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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. 1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

    Those who are likely to be in the streets are actually opposed to change, imbued with old fashioned rhetoric


    1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

    Those who are likely to be in the streets are actually opposed to change, imbued with old fashioned rhetoric

    Not only rhetoric!  They also have  a large majority of votes. Add up the numbers of those who voted for the RN and the NFP, as opposed  to the numbers who voted for the government that  was in place. https://www.publicsenat.fr/actualites/politique/legislatives-2024-tous-les-resultats-en-temps-reel

    There are echoes of 2005 and the vote on Europe, when the result was ignored.

    The question " is democracy in in accepting the result of the vote however distasteful to the powers-that-be,  or riding rough-shot  over the wishes of the electorate?



  2. It is remarkable all the same that Macron has named a PM from a party that only has a small number of Députies.

    Whatever one's personal preferences  there is no doubt that those who voted for the two largest groups wished for major change, and Macron has gone for the one who will be most likely to continue the  same policies, without being tarred with the brush of being in the last government.

    I think there could be major trouble in the streets ahead, a bit like the 'gilets jaunes' and this time with a wide base of sympathetic support

  3. "

    Academics have been campaigning to replace Anglo-Saxon with 'Early Medieval English' due to concern the former suggests a distinct, native Englishness. 

    Surely  'Early Medieval English' suggets ENGLISHness more than 'Anglo-Saxon' does? But why would anyone even wipe their posterior with the Daily Wail, let alone read it or worse quote it?  You should know better oh shrivelled one 😂










    • Haha 1
  4. We seem to agree about  La Poste, but I have never experienced  a carrier texting to say the package had been left at a point relais. In fact more and more call and say that they will be there soon just a few stops before they get to you, and several have in place  a system by which you can follow the progress of the delivery van on an inter-active map.

    Nor do I agree about the old chestnut about customer service in France. It may not be top in large national chain shops, but if you  deal with local individuals it is often superb.

    My Pharmacy, local food businesses, the cafés and restaurants I visit offer personal and thoughtful service, and the Nurses and Physiotherapist who call several times a week are wonderful.






  5. Both of you live in small villages. That may be the key to the difference. Here the 'agency places' are tabacs or other shops that  are open at least as much as the PO is. There are many all over town https://www.bonial.fr/Magasins/Beziers/Mondial-Relay/v-r679 and so far more convenient than having to wait in the interminable queues of people waiting to withdraw their RSA.

    In contrast to menthe's story I had one postman who refused to deliver letters because  he said my post box wasn't "conforme"..but I am not allowed to have  that type as I  less than 100m from an historic monument in a classified area. How is that for being obstructive?


  6. I haven't had that problem, but  La Poste is woefully incompetent, so none of my deliveries are from them. Anything I receive is delivered by one of the Services such as UPS or DHL.

    In my quartier  there is no point expecting a parcel as the post people have the yellow slip  that says  you were not at home when the called filled in before they come. The  same thing is true for accusé de reception. In both cases a trip one of the Bureaux is needed, and even then it may not be the one indicated on the slip.

    It says something when renewed UK passports have to be sent by one of the private services. In 2003 I never received my new one, and I had to sign a form to sweaR that it  had not come. A replacement  was then sent out by a messenger service and as far as I am aware this continues to be the case.

  7. I always thought that mint was very good for settling the stomach as opposed to causing reflux. After all Gaviscon menthe is often given to help: https://base-donnees-publique.medicaments.gouv.fr/affichageDoc.php?typedoc=N&specid=67557241  

    My Pharmacist, in whom I have great confidence,  often gives me phytotherapy remedies (not in place of ones properly prescribed, but for passing things) and recommends mint for indigestion and ginger for nausea  https://www.cooper.fr/nauselib-36-comprimés


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