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Everything posted by anotherbanana

  1. Well, Sunday afternoon in the village and it is so quiet that even the birdsong seems intrusive. Most of the dogs are napping it seems. Walking in the garden is a true pleasure with the sun just about right. There is one bird that stands out with its song which sounds like ‘plus vite, plus vite, plus vite’. Does anyone know what it might be? Even the little devil below is deeply asleep rather than terrorizing everything around her!
  2. A group of students at a college in Genk, Belgium attempted to break up a stand against homopgobia set up in the college cour. They shouted ‘Allah Ouakbar’ and attempted to physically disrupt proceedings and have a go at the volunteers staffing the exhibit. A sign of future intolerance in education in France too? https://www.lefigaro.fr/international/belgique-des-eleves-perturbent-une-action-contre-l-homophobie-en-criant-allah-akbar-20230514
  3. Illuminated water meter in a tunnel, well, that’s a new one!😵‍💫
  4. France is a small town in New Mexico, isn’t it!🤪😵‍💫
  5. The rich seem to think they can use as much as they like. How to stop them, the fines are derisory? https://www.lefigaro.fr/nice/secheresse-pres-de-cannes-des-proprietaires-consommeraient-jusqu-a-2000-metres-cubes-d-eau-par-semaine-20230511
  6. Mayor resigns his post after his home was destroyed by, apparently, by political opponents who objected to his opening a centre for asylum seekers near a primary school. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/politique/video-demission-du-maire-de-saint-brevin-les-pins-elisabeth-borne-se-dit-choquee-par-l-incendie-du-domicile-de-l-edile-et-promet-de-mieux-proteger-les-elus_5819318.html
  7. And my daughter woke me late in the night with a joyous cry of “ They got the barsteward, viva NY”.
  8. Battled my way from the Pas de C yesterday and back in probably the worst road conditions I can remember, continuous hard rain, light mist and the trucks playing dodgems. I gather there was flooding in Paris amongst others. Time for a decemt bit of late Spring, methinks.
  9. I suspect that the military or people with substantial military experience were behind it. The government depends on the Civil Service who seem determined to bring it down by annoying the population as much as possible.
  10. What great music that was in the Abbey.
  11. Ken, I have had a look at you email address, can find no anomaly. Do you have a hyper intelligent cat?
  12. a cross between a wolf and a berger allemand. Thought it was a wolf. Very beautiful animal but totally timid, cant be left alone. Doctored so she cant cross breed. Living with three very small children. But a question: should we be crossing wild wolves with domestic dogs, isnt there a danger and a risk to humans?
  13. Would it be better if you started again under another pseudo with fresh passwords etc? Perhaps we might have a poll as to your new name. I would suggest LoyalLass!😜
  14. Norman would volunteer, I am sure, for the attention!
  15. I will suggest this to higher authority, thank you.
  16. I have handed this to higher up the ‘food chain’. Please be patient.
  17. His application to be in the Abbey on 6th rebuffed, Norman has decorated his barrel and the streets around with miles of bunting and photos of Charles 111 and his Queen, as well as playing martial music over indiscreetly placed loudspeakers. He has also got hold of a dance troupe known as the Gay Gordons, dressed them in Guard’s uniforms and has them parading up and down what is known as Barrel Road. The gendarmes were called but he was able to show them that the guns were made of wood and the bayonets of chocolate covered in foil. There is still the issue of them dragooning passers by the contribute to the Royal Fund (aka Norman’s Fund for Entertaining Ladies!). His takings have gone through the roof! Now, how are you going to mark this momentous occasion, party, **** up privately, day of telly? Do tell.
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