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Everything posted by Cerise

  1. Eaten it now - so probably got foot and mouth as well as mad cow disease.  Seriously, I beleive you but it is hardly well publicised - friend would not have flouted law on purpose.
  2. Friend brought me a large cheddar cheese and a large stilton last week.  Frankly it never occurred to me to think about it (does anyone seriously believe F & M could be spread by a shrinkwrapped cheese in the bottom of her bag???) but anyway, no problems getting them here - Brittany Feriies - no questions asked and very delicious they are too.
  3. Well done Jan.  I'm still stuck at the same place and constantly being invited out to eat so not doing too well.  At least I haven't put any back on so perhaps have to get stuck in again when I get back from holiday.  Where are the others - so skinny they have fallen through a crack in cyber space?
  4. I make breakfast for my guests when they want it within reason.  Had some lovely fishermen who had breakfast at 5.30 but they did have to put up with the sight of me in my dressing gown!  Most of our guests are lovely, we enjoy having them stay and many come back. BUT - I have noticed that people are becoming more inconsiderate.  Many people have VERY high expectations and really would like us to be an hotel with 24 hour service only cheaper.  Realistically it is getting towards the end of the season, we're all tired and I think owners come on here for a good rant to save them being unpleasant to their guests.  Perhaps they forget that the guests could read this forum (and maybe we should have a private rant bit where they can't).  I think wen's post was like that - I'm sure she has had lots of nice guests but the one's for whom you prepare dinner and then they phone to say they have decided to stay out, those who spray the walls with suntan cream and those who think you are some kind of doormat do stick in your mind at this time of year!  Last week I had people who complained that I was out when they arrived at 14.00 despite having been told that if they wished to arrive before 16.00 I needed to be informed.  When I pointed that out (politely) they said "Well we never expected you to go out!"  Actually they were OK afterwards but at the time I really felt like telling them to get lost.  I find that many people are put out that rural France doesn't have the facilities they are used to (no launderette, no internet cafe, no supermarket open all hours) and sometimes that is all my fault! I like our guests generally and they like us too if the number of presents, invitations to stay and return visits are anything to go by.  But we are all human and like a moan occasionally.  If you have a busy B & B you get a huge cross section of humanity through the doors and like people everywhere they are good, bad and indifferent.
  5. 1lb off since last week but out to dinner to night and guests requiring 4 course goodies for the rest of the week.  Determined to lose 6lb before end of September (dream on).  Foot STILL stitched up so exercise curtailed as I can't wear any shoes except flip flops and I'm scared to walk on uneven ground in case I do more damage.  Allowd to swim again now, but weather a bit cold. Well done all you "losers".
  6. Just googling 1001 things to do with an axe - having been incredibly vicious to some poor unsuspecting telephone salesperson.  Cold shower, cold shower, cold showe  ... if only I could remember where I'd left the axe.  Who are you calling grumpy?
  7. 12.5 minutes of sleep london eye - as much as that?  My thermostat is broke and I think I have moved to a tropical place.  I haven't so much put on weight as failed to lose it.  I think I may be turning into a sauna.  And is it me, or am I getting grumpier?  No - just damn place is too hot and what with that and the lack of sleep .......
  8. Hello, I'm back and still the same weight boo hoo - though at least I've not put any back on.  I've had a bad accident to my foot, so little exercise and no swimming, though the stitches are out on Friday so hopefull that will improve.  Combined with non-stop table d'hôte meals and the dreaded aperos not a lot of hope for my diet.  Going on holiday 28 September and would so like to lose a few more pounds. Jan you can pm me 'cos I am that fat, menopausal old bat![:)]
  9. Cooperlola and Logan - you have to try my dinner party gambit.  So fed up am I of hearing people complaining about England, full of immigrants blah, blah, blah, that I now smile and say sweetly "Oh, I do understand, rather than live next door to an immigrant you find it SO much more fun to BE one."   Find it shuts them up a treat.  We had nice home, cars, jobs etc in UK and guess what, we have nice home, cars, jobs etc here.   Neither place is paradise, ups and downs in both.  We were mostly happy in UK (and in answer to l'etrangere why leave - just for a bit of an adventure) and we are mostly happy here.  One of these days we'll move on to try pastures new, but it won't be because we failed or didn't like it, will just be a case of trying something different. Yes - I reckon Clarkson has a point - often wondered why if many of my compatriots were so 'happy' that they spend so much time in the local bars.  
