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Everything posted by Owens88

  1. No problems for anyone to do that, just as long as the market you aim yourself at is in ample supply. For instance, advertising for one armed pole vaulters, over 45's only. There might well be a slight problem in ones earnings..... I agree wholeheartedly, but if you don't do something then don't gripe if the customers are outside your expectations.  
  2. The one in our local bar in Vernet also had some form of online gaming, so it fItted the bill in a PMU bar ! Some locals used it.
  3. Re: OP Children There are times when even parents want to be away from children. e.g. the rise of play barn pubs in Britain has been a godsend to us parents, but I am always amazed at people who eat at them without children in tow. I wouldn't. Surely you can establish house styles - e.g. a quiet relaxing place, a family friendly place (which doesn't condone extremes),  rugrat-free zone, etc.   I am currently trying to book a campsite for me and the kids (13/15) where they can surf. Some sites say no under 16's, one said no under 30's , some no single-sex groups, and one showed photos that made me feel young ! Each to their own and variety is good for a market. Regards   John
  4. [quote user="Tresco"] Because I am all seeing and all knowing..... [/quote] Cue for X-files music.  
  5. Yep, frustrating. I am missing it as well. Though I hope to get down there soon. (How did you know that I am not 'over there !' ) John
  6. Thanks for the correction. So eco is for those too simple to turn the dial down eh ? There's one to add to the list of 'most desirable features' then. Still, my (French) central heating has a 'cup of coffee' button. Something to do with temporarily not dropping the temp down to your normal tight fisted level while you have the neighbours in I think. Oh and it also has a 'if you are on strike on Monday ' button which temporarily replaces the Monday settings for the weekend programme. Sorry for the hijack. John
  7. In Vernet there is a communal washeteria (hand washing) with natural hot water.   Should I make that a feature ?
  8. Owens88


