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Everything posted by pomme

  1. Somewhat chewier than chicken oysters but they were possibly overcooked (40 min) due to a long overseas telephone call. Cooked in a herby chorizo and mushroom cream sauce and served with mashed parsnips. They ended up snooker-ball sized having started as hockey ball sized. If we have them again it might be better to slice them first so they cook quickly.
  2. It seems I'll be having "Sot-l'y-laisse de dinde" (turkey oysters) from the anti-gaspi frigo tonight.
  3. Just waiting until something is decided. I'll keep the current prélèvement until then. You can always go online and change the figure at a later date if you can work out what a changed figure might be. Or ask the tax office to work out the new figure you might be charged and make the change for you.
  4. isitlunchtime wrote: "I can't blooming believe it - they've now just sent a breakdown of interest and I tell you what, it's a lot more than you'd get in a bank deposit account. 10% For the 2015, paid in 2016 6.4% for the following year paid in 2017 3.85% on the amount paid in 2018" Shouldn't the interest be more than that? Approximating (no compound interest) For 2015: Jul 2016-Nov 2019 is 1190 days = 3.25 years at 4%/year so 13% For 2016: Jul 2017 - Nov 2019 is 820 days = 2.25 years at 4% so 9% For 2017: Jul 2018 - Nov 2019 is 460 days = 1.25 years at 4% so 5%
  5. I've finally had a letter today stating my claim for the tax years 2015, 2016, 2017 has been accepted with a breakdown of the refund for each year. The payment will be paid automatically (as long as I am up-to-date) with my tax payments. However, there is no mention of any interest on the refunds, so the claim isn't quite finished yet...
  6. Again, there might also be the cost of a mutuelle top-up to add into outgoings. Taxe d'habitation is disappearing as long as your income is not too high.
  7. Have you checked your online account? https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/particulier You may have accidentally opted for the no paper option.
  8. Freeview boxes work in the UK because they use terrestrial signals from an aerial on the roof (or similar). So they are really no different from plugging an aerial feed into a TV and letting the TV find the channels. Freesat boxes need a signal from a satellite, of which there are many across the whole arc o the sky. The satellite dish needs to be pointed directly at the correct satellite (so aligned correctly both for east-west and angle of elevation) which is transmitting the (mostly UK) channels. To do that it is a lot easier with some sort of meter. Once the dish is pointing at the correct satellite the boxes will then find the channels. There is no need for the dish to be mounted high up; it can be at ground level. The Astra 2 satellites are about 36000 km away, so a few extra metres isn't going to make any difference. That makes it easier to adjust the dish.
  9. If you search for "vol de pots catalytiques" you will see plenty of reports and advice from the gendarmerie. It isn't just top-of-the-range vehicles. See https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/sep/20/theft-of-catalytic-converters-from-hybrid-cars-surges Toyota are having problems keeping up with the demand for Prius and Auris converter replacements.
  10. chessie, it isn't clear whether you already have a satellite dish and box for UK TV or whether you are asking about a completely new setup. You will need a satellite dish which points to the satellites at 28°E to receive the UK channels. That dish will need to be precisely aligned, which is the difficult part. As you are in department 47 you are going to need a largish dish (possibly 1m or larger) as the signal that far south is not very strong. You might still have problems with some channels and when it is wet of heavy clouds. If you have them, you might want to check with any UK neighbours about their dish size and reception quality. Once the dish is aligned a FreeSat box will tune automatically (and retune if the channel frequencies change). I would suggest a Humax FreeSat box. The soundbar will connect to the TV and I think will come with a cable.
  11. Your tax bill will have had a due date on it. If you pay online they take do the direct debit on the due date, not when you make the payment.
  12. I sent a message yesterday since it was early July, after the law had been confirmed on 1 July, when I last sent a reminder! The reply I received was "Rassurez-vous, votre demande est en cours de traitement. Vous devriez avoir des nouvelles très prochainement" So perhaps they are finally getting around to sorting out the refunds? I wonder whether they will include intérêts moratoires, or will they try to ignore it, as they initially did last time?
