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Re: Odd vaccination appointment

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Also, it's interesting in the constant mention of the "UK" variety, but I don't hear anybody on France 24 talking about the "Chinese" version

I’m fairly sure that the term U.K. variety was first used in the U.K. to identify it as being a different mutation as the South African and Brazil mutations have been labelled. Nothing malicious here, just an accepted system.
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Did the 'UK' version start in the UK, is the Kent version different? or were these simply seen as  new variants by UK scientists?

Spanish flu didn't start in Spain.

And even if these new variants did, better for the scientists to recognise all new variants immediately.

AND Macron, well, he is going to relentlessly blame the UK for everything, just because he is.

At least on the news over the last few days, the Moderna vaccine is going to be made and bottled  in the North East of England,to give us some independence from  uppity european leaders who cannot get their act together.

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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]...

I’m fairly sure that the term U.K. variety was first used in the U.K. to identify it as being a different mutation as the South African and Brazil mutations have been labelled. Nothing malicious here, just an accepted system.[/quote]
On the odd snatches of Coronavirus News at 5 I encounter, I hear the UK variety being referred to as the Kent variant. Presumably the B117 variant is too difficult for the population to remember especially when you include the B1351 (South African variant), the B1128... [8-)]

As you say, BinB, nothing malicious, just convenient.

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Not sure about the 'nothing malicious';  I regard it as subliminal brain-washing, ie repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.
Who referred to this virus as the 'chinese virus' - which let's face it is the truth.
Trump, no matter what you 'think' about him, or what your 'truth' might be - he called it the chinese virus.  And was attacked for being rascist.
Now we get the 'UK virus' - really - that's not rascist ? 

The 'UK variant' can in truth only be called the UK variant because it was dscovered by the Genome Tracing labs - and it is more than likely it arrived with the visitors on their rubber dinghies.
There is so much hypocrisy, lies, face-saving going on.  France and Germany messed it up for the whole of the eu; Merkel/Germany because she 'thought' it would hand more power to her friend VdL and the eu Kommission.   France/Macron pushed for the French Sanoffi - pride and greed.....
Unlike the UK they didn't hedge their bets - that's capitalism isn't it ?
What has happened since then with the eu has been a disgrace - the whole world, and international companies, have watched in horror.  There are already signs of companies no longer wishing to sign any agreement, or co-operate with the eu.
And OxfordAZ have said they'll never offer an at-cost vaccine again.  A humanitarian act, paid for by the UK tax-payer, has been rubbished by Know-nothing little peacocks in the eu.

Anyway - do let's be careful; I know I've had a political rant, but maybe, if others wish to do so, then we should start a new thread about the eu and its long-term relationship with international companies.

Here - we're talking about lack of vaccines, lack of appointments, another lock-down looming.
I've given up on even trying to make appointments.
Even in the largest department hospitals - there are no appointments being made, 'there is lack of supplies'.  So there's no point in phoning my doctor, nor visiting the pharmacy - nor the vets !!
We'll just have to face the fact that for most of us it's going to be a waiting game; that we're having another year of limbo.

And I'm finding it tough.. like everyone.

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There is a UK government list of variants with location where first detected https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-variants-genomically-confirmed-case-numbers/variants-distribution-of-cases-data (short URL https://tinyurl.com/ygsgnyam )

My daughter had her first Pfizer vaccination in England in early January (as civil servant offered late in the day to finish up a batch after no-shows). For the last three weeks she has had Covid-19, which was identified as VUI-202102/04 on that list (there is no agreed international naming system for variants), and is now finally recovering. She was due to have her second vaccination last week but it has been postponed for another two weeks.
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Have no idea what you are agreeing with or in fact, what you are talking about. If you are going to comment on what I write then it would be nice if you read it properly. What I originally wrote was hardly controversial but perhaps it was too difficult to understand. Thinking seems to be the problem!
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By nature I am a nice person, honestly. Unfortunately some simply want to argue for arguments sake. I had finished with this particular person incidentally. I have had better discourse with my grand daughter aged 7!!
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Oh dear - please don't tell me I've upset anyone.  I never meant to - if I had.  Why would someone not want to respond to me.
It's just I thought this thread was about people's chances of the vax appointments, their experiences, their hints, and any physical reactions or side-effects of the vaccine.
For our own information.

