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Everything posted by mint

  1. Lori, can you not print your own? [url]https://www.laposte.fr/lp/timbres?&at_medium=sl&at_campaign=[HM%7CMTEL%7CTimbre]&at_platform=google&at_creation=[Timbre%7CImprimer%7CBroad]&at_variant=[415648834453]&at_network=search&at_term=[%2Btimbre%20%2Bimprimer]&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwybD0BRDyARIsACyS8mtoWZ74-DDGEKwG6OSKbyLPY95xmAd34A9QOCqOjnqo9LI3hZUMFC8aAvLhEALw_wcB[/url]
  2. GRECIAN, there you are!  I have been wondering about you, how you are, how you are coping with life in this time of Covid 19 and how Mrs G is also. I pleaded with you to come out of hiding and defend me on one of my threads, lol!  Like you, I don't loathe Corbyn, just thought he was ineffectual and no good whatsoever as leader of anything. But this Starmer is a smart guy, looks the part and says the right things.  So I do hope he says stuff from his heart and means them. He is new to the job, so I suggest we wait to see a bit more before making judgement; that's fair.
  3. I have just watched Starmer give a lengthy interview on Andrew Marr. As far as I could make out, he answered all the questions, even the difficult ones and, in that at least, he is unlike most other politicians! Also he seems sensible and balanced in his views, so also pretty unusual in this respect. Let's give the man time to prove himself.  After all, even the bread makers on the bread thread talks about giving it time to prove!  Er.....is that the same sort of proof and have I spelt (yes GG an irresistible pun!) it correctly?[:)][:P]
  4. mint

    consultation vidéo

    Yes, I mean to ask the pharmacien if he could just renew the ordonnance.  But I do have 2 products fairly new to me and the doc is reviewing those.
  5. mint

    consultation vidéo

    Thanks, Lori.  It would be good to know what your experience is like. I don't need a RV yet but the pharmacien pointed out that my prescription will have run out by the time I need more medication towards the middle of next month.
  6. Has anyone had one of these with their doctor via the doctolib site? My doctor is now offering these and I would certainly take advantage if I thought it would go smoothly and I would not mess up. If anyone can explain to me how it's done, what is involved, could they please take me through the procedure?  Thank you.
  7. I think that's actually a HUGE improvement.  At least he looks half-way normal...
  8. [quote user="woolybanana"]I think that is standard use in Indian English.[/quote] Sorry, Wools, we were about at the same time posting.  I lost a whole sentence and had to wait for the thing to allow me to continue. Yes, Indian English, together with that moving of the head from left to right and raising the voice mid sentence.  Perfectly charming really, IMO.
  9. "mindfulness" just puts my teeth on edge.  The present continuous instead of just plain present tense can be irritating, certainly, but Indian cricketers always seem to use it instead of the present!  In that instance, I don't mind it at all because, well, it is part of their accent.  I note it and I am amused but it doesn't offend my ears.
  10. I don't like the lockdown any more than anyone else.  But I do admire the firm message that is sent out, leaves you in no doubt what you are expected to do.
  11. Norman, I hadn't realised about all this stuff that happens in Béziers.  Are you now regretful that you didn't opt for your place in the Ariège after all? But I did like to find out about "Biterrois"!  I'm always asking people what inhabitants are called where they come from[:D]  I think I have learnt most of the names of the inhabitants of all the villages round us by now.  Mind you, many have to think about it before they answer! For the sudoku aficionados, do you do the samurai ones?  My favourites ones of all time are by Gareth Moore, particularly his 13-grid ones.  Alas, I think he only compiled 6 in total and I have done them all[:@] OH does the Times Cryptic crosswords but, apart from contributing now and again, I do not have his agile mind to actually complete a whole one all by myself. For flat dwellers with balconies, did you read about the chap in Marseille who completed a marathon on his small balcony?  He lost count of the laps but his girlfriend plied him with food and drinks and he had a pedometer to clock up the distance.  Made me smile, that story. I am at a loose end this week as I was due to have a RV with the anaesthetist closely followed by an operation.  I only learned yesterday that everything's been cancelled.  Needless to say, I am relieved because I could not imagine the guilt I would have felt having elective surgery and taking up hospital resources when people are literally dying because of stretched resources. I walk everyday, never meeting a soul and so some days, I cannot resist the temptation to go a bit further than 1 km!!! Also, in preparation for my op, I had lined up some one- to- one Pilates lessons.  When those got cancelled, I looked for videos on the internet and found one which looked doable.  However, my body, having stiffened over the years, I gave myself a terrific backache one day and had to ease off.  Now, however, I am able to do almost all of the routine though I am far from sure I am doing any of it correctly! So, my life is filled with the usual cooking and a little housework (as little as my conscience allows), music, reading, sudoku, walking, gardening and Pilates.  In fact, I could do with at least 2 hours more every day! Bon courage, everybody! 
  12. [quote user="PaulT"]Lehaut, sorry you have got it the wrong way round, he chose God.[/quote] [:D]
  13. [quote user="woolybanana"]Perhaps we might add Jeremy Corbyn to the wish list.[/quote] Er....Wooly, that WASN'T a wish list and, as Norman says, I don't wish it on anybody.  I was only being facetious and stating a fact at the same time. It's true that I don't much care for Boris or Donald but I wouldn't worry too much if they did have it.  Plenty of resources to deal with it and more chance than most of surviving it. As for Charles, while I am no monarchist, he is pretty harmless as royalty goes and he can now have more time to talk to his plants.
  14. First, it was Prince Charles, then it was Boris ......  just waiting for Donald J Trump to complete the triumvirate? Well, you can no longer say that they are somehow "different" from us the little people?
  15. [quote user="NormanH"]I can't see a mistake in the French [:(] [/quote] Me neither or even moi non plus![I]
  16. mint

