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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I know how you feel Menthe. I find it all extremely depressing. And I think if the Supreme Court allows Mr. Trump to remain on the ballots, he has a strong chance of getting elected. What that says about the American voters is very worrying. Yes, it is easy to turn off the news, but I have never been able to do that for very long. I feel an obligation to know a little of what is going on in the world. Sad as it may be. I try to remain happy in my small bubble here.
  2. Happy New Year ET. Glad to hear your update.
  3. Enjoy your day ALBF. The after holiday diet can wait another day. πŸ™‚
  4. Happy New Year. I hope the World calms down this year. We can always hope.
  5. Well said Henry, well said. Happy New Year to us all.
  6. Oh your birthday is tomorrow ALBF. Enjoy ! Even if you are in France (assuming you are). πŸ™‚
  7. I do wonder what happened to the great many who used to post regularly. Where are they? Are they happy, healthy, dead? We're plugging along in our new (for us) region. Had a Sanglier in our garden last week. We have a closed garden. He must have come in when the portail was open (it automatically closes after 1.5 minutes). At least we got to meet our immediate neighbors, kinda. They left us a note in our mailbox and buzzed the bell (then left). Their note advised us of the visitor. We had no idea. He apparently made his departure when the portail was opened for husband to go play tennis. Again, it is opened when we are still in the garage, so not looking. So, he must have been here around 4 hours. He left his markings. I put a note in neighbor's mailbox thanking them and leaving my cell number in the event they ever wanted to contact us. Next morning, she sent me a video of the Sanglier in our garden.... So now, at least, I've met my neighbor, kinda. πŸ™‚ Happy posting in 2024 everyone.
  8. Yes, Happy & Safe Holidays to you all. Daughter is visiting for the holidays and that is always nice. Dreary weather, but it makes you appreciate the sunshine when it arrives. πŸ™‚
  9. What a sweet old face. Heartbreaking.
  10. Yes, time comes to an end for all of us, somewhere - sometime. Could be tomorrow. We put our desires in writing to make it easier on each other as we grow old. And easier for our family members (once we're gone) and perhaps the medical professionals who may intervene to care for one or both of us. We were also advised that we should put our desires in writing while we were 'of sound mind.' To each his own.
  11. Lori

    cold showers

    Yes, I've heard of people doing this. For me, I think it would provoke a heart attack from the shock. πŸ™‚
  12. We do. A Living Will & Trust all laid out. No questions to ask.
  13. Lori

    cold showers

    Oh no Menthe, no way on earth for me. I hate being cold. Could never wash my hair in cold water. I'm glad it seems to be helping your breathing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  14. Yes, it is quite handy. It's been an option for a long time now. I used it several years ago.
  15. I was 39 years old when I moved to France. Husband was 43 (but continued to work in the Middle East). Daughter was 6 and attended public French schools.
  16. Ah, I think we know your thoughts on this subject and I respect that. We have been very happy here and do not regret a thing. We've spent 13 years in France and then a few years back in the USA, then back to France. We much prefer life here. Everyone is different and everyone's needs are different.
  17. On the subject of electric tooth brushes, I have just received a new Jet Dentaire - Panasonic. It replaces a very old Water pik. The new one really packs a punch !!! The softest jet stream is SOOOO much more powerful than the old Water Pik - which seemed to me like swishing your mouth with water and spitting it out (just weak to me). The new one is alarmingly powerful. I'll have to practice with it to try to avoid water going EVERYWHERE. Have you guys experienced this type of powerful Jet Dentaire? I have to be careful around certain section where there is some receding of the gum line. It's like spraying a karcher in your mouth...
  18. Wouldn't the same conclusions regarding contaminated soil apply to crops also ? And the birds themselves be they hens, turkeys, geese, etc. ?
  19. Behind a paywall, so I couldn't read it.
  20. That is a great video ! I know her name, but I haven't read her cook books. I had no idea about the 2 minutes in the lightly boiling water and then off the burner and 10 further minutes resting in the water. Never heard that advice ever. I'll give it a try. Thanks Menthe !
  21. Yes, it the principal sounds quite simple yet I have about a 50/50 chance of getting it right. I can normally find my way around a kitchen pretty well. However, this one simple task has always been a hit or miss for me.
  22. Ahh, what a great idea Wooly. Not sure the Dentist would agree though.
  23. Looks delicious, but I don't think I'd have the patience to whisk up egg whites by hand. Far too lazy.
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