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Everything posted by betty

  1. Théière, Put your glasses on, they posted in June!
  2. It never ceases to amaze me that when someone goes to the trouble to give a well thought out and intelligent reply, the OP does not have the courtesy to say thanks.
  3. Could anyone tell me where I can buy a whole turkey (fresh or frozen) at a reasonable price for this time of year? I would expect they are available in Paris but I am in dept. 22 Thank you.
  4. Many years ago, a small child (about 9) was hit by a car close to my street. Parents refused a blood transfusion, she died. Yes they were JW. If they want to die, let them, it’s their loss. As a taxpayer, I don’t want huge amounts spent arguing about it in court making the lawyers even fatter than they are.
  5. I guess this post was made after an aperitif......
  6. I reckon that a minister or two have shares in the companies that manufacture them
  7. Back to the OP. Last week, Carrefour Market (Dept 22) had plenty by the motoring section 2.20€ (for 2) None at Super U.
  8. My advice would be not to buy until all of the missing permits etc. are granted and paid for. You may want to sell one day, what will your buyer say? The notaire is probably not concerned because his fee is at stake.
  9. Boiling a frog If you read my post again, I said “the yanks refused to believe that Scotland was part of the UK” This was not about the Scottish legal system but purely a matter of general knowledge. So, contrary to your beliefs the yanks were not up to speed…. Incidentally, ACPO Criminal Records Office for the UK covers England, N.Ireland, Wales, UK Armed Forces and Scotland.
  10. and it's free, unlike the UK who charge about £80.00 BTW, when I applied, the yanks refused to believe that Scotland was part of the UK, so if you lived there for 6+ months you may have the same problem.
  11. My local tax office advised that UK state pensions must be placed at 2047 VI as JohnRoss has correctly pointed out. I see some posts talk about placing the amounts in 2047 VII which is incorrect. Apparently this was changed from VII to VI last year just to keep us on our toes. Sorry if this error has already been mentioned in an earlier post.
  12. Q. Use elbow grease, I’m sure in your self acclaimed expertise you know what this is.
  13. Moderators please note, there appears to be two Betty’s which could lead to some confusion.
  14. I have to travel from Guingamp (22) to Paris (75) to an address near Tour Eiffel. The easiest is by train but they arrive too late at Montparnasse so that would mean a hotel the night before in Paris, I have to be there by 9H00. So I thought about driving to an area say Boulogne-Billancourt, parking and taking a taxi, I need 5 hours there. Any suggestions, experiences or thoughts please?
  15. betty


    If your pet needed some pain relief, why did you not ask your vet what to buy at the pharmacy? It would have saved time and further stress for the poor old lad. I presume by the time you had the answer, it was too late to buy something today, so he will have to suffer until tomorrow. I’m glad you’re not looking after me!
  16. [quote user="Ivan"]Shiba Inu must be a small dog! Our dogs eat about 20 kg a month which works to about 3 bags a month for us. Because we are exchanging dollars for euros that makes it cost us about $281 a month versus the $35.00 a month we now spend. There must be something less expensive. We currently use a Turkey (or Salmon) and sweet potato mix which is a good nutrionally balance food. Any more suggestions from anyone for less than a euro per kg.[/quote] Not too sure what you have been feeding your dogs on but my son tells me good dog food is more expensive in the US than France. You want food at less than I€ per Kg! I think your dogs will be unhappy with their diet.  It depends on how much you think of your animals I suppose, in your case not a lot I think.  
  17. [quote user="Judith"]Unused or not, I would have thought they should have been checked when first installed or when you first moved in, and used on a regular basis, to ensure they kept working. [/quote] Yes they should have been, hindsight is a wonderful thing but I have had much more important issues to worry about up to now.
  18. Thank you for your comments. It is not a case of breakdowns or corroded batteries. Re the remote operation of the blinds, the wall switches cannot be operated by remote as the builder installed manual switches (much cheaper) instead of the correct interupteur à distance. A long story why this has only just been noticed but the two rooms concerned have been unused up to now.
  19. My house was built 5 years ago but I have only just noticed a couple of installations made incorrectly in accordance of the specifications in the contract. One error was for the VMV connection and the other for the remote operation of window blinds. I asked the builder to come and put this right but he basically told me it’s too late as these items are out of guarantee. My argument was it was not a matter of guarantee but one of a breach of contract but they don’t want to know or help. Any advice please?
  20. betty


    Thank you for your replies. I have a prescription and Rennes was mentioned but I would prefer to go to a hospital a little further west if possible for ease of travel and closer to friends if help was needed. There are a few horror stories about MRI, hence my asking for a recommendation.
  21. betty


    Can anyone recommend a hospital between Brest and Rennes that has a good MRI unit? Thank you.
  22. What will I do for the future? I have to have insurance, at my age it is difficult and expensive BUT without it, I could lose my home in paying medical bills. Did you know? if you get mugged and shot in the USA... YOU have to pay. Bills will easily reach $100.000+
  23. I still think insurance is needed particularly in the US. What annoys me is when you have a valid case some companies make all kinds of excuses why they won’t or cannot pay. If your policy states a 5,000 payout for a loss of a limb then if you loose an arm they should pay the 5,000, no further questions or obstacles. Of the two companies you mentioned, one gave me a lot of problems and the other I was advised not to use. The solution, win the lotto and then take your own army of doctors and dentists etc. Sid. Just read your latest post, thank you for the info. I think the bit about contacting their medical claims first is more for hospital admissions. The claim I had trouble with was for just $215 emergency dental treatment, I am still waiting for the big one to go through. The high cost of treatment in the US is ridiculous; the first thing the hospital asks ‘do you have insurance’? One bill originally for $2204 immediately went down to $372 when I told them I had no insurance.
  24. Sid: No not a pre-existing illness, in fact my claim was perfectly valid but the company gave me a hard time. I had to threaten them with the ombudsman before they finally paid up. (I said that they did not want to pay). The insurance company is one of two you mentioned yourself back in December 2009. More of a clue and my knuckles would be rapped no doubt.
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