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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. RIFT and British in Europe have no mandate to "put evidence to UK parliamentary committees and meet with the French Government on anyone's behalf.
    They are  a self-elected group.

    I do not claim superior knowledge unlike these self-important busy bodies.

    I simply refer to official documents published by the country in which I live.

    For my part I can claim to have accurately predicted that those of us with a carte de séjour would simply have to exchange it for the new document; something that caused a lot of debate on here a while back.

    • Chapitre

      II : Droit au séjour des ressortissants britanniques et des membres de

      leur famille titulaires de la carte de séjour permanent prévue à

      l'article L. 122-1 du code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du

      droit d'asile

      Pour l'application du 1° du I et du 1° du III de l'article 3 de l'ordonnance du 6 février 2019 susvisée,

      le ressortissant britannique ou le ressortissant de pays tiers autre

      que britannique membre de sa famille, titulaires de la carte de séjour

      permanent prévue à l'article L. 122-1 du code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile et sollicitant la carte de résident mentionnée à l'article L. 314-8 du même code, doit présenter à l'appui de sa demande :

      1° Un passeport en cours de validité ;

      2° Le titre de séjour dont il était titulaire précédemment.

  2. I would never trust such anglophone sites to get anything right.
    In any case the legifrance site has official status

    I quote from the 'Livret de Citoyen' that one has to know if one wishes to take French nationality:

    "Comment pouvez-vous vous

    renseigner sur les lois et les

    règles en vigueur ?

    • Toutes les lois, souvent regroupées

    en codes, sont disponibles sur

    internet : www.legifrance.gouv.fr"

  3. That is a tremendous performance; one of my very favorite groups in this repertoire:)

    Speaking of Lully I think you will have heard this piece

    I have the DVD of this tremendous performance of "Le bougeois Gentilhomme' which has incidental music by Lully, but what is particularly interesting is the fact that the pronunciation is that of the 16th C... and easier for us to hear than that of modern French!!

    It is very long but an amusing bit is around 17 minutes where the music and dance teachers are trying to get Mr Jourdain to take (paying) lessons from them with all the reasons  we give for the arts today but in this section their baser motives and pretension is laid bare :))))
    Lully's music is lovely all the more so in context and with the period dances

  4. I'm afraid JDD is a bête noire of mine.
    I feel she slithers up to the note in that affected way jazz singers do and she emotes externally rather than using the voice to express the feeling..

    The other girl's vibrato and strong Portugese accent were a bit off-putting too...

    Sorry and thanks for the links but they are not quite my cup of tea..

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