  10. Magnolia - if you only charge 10 euros a head then your guests will bite your hand off, you'll be cooking for the rest of your life and you won't make any money.   Most people do want wine (you could charge extra I suppose - but extras don't go down well) and anyway soft drinks e.g. Coca Cola work our dearer.   We charge 20 euros for 4 course meal with apero/wine/coffee and 10 euros for light meal (salad/pud/glass of wine).  Going to put the price up next year as it's not really very profitable.  Depends what you serve, of course, but we reckon as the cheapest menus are in the region of 20€ at restaurants round here and apero/wine/coffee adds up to at least another 10 per head then we are a bargain.  Trust me, it is exhausting cooking for the assembled hordes every night and you have to eat with them and be nice as well - not always easy when you are tired.  Barbeque for 18 last night and - joy of joys - a weekend to look forward to catering for carnivore French who don't like veg much and a group of Brits who are strict vegetarians is making me think of giving up the whole cooking idea!    
  11. Don't do sport and don't support anyone - that's me out then!
  12. My favourite line from customer (American - sorry all Americans here).  My husband tells them route to local tourist atttraction and warns "Be careful how you go, as you have to go over a  narrow 12th century bridge".  American customer squealing with delight "Oh my God, 12th century, in America we didn't even HAVE a 12th century"!  
  13. Well blimey- I thought I was having a good year, but me and OH don't even pay tax with me doing the B & B and him working full time (French wages)!   In fact we qualify for 'prime pour l'emploi' we are so poor.  I'm sure that if you are in a very touristy area you can make a living out of B & B but we aren't and although we do OK and are not exactly starving to death I wouldn't like to make anyone feel it is easy.  I too have 4 rooms - but only count as 3 because two are a suite and I only let them to families or friends so even when 'full' often there are only people in 3 rooms.  We are normally only full in July and August and even then occasionally have a room empty for a night or two.  From April - October we normally have someone here most of the time and through the winter few weekends here and there.  I'm not complaining as the 'season' here is only about 8 weeks long and everyone seems astounded at how busy we are, but I'd hate to give anyone thinking of buying a B & B the impression that they could fill it up for 21 weeks easily. Coco interesting your pattern.  We had quiet start to June, so busy in July that actually had someone sleeping in my office one night and had to put overspill for Occitan week in friend's house down the road.  Hardly got any bookings for September (but we've had loads of last minute stuff for August so that could change) but good advance bookings for October.   For the last 3 years the last week in August has been exceptionally quiet (in fact last year we went away for a few days) but this year we are full until the end of the month.  I've been trying to see if there is a year on year pattern but there doesn't seem to be.  Glad your year is going well, ours is too and I'm a bit surprised as all around me there is doom and gloom from the local restaurants etc and the local fêtes say they are well down on numbers.  Let's hope the good luck continues. Night off from cooking tonight.  Just as well, running out of ideas and been hobbling round all week as half severed my big toe last week, a bad idea in season.  So aligot and sausage from the village tonight and then feet up for an hour or two.  Bliss.  
  14. Cassis - what a great idea.  Betty - would you be prepared to cater for the more mature client with that 'French Countryside'experience, think milkmaid but with wellies, tabard, headscarf and cig in corner of mouth.  The wetsuits could go down a storm for our 'nautical feel' weekend (just pop down to Marseilles get me a couple of sailors for authenticity).   Can't have Arnie cornering the market in naughty B & B's, can we?
  15. Good idea Betty - we'll get working on our brochure!  Will send you a copy - purely for reference you understand[;-)]
  16. You - me - the cattle prod - the 'Private sign' - don't tell Jude or 'im indoors.  And that dress!!!  Not sure about the rats though - are we obliged to have them in B & B?
  17. The whole of this thread is making me chuckle.  Most of us try to be nice to our customers and most of the customers are nice right back.  I have cheerfully sat up until 1.00 am to let someone in when they asked nicely, explained the reason why and were basically nice people.  I've also provided a meal at 11.00 pm for someone who was unavaoidably delayed and had had an appalling journey.  We don't want to be miserable gits, but we are providing B & B at 50 euros or so a night in our own homes where, strangely, we have our own lives.  If I'd wanted to work in a 24 hour fully staffed hotel I'd have done so.  The occasional ego-maniacs who have come away for a good week's whinging do rather get up my nose, but they are the minority. Personally I reckon we should make this bit of the forum access for B & B owners only - then we could have A REALLY GOOD MOAN.  What do you reckon? PS Cassis my dear sausage I love the frock.  If your pigsty is full I have a few vacancies in the hen house.
