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Everything posted by Ken

  1. 'Yes, ken, I accept that but one can only make informed decisions if the facts are there to be seen, understood, read etc, aided by the research which seems in this case to be substantially lacking.' Do you really need someone to tell you that if you eat too much you will get fat? Does it matter that it is processed food or not that eating too much of either isn't good for you? You need something written on a Label? Are you really that dependant on others that you don't , or won't take responsibility for what you eat? if so, you may not admit it but it is pathetic!
  2. Updated regulations or not. What I have written is correct. There is no problem with crossing into Spain. There may be requirements and that is for the individual to comply with. The fact remains there are no restrictions.
  3. Are you seriously saying to me that you are not responsible for what you put in your mouth? That you are so stupid as to let others say what you should be eating, or how much? I hope that is not the case! You get fat fat simply because of what. you eat! Whose fault is that?
  4. Strange that you blame the 'right' when the left' are the problem!
  5. As usual, blame someone else!!! You are responsible for what you put in your mouth!
  6. "That supports what I posted above about exceptions for those who live near the border" There are no travel restrictions within France so there cannot be any advantage to living near the frontier. There are no restrictions in travelling across the frontier into Spain though certain requirements may be necessary but as long as they are comlpied with (if necessary) then no problem. On the motorways there is always a Police presence of one form or another at the toll booths. Pulling over motorists is what they are there for! At crossings other than on motorways it is unlikely to see any Police presence. This morning I crossed to buy a car load of paint, not a policeman to be seen, Spanish or French and in fact barriers that had been in place to narrow the roads have been removed.
  7. I cross , on average once a week. I do much of my shopping in Spain and yesterday had new tyres fitted to my car. The savings are quite extraordinary on many products. The vast majority of people doing shopping are French and arrive from all over in coaches. They , like me, know that the savings are well worth it. The frontier shopping centres have expanded beyond all recognition to when I first arrived here 22 years ago.
  8. They are actually quite harmless. Should you not want them back then simply spray some insecticide around the attic and they won't return! Seems a shame to kill them when they are in situs!
  9. Don't pay, it may be a scam. If genuine then all will become clear in the fulness of time!!
  10. es résidents de la zone frontalière pour des déplacements ne dépassant pas un rayon de 30 km de leur lieu de résidence. Yes, that was the case but that regulation was cancelled several weeks ago. As it stands there are no restrictions on entering Spain from France. There may be a form that needs to be filled and is required by the Spanish authorities if you are a 'visitor'. However, in the case of myself and DANNY' who asked the original question to go across for shopping purposes rather than a vacation, there isn't , or doesn't appear to be, any requirement to even fill in the form. The frontier is open and there are no Spanish or French police.
  11. It's all in the way way it is put I suppose but not all that Nestlé produce, processed or otherwise is cr-p! Quite obviously every producer of food processes to some degree. It is up to the consumer to decide what they want to eat. Still, I suppose it is much easier to blame them than take personal responsibility!
  12. Crossed the frontier this morning. No restrictions at all.
  13. Danny said: Normally we go to Spain two times a month, however that was before Covid-19. We have both received our two vaccinations and got the digital vaccination certificates. Can we cross the border without a PCR test. ? We can not find anything on line. I live five minutes from the Frontier with Spain and cross frequently. There are no restrictions on cross frontier travel.
  14. NickP :to be fair even fresh food are often sprayed with chemicals. Very true. I know many people who wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Perhaps a wise precaution!! Personally I don't. So far so good!!! You mention that your family moved to Canada. During my 'research' into processed foods there was a piece on processed foods and Canada. I won't go into detail; it would give you nightmares!!!!
  15. For a long time I have read that processed food is bad for your health. I realised that I wasn't at all sure what processed food actually is! I had a rough idea but decided to finally find out. It would seem that all food, regardless of what it is; is processed!!! The exception being fresh food, vegetables, cereals etc, even meat. The processing appears also to be a question of degree. Biscuits, soft drinks etc are highly processed whilst a bag of flour isn't highly processed but non the less is still processed. So, the bottom line appears to be that your shopping trolly will contain mostly processed foods. For some it will 100% processed food as these people also buy frozen vegetables etc. My conclusion is that simply saying processed foods are bad for you is disingenuous. Quite patently that isn't the case. The more fresh food that is eaten is obviously better but saying processed foods are bad is wrong, some are, many are not!!
  16. "Given the vast profits that are made from addictive food, often made with the cheapest ingredients, enhanced by even cheaper salt and sugar, industry and government will not change things soon" I agree completely: It is why people have to take some personal responsibility for their own eating habits. People are too quick to blame government or industry. Industry and government don't force people to be fat!!!! In addition it is the amount that is eaten, not the type of food itself. Your example of a near 'mutiny' The chips were not the problem; it was how many and how often!!!
  17. There is simply too much emphasis placed on the type of food eaten rather than the amount eaten. Eating processed or fresh food is almost irrelevant. If someone eats too much of either they will become fat! Some may say that fresh food is best but others say there are too many chemicals in it from spraying, Bio; too expensive, processed not healthy enough. The arguments go around in circles but is really aimed at trying to reduce obesity. The bottom line is people are fat and therefore more liable to disease simply because they eat too much!!
  18. CEEJAYFancy a quick day trip down to La Perthus on the Spanish border to do some cheapo shopping. Bit confused as to what the rules are for crossing over to Spain from France, have had both jabs but do I also need a PCR test? Grateful for info. I live close to the frontier (Dancharia) Granted it is on the opposite side of the Pyrenees to La Perthus but crossing into (and back) Spain has been without any checks now for a couple of weeks. Even when there were checks it wasn't a problem if you were local to the frontier (within the 10K distance). If you had come a long distance to the frontier then a test certificate was required but even that is no longer necessary. Enjoy your shopping.
  19. My CdS arrived by registered post this morning, a pleasant surprise. I had, like many, applied on line, back in October and received a number. Several moths later I received another number stating the application was with my sous-prefecture and my card would be posted, it's here!!! I had (have) a current CdS that I applied for several years ago in anticipation of having to apply for the permanent one. That was on the advice of HMG. Having completed all that was required back then I haven't had to go anywhere or do anything since applying on line for the permanent card. I don't have to return the old card or acknowledge anything (my signature on the registered post is enough of receipt I suppose) All very painless as it turned out!
  20. Oh dear. I was making an observation, you totally ignored the previous post that said the problem had been sorted out. We both know what you meant with your 'observation' A shame that some people hide behind 'observations' and 'snide' comments so they can squirm out of criticism and claim innocence. The world we live in I suppose! Not that you are guilty of that behaviour of course!!!
  21. BiB: Oh dear. I was making an observation, you totally ignored the previous post that said the problem had been sorted out. Sarcasm is rarely received well. It says more about the person doing it!!
  22. BETISE Ken, I have never seen a mute button on a remote control that mutes only the sound on HD channels No, neither have I which is why I added that if it were the case then a technician would be needed.
  23. There almost certainly is a 'mute' button. In fact I would bet on it!!!! I have done a similar thing in the past. Study the hand control in great detail !!! Have to say though that if you are receiving sound on some (normal) channels then the problem is a technicians job!!!
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