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2nd jab a 12 week wait in my old village


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From what I heard, the speed of start, through trials, to production (which also started before permission was granted to produce) was because all big pharma worked together and forewent immediate profits, and yes, part funded by governments. 

Looks like Pfizer has now reneged on this, and thus the backlash .. and some of it must be political because all the science proves the argument for using the AZ vaccine rather than against.

I had the Pfizer, but it was my doctor's choice, not mine.  Which might prove other fingers in pies too .. I'd have been very happy with the AZ. 

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Have just read that the E.U. is considering (threatening!) to withhold vaccine from any country that has a higher vaccination rate. Top of the list, and of course the villain of the piece, is the U.K.

Does that stupid woman not know that this cock-up is of the E.U.s own making? In any event just what is to become of the stockpiled vaccines that they are refusing to give their people?

The E.U. has become dysfunctional over this vaccine fiasco and I sincerely hope the world is taking serious notice!! Clowns like her, Macron and Merkel have to go if sanity is to prevail.

Anyone who thinks this isn't political and aimed at the U.K. because of Brexit must be simple!
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The eu is walking into extremely dangerous water.

As I understand it the essential lipid needed for the Pfizer is ONLY made in the UK - nowhere else.
The UK should immediately put a ban on exporting this essential lipid until the eu comes to its senses.
Which will be never.

We had that french twerp who said that the UK had 'banned exports of vaccines' - which was an out and out LIE - and which he had to retract.   But he didn';t apologise, and nor did the retraction gain much publicity.  So he lied.   That's the depths they've sunk to.  And now Fond of Lying (with her German broomsticks for guns) is threatening wholesale disruption of normal, commercial, legal trade.

They have gone totally and completely bats.

But if you were the CEO of any pharma company, or ANY company come to that, which manufacturers, or is based in the eu - wouldn't you start to have serious worries about an organisation that will step in, control what you can export, go through all your records - and STEAL your IP products ?

They will all leave the eu, not want to start up in the eu - and they'll all turn to the UK.

But what an utter, total, wicked disgrace they are.  The eu has put 'ideology' and 'face saving'

They are wicked, evil beyond words............

And the whole world is watching, open-mouthed, at their antics.


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The vaccine war is warming up nicely! Now India has blocked exports of the vaccine to the U.K.

Can't blame them I suppose as they are looking after their own people; perfectly reasonable and unlike the E.U. which is playing politics and doesn't seem to care too much if europeans die just as long as they can have a 'dig' at Britain.

Mind you; given that the AZ vaccine is at cost price and in effect subsidised by the U.K. it does seem a bit ungracious they should block all exports! The E.U. I can fully understand but not India.
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I haven’t seen reference to a block on exporting the OAZ vaccine from India to the UK, only a hold up.

I feel terrible that the UK has been able to receive vaccine from India - there has been one batch delivered already, I gather.

The vaccine manufactured in India was intended for ‘for low and middle-income countries‘ - which category do we come in to?

AFAIK, the vaccine that might be blocked from the EU is the Pfizer vaccine from Belgium.

But what on earth are EU leaders getting into such a lather about wanting the UK to deliver a vaccine to them that they don’t trust and of which they have put a stop on vaccinations.
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As was said, not a block from India, just a delay. 27 millions first doses in the UK at the moment, we are doing well, even if things slow down a bit.

Nervous breakdown mint? What a lovely and generous lady you are..... there is nothing but malice associated with this.

How dare they feed such propaganda to the people of the EU, most of us have been anxious if not fearful for the last year. And now something that will help is being treat with such derision, shame on them.

Even if they have mental breakdowns the best that could be done is stuff the lot of them in an old fashioned mental hospital and chuck away the keys.

I have NO SYMPATHY for them at all.

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Not quite sure of the difference between the Indian government blocking the export of vaccine and the temporary halting of exporting it! Depends which newspaper you want to quote I suppose but it amounts to the same thing i.e. they won't be sending any! As I said earlier, a little bit ungracious being that they are getting it at cost. (our cost!) I would have thought that a reduced supply rather than simply blocking it would have been much more diplomatically acceptable. Then again I suppose diplomacy is in short supply everywhere these days!
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I can't wait for them to introduce the Co-vid pass, unfortunately, with the idiots in charge we will all be dead before they get it sorted out. I watched the announcement of the pass and it seems that everybody will get it if you've had a vaccination or not, another bullet in the foot moment for the EU commission.
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Surprise, surprise. The EMA clear AZ vaccine, the one they never condemned in the first place, for immediate use and have basically told the EU, particularly the rogue states to basically 'get their fingers out' and return to vaccinating its citizens instead of letting them die.

I suppose we will, no doubt, be witnessing dismissals of senior medical advisors to at least 17 country's governments.

Ha. Don't make me laugh.

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Ken, my understanding, having looked into Indian vaccines further, is that raw materials are one huge problem, with some exports from the USA being stopped by order of Joe Biden.

One expert said that another problem was that making the OAZ vaccine (unlike the Pfizer vaccine) is like brewing beer - sometimes whole batches don’t turn out right and have to be thrown out.