  18. Garden full of cherry trees so we are "Les Cerisiers" - not such a good idea as no one English can pronounce or spell it - but we like it.
  19. Will - showers thermostatic and hooray we are connected to main drains.  First time for ages I've felt really smug.  Usually feeel as though I don't really belong in France 'cos I don't have a fosse septique[:D][6]
  20. Congratulation Lizzie - very hard work and I understand it works for you, but as you say plenty of family to support you (even though I'm sure that means more work sometimes).  I run our B & B alone - though husband is here after work to give a hand with meal times, and I'm also in my 50s so frankly at the moment I'm exhausted.  For last 2 days I've had a 7 month old baby to take care of (emergency hospitalisation of friend) and I just don't reckon I could do this with children unless I had family support.    Original poster didn't say what (if anything) else they have to do but if they have to work elsewhere as well - and most B & Bs don't provide an adequate income for a family - then they may find it restrictive.  But, as I said I know someone else who manages to do it and 'Chapeau' to them too.
  21. Well Lizzy is obviously lucky and has nana to help with the children - but when you are busy you may find that you don't have much time for them!  Definitely easier if you are not doing evening meals.  During the summer months I even feel guilty about how little time my dogs get and yesterday I realised I hadn't rung my poor mum for more than two weeks.   If you need to make a living from this thing you will need to be busy and take all comers - maybe even loads of one nighters so constant chageovers are the norm.  Don't say how many rooms you have and how far from the guests your children are, whether getting up and going to school will interfere with your guests breakfast time etc. I personally wouldn't want to do this job with children in tow, but I do know some who does - seemingly successfully - howevere she too has a resident grandparent to help out.  I don't think it is impossible but the children may well feel it inteferes too much with family life as it means you can't go out as a family for most of the summer.   Always having to be home all morning and after 4.00 pm limits you somewhat.
  22. To make life easier for you - we don't have welcome packs for our rooms - or any notices of any sort!  Our B & B is our home and even in hotels notices get my back up so certainly don't want them in our bedrooms.  We have a presenter thingy in the hall with local info and a largish selection of guide books/maps/local interest things on a small book case.  Any peculiarities or rules of the house we simply tell people. I suppose some people feel the need to provide lists of instructions, but a B & B is only small and we're mostly around so people can ask if they need to know stuff.  Probably because I'm lazyy too and don't believe in making work for myself.[:)]
  23. Back again - been too busy to post for the last couple of weeks. That however has the effect that I haven't put on any weight even though we have had huge amounts of food.  Am trying to be cheered by the fact that I am half a stone lighter than when I first posted on this thread and have stayed that way for a few weeks.  Am about to give it another go and try to lose the next half stone.  Perhaps that is the way to go?  I'm still envious of those who seem to lose weight so effortlessly.  Expect your 2lb is water retention Jan - if you've been standing outside recently you are sure to have soaked up some the amount of rain we have been having[:)]
  24. Hello Jan - you are not out there alone, but have been having computer difficulties with all the storms and am hiding from the B & B guests who are less than happy about the weather.  I've just been to the boulangerie wearing boots and an anorak.  Remind me, is this really July? Not bothered with the diet this week, but haven't put any weight on so feel a bit happier.  Don't think I'll be able to do anything much for a bit as we have 4 course meals EVERY night for the next 2 weeks.  The curry sounds great - but sadly I have to produce vegetarian meals which can also be eaten by French guests (with the addition of meat) and most of them view vegetarian as an illness and curry as the abomination of the devil!  No accounting for tastes eh!
  25. Well done Lynda - glad you are back.  I am as miserable as hell.  Not eating most the things I like has resulted in me losing a total of 6lbs.  Well at least I lost something - but it seems so little I really feel like I can't be bothered.  Why does everyone except me lose pounds and pounds when they try to diet?  Constant eating out and B & B meals makes the whole thing extraordinarily difficult - and frankly I WANT to eat peanuts, olives and drink a few glasses of wine more than I want to lose weight!  I hate the weather too and feel generally very sorry for myself. Ignore me, I'm a miserable cow.  I'm glad for those who have lost more weight than me.  I will try not to give up, but it is very difficult.  I think the only successful way to diet is to live alone with no social life, and that just doesn't appeal.
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