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When i was travelling I used to send a recap of my adventures by e-mail to a list of friends (real people not fessebook friends) who had sai they wanted to keep in touch, in hindsight I dont know how many of them really did want to recieve it as only a handfull used to send messages to me which were very much appreciated. These same people also suggested that I continued to do so after moving to France but I havnt.

Now had FesseBook been around then I can see that it would have been the ideal vehicle, people could have checked on my progress if they wanted to and not recieve effectively unsolicited mail, not really sure how it works but I guess that they could have also gossipped amongst themselves about me which is human nature after all.

I really dont get the whole thing about becoming friends with people whom you have never and may never meet, yes there are people on this forum that I think perhaps I would get on with but who is to say unless you do meet, and surely to have friends there has to be some proximity between them at least in the early days of a relationship.

My nephew died of liver failure last year, he was very introverted and I though that he didnt have any proper friends, he was 30, had worked in MacDonalds all his life and had never had a girlfriend or driven a car, he was paid once a fortnight and would go out with the two buddies he had and blow all the money binge drinking in one weekend out of every two.

I was shocked to hear that there were over a hundred of his friends coming to the funeral but someone warned me that these might be Facebook friends, my sister had been updating his facebook page as his condition worsened, the minister at the crematorium read out many of the touching tributes that had been left fo him, afterwards we put on drinks and food at a loacl pub and I did my role of thanking peopel for coming to pay their respects, it saddens me to say that whilst some of them did know David personally having worked with him for a short while at MacDo's most of those had not seen or heard of him for years before facebook, there were many other friends who it turned out had never ever met him face to face.

They were all very respectfull at the cremation and our family wake and most seemed genuinely upset, tears were shed etc, I just could not and still cannot get my head around the fact that many of them never really knew my nephew, they all did however carry on what I choose to call the celebration of his life in the bars in town that evening. 

The cynic in me could say that some of saw from facebook who and how many were attending and so got the Friday afternoon off work to attend a funeral that they knew would end up in a good night out afterwards, I also tell myself tha but for facebook many of these youngsters would have never have reamed contact with him after leaving MacDo's and would not even of known of his death, perhaps they were actually the best friends he had.

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On Facebook  most of people have no avatar  and  give their true name . That's not the case here . It's a little bit different .

Sincerely, there are good things on FB too . And you can choose what you share , with whom .

If you decide not  to answer to a request  systematically , it's as if you said in your true life : "I have enough friends ; I shut my  door  ..."

why  ?

Yes , I'm agree , it would have been better to find another word for " Friend" .

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[quote user="gardengirl "]I dislike the whole idea of it. I often receive emails saying that people want to be my friends and to click. I haven't and I won't; I'm happy with friends I have and forum friends.[/quote]

I was under the impression that people on Facebook can only send requests to people who have an account with FaceBook

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Most multi national PLC's do not personally take up references these days, there are companies you send the candidates information too and they investigate. The always look at social networks and often appear as wanting to be 'friends', they also look at these photo and video hosting sites as well like 'Youtube'. The point is these sites and what you can put on them can come back and haunt you later on if your not careful. Personally I wouldn't have anything to do with them, if I want my friends to know what I am doing I either email them, phone them or better still go and visit. I do have a PhotoBucket account but I only use it to post the occasional photo on this website, if there was another way I would delete the account. There is nowhere to hide on the Internet and once your picked up it's almost impossible to get away, bit like a rabbit in headlights.
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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="gardengirl "]I dislike the whole idea of it. I often receive emails saying that people want to be my friends and to click. I haven't and I won't; I'm happy with friends I have and forum friends.[/quote]

I was under the impression that people on Facebook can only send requests to people who have an account with FaceBook


Well, all I can say is that there have been 2 requests so far this year already - and neither of us have an account. One was from someone who's in a group I belong to in France, and the other was people known from a professional association in England. I always just delete them.

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One of the reasons people receive invites to participate in other online activities is simply when, for example, email addresses held in Hotmail, etc are culled as relationships.

This is one of the insidious realities of what is called Data Mining.

When you are online, Google et al stores vast quantities of data about you, your IP address, preferences and so on.

It is used (Abused IMHO) by commercial interests: and often sold on to Third Party operators without your knowledge and consent.

Consumer Profiling is the polite euphemism for data snooping and collation.

See Here:

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[quote user="Cluzo"]Im impressed and jealous Pachapapa that you now have a thousand "friends" on Facebook

How sad am I !!!!!!!!!!!    

Like you Pachapapa a daughter opened FB for me and one for my OH about 2 years ago .  BUT Ive only got about 6 friends ( if that) and my OH has about 7 . and they are all relatives !!!!


Which comic is it who said "I can count the friends I have on the fingers of one hand and then I'd have a couple of fingers left over"?

I can relate to that!  Well, perhaps I'd stretch to "the fingers of both my hands.....etc"

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ok... well I may as well throw my vote in ... I like FB  [:$]

I have found lots of old friends that I'd lost touch with... people I worked with, girls I went to school with and I get to say hello to folks that were once part of my life and I would not have been in touch with them without FB.

I don't have 1000's of friends, I dont join any of the daft groups... I don't make endless pointless posts... but neither do my friends.  I do however, keep in touch with folks, share photos and news... it's generally all light hearted and I like it.

I think there are lots of ways you can use FB... I prefer the quiet approach... it works well for me [blink] [8-)]

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[quote user="AnOther"]

If I tell you that I call it Feces Book I think that will succinctly convey my own thoughts on the subject.

EDIT: Oh for Gods sake, what on earth is wrong with the word F.E.C.E.S [:@]


Did you mean fæces book?[:P]

There you go this site wasn't set up by someone with ancient greats. Slips through the filter like..

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[quote user="AnOther"]

Thanks, sometimes the software behind the site is...well...fæces [:D]


You naughty little boys, writing rude words on t'internet, next thing you'll be drinking orange juice and jumping on an off buses while their still moving [:D]

Anyway back to reality, I use Facebook as a communication tool. I was fortunate many years ago to marry and Irish girl and now I have 14 Brother/Sister in laws, what with children, Grandchildren you can imagine how many there are  (no you can't) The Kids started it and persuaded me to participate, which I do occasionally. If used properly and for the right reasons it's fine. People say that it's an invasion of privacy, some people on here write the most revealing things about their life, things that I would never dream of  sharing with the general public, let alone the authorities, and you don't think this site keeps tracks on your habits? Dream on; like all things you must keep a proper perspective on these new modern ways of socialising, and if you don't like it? Don't use it. [I]

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]http://uk.news.yahoo.com/38/20110127/ttc-seven-things-you-should-never-do-on-f0c422d.html

What not to do on Facebook.[;-)]

I think that would also apply to this and any other forum, blogg or social networking site on the Internet. Or any stranger you happen to be talking to on the train on your way to work.

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I agree with the lovely, intelligent Rose! FB is good for finding and catching up with old friends. I use it to promote the odd concert ( yeah Wooly my concerts really are odd) and that works well too.

For those of you who haven't experienced the hell that FB can become here's a very funny video by the South Park series 'poking' fun.


And for those of you who are more familiar with FB.


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