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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Can there be anything more infuriating than being praised whilst hurling insults and being petulant? Johnson is being absolutely masterful in driving the French to even greater childish behaviour. "Ineradicable" Our good friends etc. Oh how Macron must hate him. Perfidious Albion, The French will never grasp the complexities of such behaviour.
  2. Could the French have been trusted as allies in the containment of China? French security has always leaked like a sieve. So the answer is probably a resounding 'no'! DeGaul never forgave the allies for keeping him in the dark regarding the invasion. British security knew that the French love to boast and simply couldn't have kept their mouths shut.. They haven't changed in the slightest. The hypocrisy over this submarine thing is quite astounding. Do French politicians actually believe they are 'loyal and trusted allies'? If so they are the only ones who do.
  3. It appears that the whole package isn't just one contract. There were several different contracts and even more to be signed up to as the project proceeded. It would also appear the Aussies are implementing a clause that stipulated if there were exceptional problems with the project then the whole project could be cancelled. As for 'faith' trust' 'allies' 'reliability' and confidence are concerned: Well, recent events well illustrate how seriously the French are to be relied on and trusted.!!! Hoist on your own 'whatsit' springs to mind!!
  4. The 'older' types of Fosse septique tanks didn't have any filter system. The 'sludge' simply settled on the bottom and the 'water' trickled out through an overspill system into pipes that allowed the 'water to dissipate into the ground and into a fosse. Because it has been deemed that this system is contributing to pollution; filtration was introduced. The cost of installing a filtration system is very expensive but depending on one's views regarding pollution, necessary.
  5. A Fosse septique works best when it is full. Having it emptied was probably a waste of time (and money!) unless the 'sludge' at the bottom was extremely thick and deep you needn't have bothered. In respect of non-conformity: More than likely it is a lack of a 'recognised' filter system. The best you can hope for is that the same 'scruffy nondescript man shows up next time!
  6. The system here in France regarding candidates and tactical voting is geared almost certainly to Macron winning another term. My personal favourite is Bertrand. He organised Sarkozy's win (if that is a commendation!!) However I would prefer him to Macron. Then again I would prefer Donald Duck to Macron!!!
  7. I hope it helps. Odd that you should mention 'flying bugs' as well, as oregano, rosemary and thyme. In working on my drive I had a run in with a wasp nest. Two stings later I researched how to 'dissuade' them. I certainly didn't want to kill them, they do a good job. I did, however, want them to move house! Amongst the methods to get them to move is to place some rosemary and thyme, oregano, peppermint or vinegar near the nest! Apparently wasps have a highly sensitive sense of smell. I used a spray of vinegar around the nest (easy to do!) and sure enough they have started packing their bags!!
  8. Well I know Fox gloves are not herbs but—— I have grown some Foxgloves from seed and planted a couple out to' test the water' as it were. Sure enough they were eaten to the ground by, probably, slugs. I won't use any type of chemical in the garden and after a little research found a suggestion about surrounding plants with gravel!! As I'm also in the process of replacing my gravel driveway with stone I just happen to have a few tons of the stuff. Using just a very small amount to surround some more planted Foxgloves I was surprised to find that it worked!! Apparently slugs don't like walking across gravel! It may well work for herb gardens too as more than likely slugs are the main culprit with the herb problem.
  9. You sound surprised! It is impossible to check everyone. Spot checks will be the norm. If you are valid , then no problem.
  10. I have them, and some long eared bats, in my loft, the 'sous-sol' and one or two in a car port! The loft I have to clear out every year as the amount of droppings is incredible. Face mask to avoid the dust is a must!!! No problem in the 'sous-sol' as it is quite 'rough' anyway. The car port also isn't a problem as it washes out but the car does have to be covered!!!! Sometimes I go into the loft with a camera. To see them hanging there with babies clinging to their chests close up is quite incredible. I inherited them with the house 22 years ago and they are very much part of my life here. They do great job of course of keeping down the mozzies though I would prefer they left some other insects alone!!! It is rare to have one in the house (other than the loft where there is a window left open for them!!) Wouldn't be without them!
  11. Only a fool would ignore all the data concerning EVs and ICEs regarding pollution and cost. You pontificate as if what you say is gospel whereas it is simply a rambling diatribe of nonsense. The countries producing the greatest number of cars all use fossil fuel to produce vehicles In Germany's case almost uniquely fossil fuel! As for China, a new fossil burning power station a week is estimated coming on line. China (25.72 million) United States (10.88 million) Japan (9.68 million) Germany (4.66 million) India (4.51 million) Mexico (3.99 million) South Korea (3.95 million) Brazil (2.94 million) Only a gullible person would suck up all the propaganda regarding EVs without asking where the energy comes from to make them. I could go on about subsidies that distort even further the picture but you wouldn't be interested. Carry on with your 'fact finding'. irrelevant though it is. It seems to keep you amused.
