn't volunteer it!
  11. I had a very similar issue with the same company. They are obliged to send you a reminder 30 days before the end of the policy and in my case the 'reminder' was posted 2 weeks after the expiration date!  They too were getting very expensive and I found another/better/cheaper with an online comparison site. I wrote back to the agent (sent A/R) stating that they didn't remind me so they could go fish, I sent photocopy of the dated letter and the franked envelope too.  Never heard another peep out of them. There is a very good sample letter somewhere on this forum.  If I get a chance later I'll search for it.
  12. I saw the pictures of the bombing suspects at Bruxelles airport and to me it's bleedin' obvious they are up to no good. They are each only wearing 1 glove so they are one of 1. Golfers 2. on their way to a Michael Jackson convention 3. suicide bombers Now if even I can work that out .........
  13. Well, whatever is chosen for it's Official name, it is forever going to be known as Boaty McBoatface which I think is brilliant  [:P]
  14. Better than that, I send my gold Amex card and PIN so he can load it up with all the lovely loot. Before this, I didn't even know I had relatives in Africa, let alone one who would leave me an inheritance [:-))]  I wonder if I have any more? I think I worked out why I got a text in the middle of the night.  I upgraded my phone to Marshmallow and it seems to have reset some of the settings.  Easily put right now.
  15. This morning when I fired up my email I got not 1 but 2 emails from a very nice bank manager in Nigeria to say that he has lots of money to give me if I will just send my ATM card and PIN to him for confirmation. I haven't had one of these for ages :-))) I also got a txt and alert at 2 this morning with a message in French to call a certain number. Obviously a scam  (the number was in the Ivory Coast) but the thing is I have call blocking on my phone at night so I should only get alerted if the sending number is in my phonebook.  How did they do this?
  16. Don't forget that the England 6N Women's team is on for the Grand Slam too
  17. After Saturday, what do you call a Welshman carrying a bottle of champagne? A waiter [:-))]
  18. 10 years ago now I got done for speeding in Luxembourg (fair cop Guv, no excuse) and as well as a fine I was told I would have 2 points deducted Oh good! says I , that means I'll be on minus 2 :-)) They made me change my UK license for a Lux one as I was resident there, then took 2 points off   :-((
  19. Ha ha, me too! You probably ruined the tempering when you welded it
  20. I've never done this with fires tongs with a spring (mine are more the 'scissor' type) but I've tempered other things with springs. To temper your spring, you need to clean back to the bare metal with emery cloth so that it's shiny and you will be able to see the colour changes then heat as evenly as you can until it turns blue.  Then quench immediately. I would quench in oil but you can use water if you like.
  21. Try selecting Settings/network/select network  (ie not Auto) to force it onto LeClerc. (your menu options may be different but you get the idea) I've had my phone do a funny like that when it was in a weak signal area of my preferred provider and strong signal for another
  22. Pandora's box indeed. But not only is the box open but Pandora has scarpered off down the road and out of sight. Even Monsanto admit that they have no clue as to which soya is GM and which is not anymore (to mention only one crop)
  23. I'm probably wrong but I was under the impression that you can only claim your NCB once ie if you have say a car insured in UK then you can't use your 50% or whatever on another car insured in France.  The reason I say this is that when I insured a car in Luxembourg and provided the NCB proof from my previous UK insurer, I was explicitly asked if I was using the NCB on a car in the UK.  (I wasn't, having sold the UK car) I think  the insurance agent said there was a central insurer's registry but why there should be such joined up data is hard to imagine.  Still, insurers will do anything to wriggle out of a claim.
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