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Bother. [:(]

Not the news I expected to see when I signed in this morning. Sorry you're both having to go through this again but very glad that Deb is back where she needs to be. Very best wishes to you both and I have things crossed in the hope of good news in the next day or two.

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[quote user="cooperlola2"]Please take a deep breath. The cancer is back, now on Deb's liver. More than that I really don't know, and what lies ahead is completely opaque, but it won't be fun, that's certain.[/quote]

There are a lot of people on this site rooting for you both: if there is any way in which we can help, please ask.

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I am really sad to hear that, please give her my best wishes.

I notice that even at a time like this she is thinking of others, not wanting to disturb a room-mate with nocturnal film watching, that is so like her. I had the misfortune to share a chambre after a very painfull operation with a muppet that insisted on having the Tv on all night as he couldnt sleep unless it was on and loud as well.

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I am very sad to have your news.  OTOH, the liver is a very large organ and you only need a small part of it to function so I shall wish, and pray,  very hard that they will be able to remove the affected parts and she will back here joking and laughing with us very soon.


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Liver cancer is serious but it can be and is treated successfully.

I was in the nursing home last year with a lady who had had the same primary cancer as me, followed by liver secondaries.

She was in fine form, although she had an impressive scar.

So take heart. As many have said if anybody can fight this it is Debs [:)]

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I really don't know what to say.

I'm sure you already have a good network of friends and neighbours ready to offer help, support and encouragement, but if there's any way I can help, in any capacity, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thinking of you both.

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I have only just seen this thread - with so much dismay - and can only echo what others have said - how much Deb and yourself are in my thoughts and how much I would like to find a way to give help and renewed strength for this new ordeal.

Whatever happens, I can only say "chapeau" to the courage that both you and Deb have shown in the past, and are continuing to show. Wishing you the same courage and fortitude for whatever comes next, and hoping that the tremendous amount of good wishes from the network  of friends (known and unknown) that she has made over the years, with her love of people and her generosity of spirit, can make a little difference. She is a very special person, and so are you. Here is hoping that luck will also come into it, and that she will recover from this new blow. Love to you both.

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Deb had a poor, tossy-turny night, but I've Just had a txt to say she's been seen by a psychologist, a masseuse, and a doctor. The old lady, probably gaga, with whom she's been sharing since Weds p.m., is being moved out. I visit this afternoon, natch, and we may try to get Deb online.

Pleased to note that you lovely lot haven't lost your warmth in the past 4 years since I started posting bad news on here!

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