    [quote user="Hoddy"]Something occurred to me while reading the “Justice” thread. My last faint illusions about sport have now been dashed – I’m more of the Chris pp school of thought myself – or I was. Then I wondered why is it that when people have insulted me they have done it straightforwardly. They have never sought to insult my father, husband, brother or son. Come to think of it they’ve never insulted my female relatives either. Is other women’s experience the same as mine ? Is it a certain sort of man who goes in for this sort of thing ? Is it confined to the football pitch and rap music ? What do you think ? Hoddy[/quote] My initial reaction was to say that you cannot insult that which is not held in 'high regard', as mothers everywhere are. However that may be insulting your  father, husband, brother or son and your female relatives, please do not head butt me.  
  9. Here is what I thought it was. Confort will keep the temperature close to your target temperature e.g. the setting +-1 deg ECO will operate more 'coarsely' e.g. setting +- 4 deg or possible +1 -4   If the above is correct the confort will 'kick-in' more often. BUT I am only guessing really.      
  10. [quote user="KatieKopyKat"] ...When we rent a gite we sweep and mop through every other day. .. [/quote] It is an interesting one this. We don't want to live in a tip so we would all do simple tidying/cleaning as we go along (hey no peeking in my offiice !) . The reputation is that a French visitor will clean more thoroughly than that as they leave. Truly I have seen a French family even mopping steps in the common stairway of a , frankly, not well kept spanish property. But in a short holiday I don't budget for a half day spring clean on departure, and I don't think that others should either,  so we insist on our cleaners cleaning our gite between rentals. I'll take money out of the deposit if somebody has left the place in such a state that the cleaner's job is very difficult (only one occurrence - a dog !). However. When we have rented in Portugal (several times, a few years ago) the cleaners came in daily or every other day. That's nice  !
  11. Is it really necessary to supply a washing machine and a dishwasher in a gite? Well, it depends.  Ours is for families / groups so yes there will be some washing needs, probably, and without a dishwasher who does the dishes ? Also we are far south so most come by plane and are not cramming a car with clothes for a fortnight including 3 changes a day etc. P.S. WHAT'S IRONING ? John    
  12. I was looking for a 'what's on' forum but couldn't find it. This might be a hoot http://www.anglophone-direct.com/The-proms-come-to-Vernet-les-Bains   Regards John
  13. [quote user="Llantony"]I have yet to try them. I sincerely hope that my trip will be a pleasant one with no problems.[/quote] Lets face it the odds are in your favour. Have a good trip. John
  14. [quote user="Judith"] But the marketing mindset is a strange beastie - honesty and it do not mix! [/quote] Hey ! No fair. Do not brand all Marketers with the same tar brush. I am a Chartered Marketer and would never advocate a policy of cheap lead-ins and massive (disproportionate) add-ons. In fact many very good Marketers have succeeded on the 'all-inclusive' positioning.  Most business to business marketing is about building relationships not skinning your customer with add-ons and fine print. There tends to be a 'phase' in the evolution of a market. At some point the weak salesmen are in the ascendancy and create all sorts of scams to avoid telling the truth and selling value for money (even when their company does indeed offer value for money). Then something else happens; a Richard Branson moment, more confident Marketers, consumer reaction, whatever. Then the sharp-tongued ones move on.   As I said earlier Mr O'leary seems to be happy aiming for the cheap end of business travel (inc expats flitting between properties) and the short booze-break market (who probably spend a lot on board !).  Each to their own . Not sure about the business model though. I would invest elsewhere !      
  15. terrible men, they make money and jobs He He Lets face it they were amongst the leaders of low cost and they did drive innovation. Cheers. BUT. Not all the 'low cost carriers' do things so antagonistically as Ryanair and that is where the problems step in. Many of the problems  have been documented here and often seem anti-family; not all are streamlining by any stretch of the imagination! As a bus for work, or a cheapie for a P*** up, they work exceedingly well. But for the less frequent traveller, not reading and then re-reading the fine print frequently their tactics do seem almost designed to irritate, and so they reap what they sow in PR terms.  
  16. [quote user="Tresco"]  She has said she would appreciate following me and also having me in her car with her. [/quote] Funnily enough that brings up memories of Randall & Hopkirk (deceased).   Seriously though. If she has a driving licence stay out of that car. The last thing a nervous driver needs is a commentary. Take easy steps. Corner shop, Lidl, Super U, Auchan. Then try some roads ! Sorry I was being serious wasn't I ? Leaving an airport inspires mistakes in many people. Get her to drive you to the bar instead. You will at least get a calmer downer.
  17. The ONLY optional extra we have is bed linen and towels. The French will book without them (they are driving and bring their own) the others are not going to bring their own. We always have angst about whether we have provided enough (we do tea towels  for the kitchen and hand towels in the loos anyway !). There is a charge (11 euros pp for towels and bed linen) but the weekly rental price reflects that. We HATE having extras, but the French market is quite polarised about towels / bed linen.   John    
  18. What in hell is this all about?  What Celtic music group has reached the semi-final , and what of? Are there Portuguese celtic music groups ?   p.s. I was ion Manchester the other day. The tone of the Evening News was slightly different than 'don't worry Ronaldo as long as you score for United we'll keep on loving you'.  Any bets on where he ends up ? Singing soprano in a music group perhaps ?  
  19. Re 2) I couldn't get a re-direction to work reliably. A service with a big fee was eventually offered. Dunno if it really works.  BUT the various authorities are happy to bill you in the UK for  french property, good luck. Re1) I think that has been asked before in the computers and telephone forum. Can't remember the answer, sorry.  
  20. Well it let me in (ISP Murphx or BTinternet) but it is obviously not working right as I only got 2 correct answers ! John
  21. But which country ?   In France I am based very close to the Spanish border, and further south than many think of as the South of France. In England I live in the Midlands. In my heart I am still a Northerner (of the Yorkshire variety).
  22. But which country ?   In France I am based very cloise to the Spanish border, and furhter south than many think of as the South of France. In England I live in the Midlands. In my heart I am still a Northerner (of the Yorkshire variety).
  23. Owens88

    Last Word

    Unfair challenge. How can a male win a last word contest in mixed company ?
  24. From beloved to **** in 4 posts, at least it is quicker than those interminable Richard Burton/Liz Taylor films.   John Edited for offensive language
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