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Everything posted by Lori

  1. If only I had your faith. When I see women and minorities supporting Trump, we have a problem. I do agree that the Democrats made a HUGE mistake giving Biden the nomination. But, as said, there are not really any strong candidates. Who would want to be a part of the ridiculous joke of American politics? Only people with a power hungry agenda. None of them seem one bit interested in the American people or the country they represent.
  2. Ah yes, his favorite phrase, 'It wasn't me.' Along with 'It's a witch hunt' and 'I'm being framed by the Democrats' and 'The Judge is corrupt and so are the jurors and so is the Justice Department.' Etc., etc., etc., etc. The man has never committed any crime anywhere at anytime. He's a saint, don't cha know ! And his son, upon hearing the verdict, says America has now become a 'Shi* hole.' Yet, his Father still wants to be President of such shi* hole. I presume so he can take his revenge on everyone on earth.
  3. I see. I hope they can improve on that treatment. Lasting several days sounds really difficult. Though I realize without that the patient would most likely be suffering in a far more serious manner. I think it should be assisted so that it doesn't take so long.
  4. Thank you for posting that Betise. I'm sorry for the loss of your family members. It is good to know that there may be some assistance here in France. Now, if they can expand the assistance so that patients are not forced to wait until they are in extreme and constant pain and misery before doctors act, that would be a big improvement.
  5. Long overdue. We should have the control and the right to determine our own end of life procedure.
  6. Poor thing, I'm sure she is totally confused and wondering why she was put through such torture. I imagine she has to wear that horrible neck collar so she won't chew at the wound. It'll be a long week for Maisy (and the banana) and should never have had to happen. Lots of hugs for Maisy.
  7. Gee, that's awful, poor girl. Under these types of circumstances, I would have thought they would do an Ultrasound prior to surgery. With adopted dogs, you simply never know for sure. Hopefully she will recover quickly since it is mainly the surgical cut and the overall trauma she has to deal with, not organ removal. Certainly serious, but hopefully less complicated.
  8. Are you saying they did a surgical procedure on her today ? Or that they saw the surgical scar from the previous surgery and did not open her up ?
  9. So funny, that is exactly what I thought at first glance. 😄
  10. Ooooo, those eyes. Darin' ya ! 😄
  11. It sure as heck isn't what it used to be. While we were living in Ste Cécile (Vaucluse) from 2021 to end of 2022, we were frequently in Avignon (doctors, etc.). I could hardly recognize it from when we lived in Bédoin for so many years and did the majority of our shopping, doctor visits, restaurants, etc. in Avignon. It is now very run down looking, dirty, trash all over the place, SDF's all around and massive traffic problems. We vowed we would never buy a property there and avoided visiting when at all possible. Sad really, very sad. Funny thing though, real estate prices are still through the roof in and around Avignon. And, for homes that, in most cases, need serious renovations and are surrounded by what some might say looks like slums.
  12. Yes, our daughter, who lives in Paris, will be arriving chez nous on 25 july. She will work from our home (employer agreed). She'll be here for 10 days. Sounds an absolute nightmare to me. I wouldn't want to be in Paris during this time.
  13. Good luck with the new one. Seems like, these days, you'd better bury the posts in cement to try to keep the storms from destroying it.
  14. Lori


    Well I hope things move towards the better for you and soon. At least we had a touch of sunshine today. Got tons of weeding done. We've had so much rain the huge water butt slid off its bricks !
  15. Lori


    Oh, I'm glad she's okay, but sorry to hear she is off her feet (that's what you mean right?). Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon and we'll see her back here. Sending good karma your way Menthe.
  16. Not bought one yet. I thought it was really odd - the scent thing.
  17. Lori


    Calling Menthe !!!! Hope you're okay. Storms gave us power cuts in the last few days/weeks. Hopefully that's not the case for you Menthe. Perhaps she is out in a sunny place for a long hike.
  18. Wow, the article doesn't state exactly what the 'beef' was - Ryanair asking too much of BOD or BOD asking too much (€) from Ryanair. Considering the Ryanair traffic out of BOD, it doesn't appear very smart to let them go.
  19. Yes, it has rained nearly every day since October here also. And it continues. We're not sure if it will EVER stop. Gardens are completely saturated and can hold no more. Rivers overflowing their banks often. Rock slides and fallen trees blocking roads are frequent. Everyone is talking about it. Any outdoor workers are so far behind on their jobs, it could take a year or more for them to catch up. That is, if it ever stops raining.
  20. Lori

    On the flat

    Very pretty Lehaut. France has so many beautiful regions. Seems almost endless.
  21. Ah, well if you want her to stay off the sofa, you'd better start training her now to use her own bed. 😉 We did that with our Collie as we had a new sofa that we didn't want stained. He got used to using his own bed.
  22. Does she not have her own doggie bed ?
  23. She's sweet ! I like the smile on her face and the happiness in her eyes. Give her a hug for me.
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