  13. This is a simulator which seems to include the most recent changes to the bands and rates https://www.previssima.fr/simulateur/estimation-de-la-csg-des-retraites-en-2019.html Using your total income will probably give you a worst case/overestimate. I've not checked how government employee pensions are to be included
  14. I think the "other than" means "which is not". Box 8 is just the catch-all for revenues which do not come within boxes 6 and 7 The section descriptions on 2047: ÉLIMINATION DE LA DOUBLE IMPOSITION Lorsqu’une convention fiscale a été signée entre la France et le pays de provenance de vos revenus, la convention prévoit des modalités d’élimination de la double imposition (voir notice). Selon la modalité prévue par la convention, remplissez l’une des rubriques 6, 7 ou 8. 6 REVENUS IMPOSABLES OUVRANT DROIT À UN CRÉDIT D’IMPÔT ÉGAL À L’IMPÔT FRANÇAIS Si la convention fiscale applicable prévoit l’élimination de la double imposition de vos revenus imposables en France par un crédit d’impôt égal à l’impôt français correspondant à ces revenus, indiquez le montant des revenus, après imputation des charges (salaires et pensions sans déduction de 10% ou des frais réels), sans déduire l’impôt payé à l’étranger. Reportez le total de ces revenus ligne 8TK de la déclaration no2042 7 REVENUS IMPOSABLES OUVRANT DROIT À UN CRÉDIT D’IMPÔT ÉGAL À L’IMPÔT ÉTRANGER Si la convention fiscale applicable prévoit l’élimination de la double imposition de vos revenus imposables en France par un crédit d’impôt égal à l’impôt étranger, indiquez le montant des revenus (après imputation des charges sans déduire l’impôt payé à l’étranger) et le montant de l’impôt payé à l’étranger (montant déterminé page 2 pour les revenus de capitaux mobiliers). Reportez ensuite le total de cet impôt sur la déclaration no2042C, ligne 8VL (revenus de capitaux mobiliers, plus-values, gains d’actionnariat salarié) ou lignes 8VM, 8WM, 8UM (autres revenus). Le crédit d’impôt sera limité au montant de l’impôt français afférent à ces revenus. 8 REVENUS EXONÉRÉS RETENUS POUR LE CALCUL DU TAUX EFFECTIF autres que les salaires et pensions Si la convention prévoit que vos revenus de source étrangère sont exonérés en France mais retenus pour le calcul de l’impôt sur vos revenus imposables en France (taux effectif), indiquez vos revenus autres que les salaires et pensions, après déduction des charges et de l’impôt payé à l’étranger. Reportez le total de ces revenus ligne 8TI de la déclaration no2042C. Si vous avez perçu des salaires ou des pensions, déclarez-les directement lignes 1AC ou 1AH et suivantes de la déclaration no2042C sans les indiquer ci-dessous. see also the 2047 covering explanation https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/formulaires/2047/2019/2047_2655.pdf
  15. slowfox05 This page gives a good explanation of how foreign income, including tax exempt, should be declared but how it is still taken in to account in calculating your taux effectif https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/international-particulier/questions/taxation-income-received-abroad
  16. "Un autre Gallois" wrote: Social charges already deducted from AV, so received amount net! Request for amounts taken to be refunded. Watch this space! UaG Were they social charges? For 2019 they changed one so it was no longer a social charge but a general catch-all prélèvement de solidarité tax at 7.5%. The remaining social charges are the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) 9,2% and the Contribution au remboursement de la dette sociale (CRDS) 0,5%,
  17. I'm just happy I placed my order for 1000 litres of heating oil last week rather than leaving it another week to see if the price dropped further. Should keep me warm through the winter and hopefully the price will be down again by the time I need more.
  18. Is it a statement or is it a bill requiring payment? Have you looked at your account on Ameli to see whether/how much you have been refunded by CPAM? And also checked you mutuelle account? It is possible the hospital hasn't yet sent their bill to CPAM directly.
  19. Left click on the UBlock Origin icon on your toolbar. The is then in the bottom RH corner
  20. I use uBlockOrigin and see the pop-up. However if I click the symbol at the bottom of the UBlock Origin drop-down menu to disable JavaScript on the web site I no longer get the pop-up. Privacy Badger does not cause any problems. But I think I might need Javascript on to log in.
  21. I'm not sure if it will help you, but I used the conciliation service to resolve a right-of-way problem. There is a description here www.french-property.com/guides/france/working-in-france/letting-property/disputes/conciliation-service
  22. www.gov.uk/guidance/driving-after-brexit-for-uk-licence-holders-living-in-the-eu states You will still be able to drive on your EU licence when visiting the UK
  23. If you have a smart phone there are various ways to block spam SMS. For Android Google have built in a blocker which will trap known spam SMS. See www.malwarefox.com/block-sms-android/
  24. Any prélèvement you are paying now is for your 2019 tax bill. They made an estimate at the end of 2018 of what you are likely to pay and are taking that (it was detailed at the end of the 2017 tax assessment statement). It will be reconciled next year when you have completed the 2019 tax return and you will either get a refund or a demand. The tax bills being sent out now are for 2018. 2018 is only an année blanche if your tax, according to the assessment you submitted earlier this year isn't significantly different from the last few years (this was to stop individuals taking a large additional payment in 2018 hoping it would be ignored in the année blanche). I still had a small adjustment to pay because of higher dividends, etc causing no more income tax but some "social charge".
  25. I'm not sure which form they are on since I've done my declaration online for several years. On the same screen online there is also: Revenus de source étrangère ouvrant droit à un crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français 8TK . If you are domiciled in France and you have received income from a foreign source, you must complete a 2047 declaration and / or a 2042 C declaration according to your situation. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/particulier/questions/comment-seront-imposes-mes-revenus-percus-de-letranger
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