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Everything posted by pomme

  1. pomme


    Oscaro is merging with Parts Holding Europe Le leader français de la vente en ligne de pièces détachées automobiles Oscaro va être absorbé par le distributeur de pièces détachées Parts Holding Europe, maison mère d'Autodis, selon un communiqué conjoint diffusé aujourd'hui. http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2018/11/13/97002-20181113FILWWW00349-le-leader-des-pieces-detachees-oscaro-absorbe-par-la-maison-mere-d-autodis.php
  2. The cost of going to a garage to get summer and winter tyres swapped onto a single set of rims each spring and autumn make it much more cost-effective to buy a second set of rims if you are going to keep the car for more than a year or two.
  3. cajal: Perhaps you should read the history of Spanish Flu 1918-1920 which has been estimated to have killed more than died in WWI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu ? I remember having flu in the late 1960s (another pandemic) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_flu_pandemic A very unpleasant experience which I would not want to repeat. from https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine/ How effective is the flu vaccine? Flu vaccine is the best protection we have against an unpredictable virus that can cause unpleasant illness in children and severe illness and death among at-risk groups, including older people, pregnant women and those with an underlying medical health condition. Studies have shown that the flu vaccine will help prevent you getting the flu. It won't stop all flu viruses and the level of protection may vary, so it's not a 100% guarantee that you'll be flu-free, but if you do get flu after vaccination it's likely to be milder and shorter-lived than it would otherwise have been. There is also evidence to suggest that the flu vaccine can reduce your risk of having a stroke. Over time, protection from the injected flu vaccine gradually decreases and flu strains often change. So new flu vaccines are produced each year, which is why people advised to have the flu vaccine need it every year too.
  4. It is only an experimental service, being trialed in some regions: Pour la campagne 2017-2018 : Auvergne Rhône-Alpes et Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Pour la campagne 2018-2019 : Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Hauts-de-France et Occitanie http://www.ordre.pharmacien.fr/Le-pharmacien/Champs-d-activites/Experimentation-de-la-vaccination-a-l-officine
  5. You should also consider the replies you received for your most recent earlier request on another forum Feb 2017Have you read Comment ouvrir un salon de coiffure? and understood how difficult it is as you need to obtain professional qualifications, etc.?
  6. There was a reader comment in the le Figaro article on this today about it taking 8 months to get a gynecology appointment in one area. Hopefully there is some fast-track procedure?
  7. Mr Wiggy wrote: "The box I have is a M9Cpro which is connected to my router then with HDMI to the HDMI on the TV, The setting up was done by a friend who is more savy with these gizmos than I will ever be. Believe me it gets ALL the Sky Sports channels and ALL the EUOSPORTS sports Channels too." From the quick searches I've done this is just a basic Android streaming box which does not come with any software. I think you are going to be in for a surprise if you think it will just work out of the box. You'll need to ask your friend to set it up. As I said before, search for something like "best android streaming boxes" You won't find the M9Cpro mentioned. But you will see other boxes with a lot more recommendations in different reviews and a lot more user support.
  8. BritinBretagne, I was going to ask the same question of Mr Wiggy. It would be interesting for Mr Wiggy to give a link showing how that box can get Sky. As far as I can see, it is no different from any other Android streaming box, and probably just running TV streams in Kodi?
  9. Have you searched for something like "best media streaming device reviews"? I bought an Amazon Fire TV Stick from Amazon UK (the one on Amazon FR costs the same/more but is the basic version). They had them on special offer (£25 in the summer and will probably have them on offer on "Black Friday" in November). The alternative would have been a Roku (I already have a Chromecast) You will need a VPN which runs on your device (or router) so you might want to check that your VPN will work (I use NordVPN on the Fire TV Stick). You might find timezone problems for some services e.g. More 4 and need to set it on the device and TV before it will work. The BBC iplayer app might not work with the VPN and you will need to run it in a web browser. I'm not sure how you expect to get Sky?
  10. The meter is the responsibility of ENEDIS (EDF is just one of many suppliers of electricity). ENEDIS are in the process of replacing old meters with LINKY smart meters. You can check to see when yours is likely to be replaced in the LINKY web site The LINKY meters will report your readings automatically over the electricity network. They will eliminate the expense of meters (or outside boxes) being read manually. Unless you really need it to be replaced earlier than scheduled, e.g. because there is a problem, you could just wait for a LINKY to be installed.#s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }
  11. frexpt: If you are happy with the first replacement perhaps you should consider contacting the same surgeon/hospital. I'm not sure "most cost effective option" would be my highest priority.
