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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. My neighbours used to run a B&B which consisted of rooms opening out onto a walled garden. In their terms and conditions they stated that there was no smoking anywhere on the grounds. I think you need to be a little clearer in your terms. As to banning smokers completely, I'm not sure how you could enforce that.
  2. Might want to check the serial number. https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/08/11/rappel-produit-risque-de-depart-de-feu-pour-ces-climatiseurs-vendus-par-les-magasins-auchan-et-boulanger-11391138.php
  3. Where I live anything up to half a dozen new restaurants will open up each Summer and just as many will close before the end of the year. They will be run by either early retirees or someone who's just been made redundant. The food will be nondescript and the service dire. At the end of the season when they realise just how little financial reward they have for all their hard work they sell up and the next set of dreamers with big ideas take over. When it comes to work, the hospitality sector is never an easy option.
  4. It's catching 😀 https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/video-direction-toulouse-pour-les-cyclistes-tous-nus-malgre-l-interdiction-de-la-prefecture-2824103.html
  5. My new neighbours are Belgian. Met just before Covid. Both have children from previous relationships. Bought a large, rambling farmhouse which had unsuccessfully been converted into a chambre d'hote with the intention of having an open house for family and friends. This is their first summer and as I watch them from my kitchen window I can see that the shine is already beginning to wear off. The constant drives to and from the Airport, preparation of the meals, and the changing of the sheets, all in 39 degree heat. We're off the beaten track so the slightest thing involves a drive into what is currently a major tourism hub where the supermarket shelves are empty because of all the holidaymakers. They've sank everything they have into the move and had a plan of going totally off grid but have already meet a barrage of typically French bureaucratic roadblocks. When they invited me for an Apero, I asked how many times they had visited the area prior to making the move. They answered none, they just wanted to move somewhere warm. It's not just Brits 🙄
  6. Okay first things first, virtually all land is subject to taxe fonciere BUT the tax on non developed land in usually very small. To give an example, around ten years ago, I bought a hectare ( 21/2 acres ) of land ( mixed woodland and agricole ) and I've just checked last years fonciere bill and it was 23 euros. I remember at the time of purchase our Notaire wasn't that interested merely saying, 'it's a few euros a year'. Taxe fonciere is the responsibility of whoever owns the land on the 1st January. It might just be that the estate agent is reminding your mother that she'll be liable for the taxe fonciere bill this year if and when it arrives in November. If I were you I'd wait until the bill arrived before worrying. However if you want to get a definitive answer now you could contact CENTRE DES IMPOTS FONCIER Carcassonne Centre des finances publiques Cité administrative Place Gaston Jourdanne 11807 Carcassonne Cedex 9 tel: 04 68 77 44 44 Email: cdif.carcassonne@dgfip.finances.gouv.fr Tell your mother not to worry, I'm sure it'll be fine.
  7. Apparently black ( as opposed to smoked ) garlic is garlic that has been aged in a warm and wet environment that reduces the pungency and makes it almost sweet. As well as being used as an ingredient the softened cloves can be spread on bread like jam.
  8. But what you're describing could refer to moving to any country. Some people move for work, some for a better lifestyle, some for the weather. Some people will make it a success, some people won't. Twas ever thus. I don't think France is particularly unique in this regard.
  9. You might as well ask why move anywhere? There will be a thousand different reasons depending on peoples circumstances and life experiences. For me, it was simply going back to my roots. My ancestors are French & my partner was half French. I tried the UK for 10 years but it didn't suit me. I agree with you about French culture though😀
  10. I too use the violet and have never heard of black garlic. I feel a google search coming along 😀 Thank you for the onion review. I'll be looking out for Roscoff's once the Cevennes season has finished.
  11. So, Lori & Menthe, since you've tried both which would you say was the sweetest.
  12. I have a feeling you know the perfect destination. 😉
  13. The season has only just started so I doubt you would have found any last week. If you're back before November take a look in the supermarkets and, as I say, Lidl.
  14. In the markets you'll normally see them still attached to their leaves and covered in mud. You can get them in supermarkets, mostly imported from Chili ( with a sharper flavour ) but yesterday I saw some from Spain in my local Carrefour. They're recognisable by their thinner outer skin. Lidl have a contract with a producer in the Cevennes ( where the best onions come from IMO ) and normally sell them in three's occasionally with a mini jar of Confite D'oignon. Just look for Oignon Doux.
  15. curious, when I get past the over 18 bit, I get this
  16. I cure my own olives kalamata style and use them in everything. I'll look forward to trying your potato salad.😋
  17. I'm stealing the tomato, cucumber, mint, and sweet onion combination 😋
  18. Found in the market this morning. I tend to use them in salads, or as a pizza topping ( I leave the making of the confite to the experts). They also make a superb cheese and onion sarnie. Anyone got any other recipes for this delicious vegetable.
  19. Ah, I had that the first time too. As I said - Beta.
  20. Oh, interesting, it works OK on my laptop. Maybe the clues in the url ( beta ).
  21. a new website to help you calculate what duty ( if any ) you have to pay on anything you decide to bring back. https://declare-douane.beta.gouv.fr/
  22. I was going to say don't knock it until you've tried it. But obviously you already have😉
  23. Now that you've got that off your chest, perhaps we can all move on.
  24. Actually no, it's not what you say so much as how you say it. It's about treating other posters with respect. I tend to look at posts with the view " what would a first time poster think of that comment ". People can be contrary for contrary's sake if that's what turns them on but to denigrate other posters is not cool. The first comment following Anotherbanana's post accused forum members of making snide comments and of being 'sensitive'. In fact it was a perfect example of what he had been referring to. I'm sure Mr Banana's polite request will be taken to heart and we can all go back to being our happy go lucky selves 😀
  25. I suggest you reread every post on this thread not made by yourself. It'll answer your questions.
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