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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I don't think he'd win either. But who knows.
  2. I'd be very surprised if she won the election. I'm not convinced the Democrats will nominate her. Guess we'll soon see.
  3. Great idea. Perfect when you don't have time for all the washing, chopping, etc. Thanks !
  4. I've only heard breeders use the term b itch. Regular dog folks I talk with use the term male or female.
  5. Yes, I saw the headlines from the U.S. that vending machines selling ammunition were going to be installed. So, you can then stock up your bullets while purchasing a cold drink.
  6. I'm sorry Menthe, but that did give me a good laugh. If only it were so. Not in a million years or even after a million gun shot deaths.
  7. There are already the conspiracy theories out there that HE planned his own assassination attempt to bolster his fan base. 🙄 I think he was already a shoe-in before the attack, thanks to the idiot democrats. But, I'm confident it will boost his base. I also think it will encourage other similar attacks - on BOTH parties.
  8. I don't like either one - at all. However, I have to vote for the lesser evil. The U.S. has gone to He** in a hand basket.
  9. And a Supreme Court that supports and backs up Presidents as Kings.
  10. Yes, the article is accurate and a year old. The hospital in Sarlat has had to close portions of its treatment facilities multiple times (including its ER and maternity units). Often for long periods of time. This, of course, puts pressure on the other hospitals in the region. It is a vicious circle and a very serious one. And, I don't see any improvement having been made since your linked article was written. I think it will take a long time to begin to see any improvements. I know the government has said they are working on the situation, but it was allowed to get so bad, it will now take a LONG time to make things better. That is why I tried to implore you to check out ALL your medical needs thoroughly before even thinking about moving anywhere in France. If you have a specific area in mind, go there and try to make medical consultation appointments (actually try to make the appts. long before your visit as there will likely be a LONG delay - IF - you are able to find doctors who will see you).
  11. If you will be needing the care of a Neurologist, I would recommend you contact those in the region in which you hope to live PRIOR to making any move. Make sure they will take you on as a patient and make an appointment for a consultation so you can totally confirm this.
  12. I think you will find that is not a given. When I contacted the clinic nearest us to advise we had just moved here and needed an MT, I was asked if we had any serious, chronic health conditions that needed immediate and then ongoing treatment - if not, they could not accept to see us as they were too overloaded with existing patients. Fortunately, for now, we do not have any serious, chronic health conditions and we did manage to find an MT in the end. However, what might have been the rule years ago, almost certainly won't be now.
  13. While I have no idea about the circumstances in the UK, the healthcare situation in France can vary wildly depending upon where you intend to live. The bigger the city, the more likely it is that you will find doctors taking new patients. As an example, in many parts of Provence, it is next to impossible to find doctors taking new patients. I had to drive 1.5 hours to see a GYN - only one that would accept me (I called dozens). Dentists were equally difficult. All specialists had months long waits. Opthalmologistes, Dermatologists, GYN's were known to have six month (or more) wait lists for the patients they already had. Those we called (dozens) were not accepting new patients. I had to go to an optometry clinic to have my eye exam (not an Opthalmologiste) meaning not the thorough exam a Opthalmo would complete. Then, we moved to the Dordogne. Worse. I called more than 40 MT's before finally finding one who took pity on us and accepted us. I've never found a GYN accepting new patients (I called more than 45). I wrote to CPAM asking for assistance, they called me and told me to see a Sage Femme. Heaven forbid if I have anything outside of an ordinary need. Same with Dentists. I called dozens and dozens delving out to nearly 2 hours drive from our home before finally finding one. So, you may want to do a bit of research on the location in which you wish to reside. And be warned, just because there are dozens and dozens and dozens of doctors in any given region (100's even), that does not mean they are taking new patients. You need to call them to inquire. I wish we had before we made our move. Oh and yes, it rained here from October 2023 through mid May, nearly non-stop. Rock slides, multiple rivers flooding, hundreds of homes evacuated - multiple times. The previous year was serious drought, with water restrictions and impact on land movement and home foundations cracking. You might want to check that out too for the region(s) you are considering. We love France, but it certainly has some really serious issues taking place these days.
  14. I haven't seen the clips of the U.S. Debate. I saw a couple of headlines, but have been out all day. We knew Biden would almost certainly not be able to pull this off. OH and I wondered what kind of wife would stand for her husband being put in such a terrible situation. Especially since he has already had to endure extreme criticisms regarding his 'state of mind/body.' I suppose she could not stop him, but I would raise one hell of a ruckus. But then, I would very strongly insist he not run again. As for his camp, they've lost the plot and are probably going to lose the election due to their own stupidity.
  15. When I check Darty for my zip code, it says they will take away the old mattress/furniture/electronics, etc. They always have for us. Here is their blurb: Reprise de votre ancien matériel: Conformément à la règlementation (DEEE et loi AGEC), nous nous engageons à collecter gratuitement votre ancien équipement électrique et électronique ou votre ancien meuble. Pour les équipements électriques et électroniques : lors de la livraison de votre produit, nos équipes Darty s'engagent à reprendre gratuitement votre ancien produit pour traitement ou recyclage. Si vous le souhaitez, nous pouvons reprendre jusqu'à trois autres appareils d'une famille de produits vendue par Darty*. Pour les produits retirés en magasin, la reprise peut être effectuée dans le magasin de retrait. Pour en savoir plus, consulter la page recyclage Darty *appareil d'une famille de produits Darty, disponible dans les mêmes conditions d'accessibilité et d'encombrement. Pour les éléments d'ameublement ainsi que les produits rembourrés d'assise ou de couchage : nous nous engageons à collecter gratuitement votre ancien meuble chez vous pour toute acquisition d'un meuble neuf livré chez vous. La reprise se fera sur un produit usagé équivalent au produit acheté (en termes de fonction et de volume), sur rendez-vous auprès de notre service client.
  16. Yes, normally each commune will have a specific day of each month in which they will pick up 'encombrants.' You do have to reserve in advance and often, the item needs to be outside ready for pick up between certain hours. Your Mairie should know the details. In our experience, this has always been a free service. But, as you said, most places that sell beds will take your old bed upon delivering the new one - free of charge. You just have to tell them you want that done when you purchase the bed - so they know to have space for it on the truck.
  17. People. Too many seem to have lost the plot.
  18. I hope you didn't get rid of them because of the induction thing. They are okay on induction, you just have to be careful with their weight as the induction plaque is glass. So, I'm always careful when I use them. They are heavy as he** though. I don't miss the gas canisters either. I have used several different induction plaques and there can be a huge difference one to the next. I invested in a really nice one when we redid this kitchen. I've been very happy with it, thank God as it wasn't cheap. We love our gas grill and have been extremely grateful for it when the power goes out (and it has MANY times since we've moved here). Each time a storm is forecasted (like this evening), we now get out something to prepare for dinner, in advance of the storm. Once the power goes out, the fridge and freezer are not opened for fear power will not be restored for a long time (once it was 17 hours ...). So, if you didn't take something out, in advance, you'll be eating something from a can. Having the grill is wonderful and having heavy cast iron skillets that can be used on the grill is great too.
  19. Same here. Used to love gas, now adore induction. If you have a really good induction cook top, the precision of heat control is amazing. Would never go back.
  20. Yes, around the same here this morning. Breezy and 17 out there now. Quite chilly. Last year, same time, we were sweltering in sunshine.
  21. No idea. It means Okeedokee. You don't know this term ? 😄
  22. Okeedokee. Good luck. See ya on the other side ... if it all works. 😉
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