  12. You will not really get a useful percentage. The refunds are based on the standard tariffs available for your region on ameli.fr. But hospitals, surgeons, anaesthetists, etc. may all charge a higher amount and any refund will only be based on the standard tariff. This page indicates 77.3% of hip operations were charged at more than the standard tariff with an average being 113% and a maximum of 300% (from 2016). This page gives an indication of costs for one establishment: (Base remboursable 489€ à 732€, le complément est à la charge du patient ou de sa mutuelle de 400 à 1000€ selon prise en charge) You will get a more realistic idea of costs by identifying where you want the operation to be done (hospital/private clinic, etc) and then get the surgeon of your choice to give you an indication of the hospital room, surgery/anaesthetist, after-care charges together with the corresponding Ameli refunds. You might find this article useful: Chirurgie: quel reste à charge pour le patient. Je vais prochainement me faire opérer de la hanche.
  13. The accident statistics for August have been published. The decrease in road deaths recorded in August is mainly for motorists, motorcyclists and moped riders. There is not enough data to indicate the speed limit change has had any (significant) effect (and I've not seen any commentary on the effects of increased crash protection/safety equipment in modern cars and the gradual reduction in older, less safe, cars on the road and the annual reduction in deaths/injuries). Deaths of pedestrians and cyclists increased in August. There has been a rise in the number of speed cameras being damaged. #s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }
  14. Even having ALD cover only means refunds up to the 100% level. If a consultant charges more than the standard rate you would need to cover the extra. There is a lot of pressure on the French social security budget and most hospitals are in deficit and there have been discussions to reduce costs including tightening up ALD rules, etc.
  15. I've got a neighbour who has a plot of about the same two-court size, on a slope. Until about five years ago it was their potato bed. But he is now in his eighties so they stopped using it and let it go to grass. It was then cut with a sit-on mower but for the last two years they have a Husqvarna robot mower (Robot Tondeuse Automower Husqvarna) trundling around every day. Not that it has had much to cut this summer.
  16. Yes, I should have mentioned car insurance as well as house/building insurance. Mine has similar cover where you don't need to be any where near the car.
  17. Search the Yellow Pages www.pagesjaunes.fr for "benne". But don't be surprised if you are quoted up to 500€. Easier to find someone with a trailer (or hire a van) to take it to the local tip. It will need to be sorted properly. You might find someone locally willing to collect the hardcore (remblai/gravats) for their building project or a local farmer wanting some to firm up a driveway.
  18. If you want to get some idea of power tool replacement costs you could browse these websites to start with: A few in France: Castorama, Leroy Merlin, Manutan BricoDepot and a few in the UK: Screwfix, Axminster, B&Q (diy.com), The Tool Shop. I'm sure someone will add some others.
  19. Check your house insurance with your insurance agent. You may find there is something there. I went to my agent to ask about travel insurance as the premium for my travel insurance renewal had gone up a lot. He pointed out there was cover for many incidents within the house/contents insurance. You should also check with your mutuelle to see whether there is any help available.
  20. Are you logged in to Google? If so, have you set your Google privacy settings to stop everything possible? myactivity.google.com Do you still get the same problem? You could also change your search engine in Chrome settings to DuckDuckGo. See this page for instructions https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/62636/add-duckduckgo-to-search-engines-list-in-chrome Or you could download the Adblock browser, DuckDuckGo Privacy browser, or the Firefox Focus web browser which has with tracking protection and content blocking.
  21. You would only need to declare interest/capital gains when they are realised. You do not have to declare the interest every year when you leave it in an ISA. Possibly more importantly, you would need to declare the holdings on French tax form 3916 if they are foreign holdings the from first year you make a French tax declaration. If you don't do so and the French tax authorities discover you have them the fines are high - 1500€/account/year for accounts in countries which France has signed a tax agreement (10,000€ for non-convention countries). https://banque.ooreka.fr/fiche/voir/571889/comment-declarer-un-compte-a-l-etranger
  22. Have you looked at the notes 13 and 14 on page 3 of form 1533-TIP-N-K which came with your tax avis? These are the notes concerning the foreign income. Mine is also significantly different from last year but I had some changed circumstances However I do not understand how the tax is calculated! The only way is either a visit to the tax office or working through the calculator in BrochureIR2018.pdf starting p314
  23. After using family recipes for many years, the Christmas cake of choice since 2005 has been the Delia Smith Creole Christmas cake (or variants if necessary, depending on ingredient availability). Search for that and you will find recipes online. Fully of alcohol-soaked fruit and spices.
  24. I'm not interested in any more electric generation solar here - not really enough roof extra space (although I still keep thinking about a water heating system). I can't do anything to my house in England either as it is in a conservation area and the south-facing roof can be seen from the road. I suspect some of the the tiles, but not the panels, will probably eventually be approved. So it was just a bit of interesting research.
  25. It seems the regulations changed considerably with new regulations in May 2017 so some of my earlier comments, based on my experiences of panels installed in 2012, are no longer valid. There appears to be a good summary of the changes (in French) here It is now possible to have panels mounted above the tiles on a roof (as in the UK) and there are significant changes in the tariffs for sale and also a significant move towards self-consumption and storage devices.#s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }
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