When I have my second jab in 9 days time, I’m going to think of it as being like the Rebellion IPA, that I’m drinking as I’m reading and typing this post, going into my arm.

As Prof, Jonathan Van Tam said yesterday, it’s no good in the fridge, it’s only of use when put into arms. ?
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Unquestionably the supply of the raw materials is of importance for obvious reasons. Though I don't think, in this particular case, it is why India has blocked exports. They are, it would seem, concerned that they need the vaccine for their own people; understandably.

As for 'brewing it like beer' Yes, I would agree that some doesn't make the grade and is dispensed with. It does take time to 'brew' the vaccine and that is probably why the relatively slow roll out.

I'm supposed to get my first jab Tomorrow but given the latest fiasco surrounding AZ I don't know if it will happen; we shall see!

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It would be so nice if 'newscasters' gave news instead of asking questions! The newspapers and media are there to inform rather than to speculate. This is partly, if not completely ,to blame for people not taking up the vaccine. Spreading uncertainty and near panic shouldn't be the function of the BBC or anyone else.

I had my first jab yesterday. The place in St Jean De Luz was near empty! The Red Cross staff outnumbered the patients by about four to one. France will never get vaccinated at this rate and life will not get back to normal any time soon. I wonder when people will hold the politicians responsible for this fiasco, probably never!
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Ken - totally agree with you about 'newscasters'; useless - more concerned with being 'celebs' than just giving us the news.  Today's media are a disgrace - think they are more important than the news.   Loathe the lot of them.
As for holding politicians to account; well Merkie is leaving - but she was responsible for Fond of Lying;  Macron is facing his Waterloo soon.  The Greek woman was and is totally useless.  But as for holding to account the real numpties responsible for this - well go on - who are they?
With the exception of VdL and the Greek woman, who we all know about; who were the others on the 'committee' responsible for placing the contracts with the various pharma companies - do we know any of them ?  No.
Can we hold 'them' to account - No.

That's the wonderful eu - we haven't a real clue who these people are -
and even if we did - we couldn't get rid of them.
So there is NO accountability; NO 'get rid of' option available to the 450 million european people is there ?
I visited our local Pharmacy last week just to ask (with no hope) about any possibility of them providing the vaccines - none - no plans.   Was referred to hospital an hour's drive away, or health centre 45 minutes drive away.
Then the pharmacist shrugged and said 'There are no vaccines anyway - we have a shortage.....' !!!

We can only sit and watch while the UK opens up again; it's Springtime in the UK, the right time of year for socialising again, and for pubs and restos opening up fully and everything returning to normal; people are returning to their offices, and life will be good again back in the UK in a few months time.

France - lockdown, curfew, another horrible 6 - 8 months.
What an utter shambles.

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Agree it is all such a shambles.  I did put husband's name on the pharmacie wait list for a vaccine (I don't qualify yet).  They will call when they have restocked vaccines and his name gets close to the top...

Congrats Ken on your vaccine.  Good for you !

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Had the jab. A little bit like having a rum and coke! I did a hard days work in the garden afterwards removing the roots from a tree so can't be bad !!

It is essential that everyone does get vaccinated. This won't go away otherwise.

My wife has a little after effects but apart from the 'rum and coke' feeling I'm fine. Incidentally I did have a couple the same evening!!! My wife declined!!
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Thanks for the update Ken.  Hope your OH feels better tomorrow and you have no lingering side effects.

I know I'll feel like breaking open some bubbly whenever I do get a vaccine.  I'll have to resist the temptation as they say you should avoid alcohol prior to and just after getting the vaccine.  No problem, I'll save my celebration a bit.  Now, of course, it is just a dream.

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Thank you for that. Yes, she does feel a lot better this morning. Yesterday she slept for an hour during the day, which was most unusual and felt tired all day, last night was a little feverish but now feeling more or less normal.

Me, I worked like a trojan getting a tree root out all day and wasn't troubled at all. I did feel slightly 'muzzy' just as if I had had a drink ( or two!) So, I decided that as I felt as if I had had a drink I might as well do so. Two rum and cokes before dinner set me up quite nicely! I'm not sure if the slight headache during the night was the rum or the vaccine! Anyway no problems this morning feeding the cats at 5.30am so I reckon I must be all right!

Hang in there for the vaccine, it will happen eventually.
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Following trials in the USA and Chile, AZ vaccine has shown to be almost 80% effective in protection of contracting covid-19 and 100% effective for keeping you out of ICU should you be unfortunate enough to contract it.

That's good enough for me. However, history has shown Macaroon, Sperkle and Fon der Lyin' will do their damnedest to pick the bones out of the results. After all their seeming desire to further increase the death rates, up, far outweighs any findings' science may produce.

Update: two weeks on from our 1st AV jab, I have suffered no discernable symptoms or discomfort whereas my wife was considerably under par for 3 or 4 days and on the Monday she developed what is now known as 'covid arm'.  The redness and soreness lasted about 5 to 6 days, but there are still signs of the solid swelling in her upper arm. However, this condition appears to be diminishing daily.

Hope that helps.

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