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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I had crayfish a long time ago. The ones I had had very little 'meaty' bits and were mostly shell, making them a bit of a pain to eat. Are yours better Lehaut ?
  2. Lori


    I can agree with everything that Menthe and Lehaut have said. I think I suggested this before on a different thread, but if you truly intend to make this move, why not take a short term rental (say 60 days) to do a thorough investigation. Choose your most favored town/village and stay there. I'd still contact all the doctors in this favored town/village before arriving so you can rule it out if it is obvious you won't be able to find doctors to accept you. If so, you'd have to move to the next favored town/village to research. If you manage to make appointments via phone prior to visiting, all the better. You can then review your health needs during your appointment(s) and you can take the time to visit/research all the hospital options within your reach, pharmacies, overall commerce, etc.. With your obvious medical needs, I personally, would not give up the residence in the UK until you had secured a long term rental in France and maintained it for long enough to apply for and obtain health coverage in France. That may involve a bit of to and fro'ing, but at least you would be able to maintain the care you do have (albeit not to the quality you are happy with). With serious health conditions, I would be extremely careful with your plans. There are a great many people in the French system who are forced to wait years for various procedures. It can put a huge burden on you and your family.
  3. Lori


    I don't think any of us can answer your question. I think we've made it as clear as possible that it can be extremely difficult to find ANY doctor accepting new patients; especially outside major cities. As has been suggested, the only way you will get a clear answer to your question is to pick up the phone and start calling Neurosurgeons (and any other specialists or even MT's you need) in the towns you are considering living. You can probably shorten the list of doctor names by checking on Doctolib as many will clearly state they are not accepting new patients so you can check them off the list without having to call. The phone calls will give you your definitive answer. Make a list and start calling.
  4. Never tried them. Are they like Crayfish ?
  5. I have always felt the same way. Beating on each other til bloody - yeah right ... progress. Agree. World's gone mad.
  6. Yes, it's all over the media, including French. Yes, I agree it is the lowest of low to make men beating up women an accepted (and even awarded) sport. Shameful !
  7. I guess here is another reason I would not tune in. Anyone born male should not be allowed to compete in women's sports competition (and vice versa as if anyone would attempt it). And to try to play the victim (the male) for being disqualified previously is sickening. https://www.reuters.com/sports/olympics/boxing-algerian-khelif-advances-after-italys-carini-abandons-fight-after-46-2024-08-01/
  8. Same thing happened to me with SAUR when we were in Bédoin. However, after their 'expert' came, I called in a professional plumber who found the leak on THEIR side. He took a highly zoomed in photo clearly showing the abimé portion on their side. After a bit of here and there, problem solved. They installed a new meter and 'forgave' my outrageous bill. I was also reminded that I only get one forgive. So, it is sometimes worth it to call in someone else.
  9. I have a couple of their linen shorts and I love them. Very light weight, comfortable and they wash well. Better yet the price !
  10. Too true. Yesterday we had a salad with goat cheese and honey dough squares (cooked in the air fryer). Today will be salmon patties (cooked in skillet) and salad. The oven is a no go for a while. I'm happy to use the air fryer when needed. It is quick and doesn't really release heat. Supposed to cool down a bit in a couple of days.
  11. The less the better, but our daughter is visiting so there is no going naked or nearly. Fleece, you must be kidding ! It is too hot to work in the garden, so no concern about spending time outside during the heat. No can do.
  12. I thought that was his hairdresser budget or was it his make-up budget .. I read about their vanity budget once. It was eye popping, even for me, the jaded one.
  13. Perhaps if this was a national change. However, so far, we have not had any real difference in our factures since dropping the heures creuses plan. And, it is nice not to have to think about what hour I do things. The only way this might be beneficial (IMO) is that it lasts longer than the old creuses hours, making it possible to perhaps save a few euros.
  14. Same exact thing for us. And, heurses creuses are different from one region to another. I found it useful when we had 14h00 to 16h00 heurses creuses in the Vaucluse, but the hours in the Dordogne are in the wee hours of the morning. I could set one load of laundry, but I'd have to get up at 3h00 if I wanted to wash a second load. Running the dishwasher in wee hours was fine, but really everything else was just a hassle. We don't see any difference in our electricity bill since going to the full tarif. It's high no matter what.
  15. Considering what's at stake here, whatever Trump says is not the least bit entertaining. 😒
  16. I'm sorry, but I just cannot get interested in any of it. Won't turn the TV on during the daytime and by evening, after some local news, I'd like to be somewhat entertained and the Olympics just won't do it for me.
  17. I can see how you might think that. However, take a look at the Kardashians and their following. Mind blowing.
  18. He's a real winner isn't he. But, it plays right up to their entourage - a bunch of old, white men and women passed their prime. I believe there is some truth to this, particularly regarding the younger generations. The half U.S. adults being her fans, I have my doubts about that. Yet, I don't think anyone would turn down an endorsement by her.
  19. You are not alone. I find it all just stupid. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/22/entertainment/charli-xcx-kamala-harris-brat-meme/index.html
  20. If you don't want all the furniture can you donate to an organization who would come take it off your hands ? We did that with 50% of our goods when we moved from Bédoin. Took quite a few phone calls to find organizations that would come take it, but we did in the end. ** This was to give it all away, not to sell it.
  21. Yes, I've seen that done in Paris many times. However, I've been told it is quite expensive. If no one wants the piano or there is no window large enough to haul it out of and onto an external lift (which would, of course, bring into question how it got there in the first place) or no one wants to pay for said removal, I'd go back to my original suggestion. Dismantle it.
  22. That is quite detailed Norman. I have saved it. Thank you.
  23. Sad story. I'm' sorry for the loss of your friend ALBF. I didn't realize Ehpad's were so expensive. Are they all that way and do all the residents pay similar annual fees ? As to car leases, they are the same the world over. READ the fine print folks. The lease does not go away, even if you die. Your estate (if you have one) or your next of kin will be expected to pay the remainder of the lease. NEVER NEVER NEVER do it.
  24. Which, I imagine, would have been a nail in her coffin. Though I don't think she will win if she is the Democratic nominee, I think in your scenario, she would lose by bigger numbers than she will under the current circumstances. Or should we say 'more biggly?'
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