Maybe it was my fault it drifted into politics - in which case I apologise.
And if that's so then if I've caused someone to 'drop me' then please - whoever is 'Modding'  this please delete my posts.
Just didn't want it to veer off into semi-politics - which would have been better as a separate thread.
But what do I know.
I apologise.

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Is it alright if I mention that I managed to get appointments for MoH yesterday? 

Went on the Doctolib site and got her appointments for16 April and 14 May.  Over 70s ( she is just over but still looks younger to me[:D]).  I know I'm a flanneller.

Appointments are in Limoges but, as we are midway between Périgueux and Limoges it  isn't a problem.

Today there are now some appointments showing for some centres in department 24 on the Santé,fr site but they are disappearing rapidly.

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[quote user="chessie"]
Not sure about the 'nothing malicious';  I regard it as subliminal brain-washing, ie repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.
Who referred to this virus as the 'chinese virus' - which let's face it is the truth.
Trump, no matter what you 'think' about him, or what your 'truth' might be - he called it the chinese virus.  And was attacked for being rascist.
Now we get the 'UK virus' - really - that's not rascist ? 

The 'UK variant' can in truth only be called the UK variant because it was dscovered by the Genome Tracing labs - and it is more than likely it arrived with the visitors on their rubber dinghies.
There is so much hypocrisy, lies, face-saving going on.  France and Germany messed it up for the whole of the eu; Merkel/Germany because she 'thought' it would hand more power to her friend VdL and the eu Kommission.   France/Macron pushed for the French Sanoffi - pride and greed.....
Unlike the UK they didn't hedge their bets - that's capitalism isn't it ?
What has happened since then with the eu has been a disgrace - the whole world, and international companies, have watched in horror.  There are already signs of companies no longer wishing to sign any agreement, or co-operate with the eu.
And OxfordAZ have said they'll never offer an at-cost vaccine again.  A humanitarian act, paid for by the UK tax-payer, has been rubbished by Know-nothing little peacocks in the eu.

Anyway - do let's be careful; I know I've had a political rant, but maybe, if others wish to do so, then we should start a new thread about the eu and its long-term relationship with international companies.

Here - we're talking about lack of vaccines, lack of appointments, another lock-down looming.
I've given up on even trying to make appointments.
Even in the largest department hospitals - there are no appointments being made, 'there is lack of supplies'.  So there's no point in phoning my doctor, nor visiting the pharmacy - nor the vets !!
We'll just have to face the fact that for most of us it's going to be a waiting game; that we're having another year of limbo.

And I'm finding it tough.. like everyone.


You are exposing some of your true colours in that rant. Nasty dangerous stuff.
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BritinBretagne said : You are exposing some of your true colours in that rant. Nasty dangerous stuff.

What twaddle.

And you are exposing a cretinous amount of HMTL.

Who wants to read a whole load of '


It isn't difficult to remedy this. Just click on the button that says EDIT fgs.

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Just not having that Ken, acting like seven year olds indeed, that is the implication if conversations are better with a young child!

You live in France and SURELY, you have found like me, that the french will argue black is white for no particular reason whatsoever, just when they feel like it.

They will say it is being friendly taquin'ing someone, but still, I have seen arguments at my own table that have IMO, been full scale rows and was always shocked when no fists were in action, but they never were, although I have had someone walk off, once!

So non, not seen anyone  acting in anyway like  things are in 'my' France in real life. I would NEVER suggest to french friends that they are acting like children, even when they are being chicaneurs and very provocative!

AND such is the internet, that we are all capable of reading things that we take to be truths from places we judge to be reliable, and in fact  may no  longer be, or their offerings have been skewed in some way, or are just plain wrong and we end up being spoon fed fake news. But how can we tell, I suppose that that is the other question.

Chessie, nothing wrong with your posts[:)]

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No - please don't - we've been getting some very useful, up-to-date and personal information from people who've managed to 'beat the system' or whatever to get appointments.  I'm turning green with envy but wish every one good luck and good health.
If my posts have caused problems then please delete them. I'm more interested in the information being given by the lucky ones.

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