    Bin Day

    [quote user="Lori"]I've begun wearing the same clothes over and over and over again to avoid having to go to the laverie !!!  I suggested husband let me know when I am no longer tolerable to be around in the same room... Contemplating going without make-up each day to lengthen my supply.  I've delayed that idea out of respect for my husband who has to look at me every minute of every day.. [/quote] Mine has had to look at me through decades, including first thing in the morning[:P]  I guess he's used to the sight of me by now. I do miss putting on the glad rags and the slap though.  No dog now so can't even say "I'm in my dog-walking clothes". If I go out all dishevelled,  I am almost bound to meet someone I know looking annoying smart and put-together......
  17. mint

    Bin Day

    I am determined that, when I next go out (no not the one-hour walk), I am only doing so in my Sunday best or mon trente et un (as the French would have it)[:P]
  18. Pomme, tell me where the spelling mistake is, stp?  Saves me reading that boring old document yet again.
  19. Just want to say thank you, cajal.  I have now printed a small supply[:)]
  20. Yes, an interesting article, especially as I have been wondering about this substance. Those who know my interest in learning French will know that, unsurprisingly, I was more interested in some of the words and expressions than in the argument about hydroxychloroquine[:-))] So here are some of the vocab and expressions I particularly liked:infectiologuedouble aveuglepetite taille de l'échantillonfeu vertvénéneuse (this last had its meaning helpfully explained within the text) The meanings of all of the above easily understood though I would not have been able to use them myself[:D] Then, a grammatical little nugget which reminded me of learning which countries are feminine and which masculine! So, for feminine countries:en Franceen Corée du Suden Thailande (can't do double dots over the i) BUT au Royaume-Uni and, though not mentioned in the article, aux états-unis I didn't know what paludism was but, because the substance has a common bit with quinine and that is traditionally used for malaria, I guessed that paludism is malaria[:D]
  21. Nice one, loiseau[:)] There WAS a true life one.  I read that an Italian priest was in ICU on a ventilator when they brought in a young man.  The priest asked the doctors to give his ventilator to the newcomer.  The story didn't say if the young man was saved but the priest lost his life.
  22. BinB, thank you.  That's a great tool and very interesting[:)]
  23. I'm afraid that, not only has the message not sunk in in some cases, but that it is being deliberately ignored by those who should better. In my 1 hour stroll around the village yesterday (under 450 inhabitants), there were at least 2 large family barbecues going on. I have now decided to walk out of the village for half an hour everyday and then start back.  It just p...s me off completely how stupid and ignorant some people are.  As for Trump, when he was whinging on about how the virus was hurting HIM and his businesses.........well, words failed me...
  24. Nomoss, I am speechless with admiration at your thoroughness[:)] We went for a short practice run to Aldi (our nearest food shop) yesterday at lunch time.  Only saw 4 or 5 people in the shop.  All the shelves and freezers were fully loaded.  Bog rolls?  Piles of them[:D] At the check-out, there were spaces marked on the floor.  The check-out person was screened behind a clear plastic screen.  There were crates around the end of the conveyor belt so that you weren't near the person.  She was wearing disposable gloves and the card terminal was wrapped in cling film (not sure about the reasoning behind this).  It was very calm bearing in mind it was lunch time AND near the end of the month.  Everyone was polite but kept their distance, the staff and other customers.  Just soooo  orderly, unnaturally so even! We'd cleaned down the supermarket trolley handle and our car door handles and the steering wheel and sanitised our hands but we hadn't been anywhere as thorough as you were.
  25. Norman, thanks for the new règles.  I am sending them to the "leader" of our nordic walking group.  In the meantime, I have been working out how I could make use of the hour and the 1 kilometer.  The only thing is to intensify the the exercise.  Might try running instead but I am MOST unlikely to be able to run for an hour non stop[:-))] I reckon if I went round the village fast, I could go down a chemin blanc (a lane full of calcaire thus white) near the village and then come back home.  Would be just over the hour but then there is hardly anyone about and certainly no gendarmes. I wouldn't normally be so keen, it's just that I want to be in the best physical condition possible for an anticipated surgical operation.  Even if that were cancelled or delayed, it'd make me think I am doing the best I can to help myself.
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