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Everything posted by anotherbanana

  1. I GOT MY ORDONNANCE for the JAB. Now to get a rendezvous!
  2. To slip sideways, I see that Mr. Potatohead has now been desexed, thus there is now a Mrs Potatohead. Somehow I rather feel that the female of the species might rather want to take up arms if called potatohead. But what about the other lot, Gay Potatohead, Transsexual Potatohead. If a Potatohead is transitioning to female, will the eyes be removed, so to speak. Should t the word eyes be changed as it might be offensive to those who are visually impaired. Will you be able to get an eye dog for potatoes.......? The madness goes on.
  3. Yes. Did think of editing it but decided to let Norman do it himself.
  4. What is the best translation of the English word ‘woke’. Norman asked for, one and I spent a good moment trying to find something that sums it up. Any ideas, anyone?
  5. ? The French words are so inappropriate - tiens toi au courant de ce qu'i se passe or être réveillé, even éveillé, or, one that has a touch of irony, dessaler. In English it seems anything that people want it to mean, largely IMNVHO revisiting English history to fit one’s own view or chip!
  6. Bad outbreak round here, the Nord Pas de Calais, with hospitals overflowing. One wonders why? Holidaymakers, too soon but definitely spreaders; wind direction blowing the virus this way, dunno. Definitely slow vaccine response; arrival of refugees in the camps round Calais, Dunquerque, doubtful. But, a new explanation for the fleet of rubber boats trying to cross the Channel is that those poor folk are trying escape the French peste and get to UK where they will be greeted by a person in a white coat with a needle, even if it is a vaccine which does not work in France!
  7. I did have you in mind when I posted this, Norman. Seemed right up your street.
  8. Elderly,fat males are **ggered, then? heigh ho, back to the bowl of gruel.
  9. Well, you can start by cutting TV ads which advertise unhealthy foods as well as stopping the glorification of fat people ( hides head as bricks fly)
  10. Some folk might be interested in perhaps joining the French Colonial Historical Society which seriously studies what the name suggests. Seems very woke but there is some good stuff in there if you have the interest. They are on Facebook.
  11. Plus the useless layers of bureaucracy in, particularly, France.
  12. So, a positive outcome, Danny. Thank you for keeping us up to date.
  13. They really do need a cattle prod in a very painful place. What a bunch of incompetents!
  14. My impression of UK after 24 years away this time and 2/3rds of my life is that I am not sure I know the place or that I could be happy there for the last years remaining. Much of what I see and hear annoys me or simply I dont understand. ALBF, I am not sure how long you have lived in France but remember that cultures are divergent and the UK may only be superficially worse or better than France in any way. So, you would have to treat the place ans a foreign country and see yourself as an expat. Would your wife like it?
  15. France has been playing that game for centuries.
  16. How it works? Cough please. Ok, you coughed, you’ve got it.
  17. Get partner’s approval. Learn to speak Woke, Bame etc. Find somewhere to live, region, area village or suburb. Find cash to buy rabbit hutch. Or wait to see if the impossible market is gonna crash. Dump unwanted unneeded household rubbish, cars, kids etc?. Just to start off.
  18. Well, judging by the number of folk on holiday round here and at the coast now we are in for a total lockdown pretty soon. This is entirely down to the Government playing politics with peoples’ lives and not taking hard decisions.. Just look at Dunkerque which could well spread along the coast with the influx from high infection areas such as Lille.
  19. Thanks, Nimt. Neither of my neighbours is yet 60 but have both had their first Pfizer jab. Apparently they were told there were some doses left over at the end of the week etc. So my ears pricked up.... By the way, does one need to see a doctor before being eligible for a jab?
  20. Checked the local vaccination centre today and guess what, it was closed. Mysteriously, when the Dunkerque outbreak was announced a reserve of several thousand doses was found and rushed to the area. Could it be that my local centre is shut because of this pr just because it was Monday? Am gonna try and get a priority certificate from my doctor on Wednesday.
  21. Try to catch them. when I can but miss a few I guess. Letes just keep it decent guys.
  22. Well I thin’k the Pas de Calais would be a lot wealthier if it had been part of England than an ignored part of La Nation.
  23. I notice that the writer did not include Oxford amongst the Universities making huge progress. Add Cambridge, Manchester as just two unis which have huge industrial spinoffs which constitue in many ways the future of the the UK. France usually buys or steals what it needs. Benefit they spent some of the money chucked down the drain in good living, wasted administration, foreign wars, cash down the EU drain....... one could go on.
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