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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Not if you are over 75. You just book online if you can get a slot.It's worth trying at odd times such as 3 a.m. to pick up any places that may have come free. Mint posted"I am hoping that when the French see how the vaccination programme is rolling out in the UK and the new data about efficacy, lowering of deaths, grave cases, hospital admissions and infection rates, they will finally roll up their sleeves and get people vaccinated quickly." The data yesterday:UK Deaths : 217 f ully vaccinated : 615,148         total deaths: 120,810 Fr  Deaths:  159  fully vaccinated:   1,155, 637     total deaths: 84,430 Of course the UK is coming out of a lockdown and France may be going into one..
  2. An interesting video from LeMonde https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/video/2021/02/21/vaccins-contre-le-covid-19-pourquoi-la-france-accuse-t-elle-un-tel-retard_6070716_3244.html
  3. Two contrasting stories: (for mint)" In south-west France, a hospital in Périgueux asked in an open letter that the AstraZeneca vaccine be replaced with shots from Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer after 50% to 70% of injected staff experienced side-effects." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/19/one-pfizerbiontech-shot-gives-85-covid-protection-study https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/19/german-politicians-counter-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-scepticism-with-show-of-support
  4. For a similar business which operates both in France and the UK (I send from the UK shop to my family there and order from the French one for me here) there is https://www.cocooncenter.com/ Of course they might not have the specific products you have in mind.
  5. Just make sure you re-order before she runs out (screaming?) [6]
  6. Stirring things up without saying anything useful or helpful is  common in these Fora, but we have recently been infested with these pests that try to sting, but  only manage to stink.
  7. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2021/02/17/covid-19-un-masque-filtrant-et-decontaminant-mis-au-point-par-une-start-up-francaise_6070240_3244.html
  8. I wonder if they will 'roll out' the red carpet as well as the vaccine?
  9. I  was extremely tired for a couple of days after the first Pfizer one but nothing worse.I was given contact details for notifying any more serious effects which is probably the equivalent of the scheme you mention.
  10. That is the discussion point of course. Is half a parachute better than none?
  11. Looking at the UK figures it could be the % of the population VACCINE TRACKER Learn more about vaccines › Doses Administered 15,839,781 People Fully Vaccinated 539,630 % Fully Vaccinated 0.81% 539,630 is a bit less than 1% of the population  68 million
  12. There might also be different batches of vaccine in different places....
  13. On last night's C Dans l'air it was mentioned by that it was necessary to avoid vaccinating a whole medical team at once since quite frequently there were effects such as a high fever which meant that people couldn't work.One of the  4 contributors was the head of  service at the Hopital St Antoine in Paris who confirmed that he had someone 'cloué au lit' after the injection.
  14. I have started another thread about comparing vaccination figures which has a link to the John Hopkins site. That also has information about such things as the sad death toll in different places.
  15. albf  "I think I am correct in saying that a few weeks back, MLP called for the closure of schools. I want that !!!!! " " If albf lived in France with children at school here he would be aware that schools are either already on a two-week break, or willl be by the end of this week. https://vacances-scolaires.education/academie-orleans-tours/ That was why a third full confinement was delayed, in the hope that the school holidays would be a sufficient  factor in delaying the transmission of the virus .
  16. There has been a fantastic effort by the NHS in the UK to reach people with that first dose.I saw a short video on the French TV programme I watch most days in which people were being vaccinated in Salisbury Cathedral and sports centres etc. https://www.france.tv/france-5/c-dans-l-air/2251813-emission-du-lundi-15-fevrier-2021.html There has been nothing like that in France, where the policy has been different As I said on another thread" There is a legitimate discussion to be had about whether to give a single dose (as seems to be preferred in the UK) or whether to ensure that the target group  will be able  to have both first and second  injections at the recommended interval. The French authorities seem to take the second approach erring on the side of caution and respecting the manufacurer's protocol,  while in the UK the strategy seems to be to reach the maximum number  with at least one shot, possibly preventing the most serious effects for as many as possible." My intention in posting a link to this site was to give access to what seem to be viable numbers so one can judge for oneself.
  17. The site mentions all countries; the selection was mine. For all: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region  For the USA:. 4.3% https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/united-states
  18. Unfortunately I seem to have spoken to soon and the thread has been taken over by the sort of unhelpful stating of unsubstantiated opinion that is often the curse of Anglophone Fora.
  19. An interesting comparison by an American site (presumably neutral) Of the numbers FULLY Vaccinated in each country: Italy 2.12% https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/italy Germany  1.70% https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/germany France 0.95% https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/france UK 0.81% https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/united-kingdom
  20. A clear account in Le Figaro https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/vaccination-covid-19-rendez-vous-difference-pfizer-moderna-astrazeneca-calendrier-20210208
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2021/feb/14/brexit-britain-eu-covid-vaccination-fiasco
  22. The only sources of information  that are valid are  (for France) the official French ones  such as https://www.service-public.fr/ and https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/ or in the case of  something still provided by the UK the English equivalents.
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