  12. Top 50 Posts Joined on 28/07/2008 PhD in Stuff Posts 8,534 Re: Fuel cost EV/essence/diesel How much research would you like Ken? Well, you seem happy that all research has been done, you don't have a 'shadow of a doubt!. My argument about electric production, what argument would that be or is that just in your mind? Perhaps it was my remark about fossil fuels being used to make electric cars. Babbling on about UK grid data, why, I don't know, particularly as you don't seem to know that Gas is a fossil fuel.anyway.
  13. As my (petrol) car is just three years old I shan't be buying another car for a couple of years. If the same confusing data regarding petrol, diesel, electric etc still exists then I would have (as I do now) no idea what to buy. Governments are forcing electric upon people but fail to give the other side of the coin I;e. the pollution involved with electric and not to mention, of course, where and how is the electricity to be produced; There is barely enough now!!!! I also suspect that the price of all this 'green' will be horrendous in years to come in electricity bills which the house consumer will also have to pay!!
  14. Shouldn't worry too much about the spelling, you were bright enough to read it!! As for the gullible; Many people are actual believers in the electric drive regarding ecology, regardless of cost. Because as the car they are sitting in apparently doesn't produce any pollution they are happy to shoulder any expense. The reality is that an electric car does still produce pollution though not in an obvious way and of course is averagely more expensive to buy. The electricity has to come from somewhere as does the components and at the moment most of that energy is from, mostly, fossil fuel sources. recent research has indicated that from part to finish an eco car, especially a hybrid is less economical than a combustion engine. I'm completely ambivalent regarding people who feel that electric is the way to go. It's the zealots who worry me and don't look at the other 'side of the coin' as long as they can wear their 'green badge!!!
  15. I sonder if people have done any real reeearch into this. Being eco is one thing, being gullible is something else!!!
  16. I would be interested in your definition of what 'truth ' is. Always interested in other people's views, on the subject in question of course.
  17. The 'truth' is what you believe it to be. So many factors, primarily, the press you read, simply reenforces what you already believe. or are persuaded to believe. China , I think, is the source so I believe the 'truth' is that China is to blame. There are people who firmly believe otherwise. To them that is the 'truth'!
  18. The referee had a good game. The Italians deserved the victory, they were the better team. Although I'm always disappointed when England lose I'm never surprised. They play the same way every time they take the lead. Playing ever deeper against top teams rarely works. England do it all the time with predictable results. As for the penalties, well I'm afraid that tactically Southgate got it completely wrong. All in all a decent team but their mindset has to change. Playing deeper and deeper is the default setting and has been since 1966!
  19. So the bunting and St Georges flags will just have to stay in place around the house and garden! until Sunday! I hope the neighbours don't mind the loud speakers blaring out Land of hope and Glory every five minutes. Well done England. Rule Britannia.
  20. Dear Banana, I am always nice, at least until confronted with pompous people!! Thank you for clearing up my original question. So, Bertrand is no longer a republican, I didn't know that. i.e; he is an independent and that is why he doesn't have to be part of any primaries. The intricacies of the voting system I can understand it was simply the 'Bertrand' question that confused me. That, you have now clarified. thank you. Presumably, along the way he will gather around him the machinery to stand as a presidential candidate. I hope he makes it.
  21. I love my country and would never betray it. I hope England succeed to night but if not, no problem. It is my country and I will always support it.
  22. Weggie: O.k;, you have said he is 'apparently' an independent. I can go with that but is he? I ask because he has categorically said that he won't take part in any primaries! For me that means he is part of , at least, a group who vote for a candidate! Is he independent? If he isn't in any way in a party why would he say that he isn't taking part in any primaries, he wouldn't have to would he? You and Banana are trying to help with my confusion. Others are asking for rather stupid links!!!
  23. Thanks for that but--- Now I'm totally bemused! If he isn't a member of the Republican Party which party is he a member of? Given, that he is a member of some party or other, then again I ask how come he can say he won't take part in the primaries (of whatever party!!) I don't think he is an 'independent' as if he were then he wouldn't have to say he isn't taking part in the primaries!! I tried to find out which party he no belongs to but the best I could come up with is that he won the regional whilst a member of the Republicans and that was only a few weeks ago!!!
  24. I have a question for the more informed (political wise!) posters here. I cannot understand how Bertrand can not take part in his parties primary elections and yet still remain a contender (with his party) for the Presidential elections. I understand that primaries are not a requirement by law to select a candidate but wonder why they go through the procedure if the one selected is then turfed out and Bertrand becomes the candidate! I have looked at links until my head is buzzing and none explain this anomaly, at least. None that I can understand! I would like someone to explain it to me please in as simple terms as possible. Please don’t send a link; I would appreciate a persons own explanantion. I cannot understand how the party will hold primary elections to select a presidential candidate and then, at their congress, presumably, select Bertrand!
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