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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. Went to the clinic yesterday for my dodgy ankle. It was agreed that the best cause of action was a series of injections into the tendon, beginning next week, and I was duly given a prescription to be filled. Two hours later I've scoured every pharmacy in a 20km radius. Out of stock, has been for months, none expected anytime soon. The clinic should have known. They would have received the same notification from ANSM as the pharmacies. Now I have to drive back to the clinic to, hopefully, get a replacement prescription. Otherwise the appointments will be cancelled. Sometimes a little joined up thinking wouldn't go a miss.
  2. Down here the 'old folk' ignore the machines and go straight to the receptionist. Normally interrupting whoever is at the desk.
  3. The only time I haven't been asked for my carte vitale and insurance details was when I was taken into hospital under blues and twos. Yesterday I had a clinic appointment. Before getting to the receptionist there was a terminal where you had to enter your CV, then scan in your insurance, and ID. This was then checked by the receptionist and put on file. I'm sure, if the combined card comes about, there will be a means of accepting other forms of ID just as there is now.
  4. Not sure what you mean. Everything looks normal here.
  5. Funnily enough I've just booked my 4th booster for next week. I'm not in any of the groups at risk but knowing people who are still suffering terribly from the long covid they contracted pre vaccine I'm going to keep going until told otherwise.
  6. We're on 'crise'. Have been on 'alert' since the beginning of the year. Ironically, since moving up to the highest alert, it has rained every day. Hopefully it'll mean we'll go back down when they make their next decision in ten days. Thankfully I've already decided not to open the pool this year. Last year we got as far as the beginning of July before restrictions meant we couldn't top up. So, for the hottest part of the year, all I had was a green pond. I'll use the saved electricity to run the air conditioning whilst taking cold baths ๐Ÿ˜€
  7. Yep, it looks like a typical French C*ck up I'm afraid. Good luck with your appointment next week. I'm sure I don't need to tell you to take EVERYTHING ๐Ÿฅต. The Ameli English helpline number is 09 74 75 36 46. If you don't get any joy it might be worth giving them a try. At the very least they might be more au fait with the various E121, S1 combinations. Fingers Crossed.
  8. The question about social charges was not meant to be sinister. I was just trying to get my head around how you were receiving health care prior to the arrival of your S1. I've been looking at articles on PUMA and it appears that, since you are in receipt of a teachers pension, you are not liable for charges. Pensioners are exempt be it a private or state pension. So it's just a case of why they have decided to block your account now. Regarding the 100% I'm guessing when you applied to join in 2013 your 'rights' were simply transferred across. As this concerns a recognised ALD this would be correct. Can you remember, when you first moved to France with your E121, did you have to get a doctor to register you for the ALD? That would be on your record when you reapplied in 2013. My guess ( and it is only a guess ) is that there has been some confusion between your 'old' E121 which was cancelled and your 'new' S1. Unfortunately, as I know to my cost, it may take more that one face to face appointment to sort it out.
  9. The double tax exemption wouldn't have excluded you from paying social charges. I'm confused as to why you would have been given an E121 in the first place if you had not reached state retirement age. Normally if you take early retirement ( as I did ) you would have been given an E106 based on your contributions and, once it expired, would have to join the system. As your health cover would no longer be paid for by the British Government ( until you reached retirement age and received an E121 ) you would be expected to pay contributions based on income. What does is say on your Ameli account?
  10. Have you been paying social contributions for your health care? When my E106 expired I reapplied and originally paid URSSAF but now it's calculated at the same time as the income tax. Perhaps there is some confusion over you re-applying for the UK to pay for your healthcare. What does your Ameli account say about your rights?
  11. Are we talking about the annex concerning foreign bank accounts? If so, did you put in the right number of accounts at the very beginning? If I remember correctly you have to set the number of accounts before starting. If you have inadvertently got the number wrong it will keep asking the same question over and over.
  12. Well if there is, I'm a founder member. ๐Ÿ˜‰ A firm subscriber to the old rule of the P's "P155 poor planning prevents proper performance." ๐Ÿ˜€
  13. Like Mr Banana I'm keeping an eye but I'm still on a learning curve. I was waiting to see what angle ( if any ) surfaces in later posts. Now that our cumulative suspicions have been made public I'm sure Miss Dallas will be along shortly to defend herself.
  14. Nope you've pretty much got it right although I expect someone will arrive in the near future offering their services for a price๐Ÿ˜Ž
  15. That's the strangest thing, both of them are in their mid seventies. I just think some people are born lucky. We arrived outside Carcassonne late Sunday night at a little hotel I'd booked and I sent them into the town for a bite to eat. Blow me if they didn't find a bar filled with Australians and Brits. They liked it so much they went back the following night.
  16. I've just had a visit from a couple of Australians. They're spending a month doing a French road trip, south to north, and began by visiting me using the train with the intention of picking up a hire car when they got here. They didn't check out availability in advance and, when they arrived, we discovered there wasn't a car to be had within a two hundred kilometer radius. I ended up taking them on a 5 hour drive to Carcassonne. From there they went off on their merry way with a book of hotels that I had given them and a sat nav. I can't help but wonder what they would have done if they hadn't been aiming to visit me first. Neither of them speak a word of French apart from what they had picked up from a few lessons on Duolingo. In June I'll be making roughly the same trip. All the hotels are already booked and the routes planned with alternatives in case of the need to deviate. So my question is, when going on a big trip, how much do you plan in advance and how much do you leave to chance?
  17. Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure we're going to get along just fine ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  18. I have always read that it is the children that are responsible for any outstanding debts but I'm not in that situation and have never heard of it first hand so there could be exceptions. All I can suggest is that you contact the British Embassy in France and explain the situation. They should be able to point you in the right direction to get the answers you need.
  19. Moderator Dave Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll think you'll agree that we have probably come to the end of the road on this thread so I'm locking it before it degenerates any further.
  20. I've no proof but I don't believe that Ken really exists. I think he's an algorithm designed to attach itself to various words and phrases and then aggressively post something inflammatory . Some of the sentence structures are a little off. Also there are the times he contradicts himself between threads. Then there's 'shadow Ken'. I've stopped engaging directly. You can't argue with an algorithm.
  21. Yep, I've been battling with this for a few years. In order to completely comply I'd have to remove every bit of shade from around the house. I also have a two hundred year old oak which is under threat because of a neighbouring development. I have around 2 hectares of which perhaps 40% comes under the regulation. Currently I pay a team to come in once a year to clear the site. Up until now we've had a somewhat pragmatic mayor but he retired last year and we've yet to see how seriously the new guy will take the job. Unfortunately forest fires are a real issue around here so I suspect it's only a matter of time.
  22. I think you're wise. To be honest, the only reason why I went through it was because I inherited a number of cars and the garage insisted ( incorrectly ) that I needed to get new control techniques for each of them. Also they didn't know how to do the Voiture de Collection so I thought I might as well bite the bullet. I must have made a mistake on one of the applications as it was weeks before the dossier was inspected by a 'supervisor' and the new carte grise issued. If it's just a standard sale, I agree it's much easier to get a garage to to it.
  23. Again, if I remember rightly it's an electronic signature.
  24. If I remember rightly you can fill out the form online and just scan in the relevant documents.
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