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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. Possibly many people keep a foothold in the UK, such as an address which allows them to vote, or possibly they are just not interested.
    In the 20 years you were abroad were you still paying UK taxes as I am (I pay in both counties)?

    My basic argument remains that

    1) all citizens of a country should have a right to vote as  a fundamental part of being a citizen wherever one happens to be geographically at any particular  moment.
    2) Having  to pay taxes without a vote is 'taxation without representation' and  there is a very  long history of protest against it:

  2. Which I believe (contra-intuitively) makes it a saving to the UK, since GPs in France do not get a guaranteed payment each  year per patient on their list as happens in the UK.
    They get their 25euros if and when they see a patient but not otherwise.

    I have often pointed out that this accounts for their willingness to see you [:)]

    I must try to find some reliable statistics on this, but I have a strong feeling that I am correct here.

  3. Many are Orthodox Christians (Russian orthodox)...this give a different date for   Easter usually.
    Here  (34) there are Orthodox monasteries where  my friends go to have their children  baptised

    There are some who are Catholic however.
    When I was there in 2003 I was  intrigued to hear their idea of a 'mixed' marriage being one between  an Orthodox and a Catholic...

    The fact that the language is like Italian can give a sweetness to the singing voice for 'classical' music:
    Here is a Romanian choir singing 'Colinde' their version of carols...

  4. I think the title should be "teaching English to a Romanian".

    I have many Romanian friends and a Romanian family who lodge with me.
    The younger (under 35) generation have a pretty good understanding of English (From the TV...Romanian TV isn't dubbed so they hear  lots of English and even more American) even though here we usually communicate in French.
    Romanian is a Latin language close to Italian, not as some might imagine a Slavic one, so your French can help in communicating.

    As for teaching English concentrate on simple concrete vocabulary that is immediately needed ..numbers colours household objects ..but I think you will be surprised how much is there already

  5. You have to pay both in full, BUT
    1) The person in residence on the 1st January is responsible for the TH  of the whole year 2019 as your Notaire said.
    2) You have to pay the taxe foncières for  the year 2019, but should have received a pro-rata payment from the buyer for March 2019 until the end of the year so you have already had most of the bill paid for you.
    The dates are for a calendar year not from November to November.
    The bills are paid in arrears in the Autumn of the year in question.

  6. I am nit typical it is true, but I could act as an example of a 'worst-case' scenario, which is not in fact all that much to worry about.

    I have France not the UK as the  state which finances my healthcare.

    If after Brexit you are in PUMA as you should already be, and  you become subject to paying  contributions in  the same way as French pensioners do this is how it works at the moment:

    Taux de CSG pour les retraités au 1er janvier 2019

    Compte tenu de l’annulation de la hausse de CSG pour certains retraités, quatre taux de CSG sont en vigueur en 2019 :

    • 0% (retraite non imposable à la CSG) : taux nul
    • 3,8% de la retraite brute : taux réduit de CSG
    • 6,6% de la retraite brute : taux intermédiaire de CSG (aussi appelé taux médian)
    • 8,3% de la retraite brute (ou taux plein de CSG), dont 2,4% imposable à l’impôt sur le revenu

    Les taux de CSG prélevés dépendent du revenu fiscal de référence

    du foyer fiscal, qui prend en compte l’ensemble des revenus du foyer et

    dont le barème varie selon le lieu de résidence. Les seuils pour

    bénéficier de l’exonération de CSG (retraité entièrement non imposable à

    la CSG)

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