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Everything posted by EmilyA

  1. Test message number 8. If it works then thanks for torn paper tip.
  2. Which all comes back to what I was saying. The problem is not with the CMU and who it is or isn't intended to be for, the problem is with the daft system of having different caisses for different occupations instead of one integrated system. That is why the founding principle of the NHS is so wonderful and why people should fight for it.
  3. That is shocking about doctors not wanting patients because of the late repayments Cerise, I didn't know that.
  4. I agree with every word of that Betty. Interestingly our doctor was saying the other day how it is daft that he had to train for ten years to diagnose a cold and how much better it would be to have triage at the surgery and nurses to do some of the work that doesn't need a doctor. Well it is like that in England said I - and there are specialist clinics for diabetes, hypertension etc all within a practice (I dare say there are practices where that doesn't happen, but can only go on what my friends and family tell me). I read the article in today's Observer about private healthcare providers setting up in tax havens ready for the break-up of the NHS and thought - why are people complaining about the NHS, why aren't they out there fighting to save it...
  5. I think sometimes people get the wrong idea from the term early-retired. Of course in a few years time this will include people of 65 plus. In actual fact I would guess that the most expensive bit for claims is statistically more likely to be when people are post-retirement age and in receipt of an S1.  
  6. Surely the best record of this is still Marcel Ophuls wonderful film Le chagrin et la pitié. We still watch it from time to time and squirm at the guilt, shame and bravado of the testimony. The German officer at the wedding is just unbelievable.
  7. Thanks Richard. Yes I think it is amazing that people can't see that one day they might have to take a tablet for high blood pressure so then they can't get PHI and they can't move to another country... I also think it is amazing that more people are not out fighting to save the NHS (but that is another thread...)
  8. I have lived in France for some years Rabbie.  I don't like discrimination against people on grounds of ill-health or disibility. I don't like the fact that some French people are excluded from health care because they can't afford to pay.
  9. I don't understand why you would be a drain on French resources. If you were required to pay in a minimum sum at say 3000€ a year to the CMU would that really be a problem? Yes some people will get ill and cost more, but others won't. Why would you need to discriminate against people who have long-term conditions and can't get PHI?
  10. I quite agree that noone should move to France or anywhere else unless they have the means to support themselves. I just don't think people should be prevented from living somewhere because they have a condition that stops them getting private health insurance.
  11. My point is just that if you have a medical condition like high blood pressure you can't get private health insurance and no matter how much money you might have to pay into the system, you can't move to France, unless you are prepared to go uninsured. That makes me very uncomfortable. Edited to say that this is not in the same order of awful things as French people not being able to afford health cover in their own country.
  12. Fine Norman, but then you exclude anyone who takes a couple of pills a day for high blood pressure or diabetes. As long as you have a minimum payment (possibly around the private insurance mark), then I can't see the problem. Of course you could always put them in one of the other caisses if you want one just for the poor, but personally I prefer to think of it as the caisse that is there for everyone who doesn't fit in elsewhere.
  13. I completely agree Lou. I can never understand why people don't comment more on the ridiculous bureaucracy of the health system as well. All those separate caisses, IT systems that don't work, lack of use of email, complex systems for payments and refunds. How much money goes on all that? Also I get cross when people have a go at the immigrant early retired paying into the CMU. It is hardly their fault is it, that that is where the system has decreed that they should be? I am all for a minimum charge to the CMU, but I don't see how you can blame people for being put in it in the first place by the French authorities.  
  14. I used the term "ex-pat bubble". I was talking about the people I know who go from one (almost daily) ex-pat activity to the next. Choir, cookery club, book club, walking group, bingo, dance class etc etc. At village events they all sit together, never mix and only ever say bonjour to anyone else. I even know some who proudly say "Oh we never mix with the French." I think that is wrong.
  15. I agree Coops, it is partly about being disenfranchised, but also because I am quite confused. I am a life-long socialist voter, but I find the PS so conservative that I am not sure what I would do if I could vote. Quite agree Cerise about brushing up against reality dealing with RSI and the like; it amazes me how people float along in an ex-pat bubble and never realise how difficult things can be. Then when they do have problems they think it because they are British, not realising that is exactly the same for the French. And yes I am horrified that my elderly neighbour can't get a hearing aid even though he is so deaf that he didn't hear a fire engine go past the door last week.
  16. Our Lacanche electric oven reaches a very high temperature and the top element grills beautifully. It came with an oven tray with a grill on too, but no handle. Not cheap though.
  17. Are you sure that RAM have got everything they need from RSI? We waited two years for our CVs and in the end we had to sit with them at RSI while they phoned our caisse (Muti in our case). It was clear from the conversation that Muti were waiting for RSI to debloquer something. Once this was done we were able to get the cards. I would go and see RAM and RSI and stay until you get it sorted.
  18. It reminds me of the article in the local paper about Sunday opening, where a small shopkeeper said "Customers have got to learn that they cannot have everything they want..."
  19. I remember talking to some young French friends about credit card debt in the UK and explaining how people took on a new card to pay off the old one and then another to pay off the one before. They said "Do they commit suicide?". I said I didn't think so, but it made me wonder if that is something that happens more here.
  20. Thanks SD that is useful clarification. I can't imagine our tax office would dispute it, but the link is helpful. RSI didn't know anything about the S1, but our health caisse understood straight away.  Norman, I was very clear when I spoke to Newcastle that we would receive a small French pension. They were equally clear that it was the country where the majority of contributions had been made who would issue the S1 i.e. the UK.
  21. We received a pension but below the minimum for regular payments so we got a (small) lump sum each. Took S1 forms to health caisse and they were accepted.
  22. I don't think that is right Sprogster. We retired and closed our micro-entreprise and now have our S1 forms because the UK is where we paid the (vast) majority of our contributions. Normal 70% cover no 8%.
  23. I think for it to be an oxymoron you would have to say something like "French entrepreneur"....
  24. Yes I'm with Kathy. Love the sound of children playing, can't stand traffic noise and barking dogs (actually howling dogs as there are five hunting hounds chained up next door but one.)
  25. Would be interested in knowing which are the good websites for swapping? The only one I found is linked to an estate agency and would presumably cost the same in agent's fees. Also to the OP, where did you actually advertise in your UK location?
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