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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Ken

    Where were you?

    I not sure how you jump to me not caring about my countrymen. I thought I had made it clear that Brexit , in my view, was good for the U.K. and so by extension, my countrymen. As for giving up your British nationality, it is, of course, your decision. Isn't it nice to think you can return to Britain should you become disenchanted? Assuming of course it isn't run by cultists!!!
  2. Ken

    Where were you?

    Antonia; I feel sure the 'overseas territories' you mention. have managed to, thus far, survive! despite your concerns for their welfare. As to the political views you hold regarding the U.K. you are perfectly entitled to an opinion though in my opinion your love for the E.U. transcends your being objective. I wasn't going to raise the subject of naturalisation but as you have needed to mention it, well done. As you no longer trust the UK. government then presumably you will also be giving up your British nationality, you not trusting them!! Cutting all ties with Britain, is that right? Perhaps that may be a step too far, just in case!!!! As for getting over it, I simply can't I'm afraid. Each day I pay homage to Boris for getting Britain out. Good luck with your French nationality application.
  3. Why be 'surprised' that I do not recall Britain being the sick man of Europe? I have never been asked to recall it so I'm not sure why you needed to say such thing. Well actually I do of course, it is just a way of having a dig at the UK! In any event , now that you have mentioned it, I do remember the term being applied to Britain. I also have to say that it was as meaningless then as it is today. I certainly don't recall any difference in my life or any of the people I met with in the world I revolved around simply because the press and some European countries chose to use the term. I wonder, us being of the same generation, do you recall that France was given the same epithet in 2015-16? or Turkey in 2018 or, how about this!!! The E.U. this present day on the basis that there are several countries where polls have shown a dramatic drop in support for the E.U. As I have said, the term is meaningless and whether it is France, Britain or the E.U. that is given it means nothing, unless of course you are having a 'dig' just to try and score 'brownie points'!!
  4. Ken

    Where were you?

    My thoughts, for what they are worth. There was a referendum and the majority voted in favour of leaving the E.U. All sorts of speculative nonsense could be applied. For example supposing those who didn't vote did vote to leave then the majority would have been even greater! The 'remainers' say 'but' if those who didn't vote etc voted to. remain then perhaps etc. etc. You lost, get over it!!
  5. Ken

    Where were you?

    I'm sure you will inform me! As a starter, they can feel rest assured that the. E.U. cannot interfere with the British government if the British government decide otherwise! Other than that , nothing! British people cans still do everything as they did before albeit , now with some paperwork!
  6. Ken

    Where were you?

    Splendid reply. I'm sure everyone will be most impressed.
  7. Well, you don't seem to be following your own advice! No, I never saw how Britain 'prospered' by belonging to the E.U; likewise I haven't seen any evidence of Britain suffering hugely either. That though is an aside. The 'advantages' that I gained by belonging to. the E.U., what exactly? That I could live, work or travel in Europe? I still can. So can anyone who wants to move here from the U.K. yes, some more paperwork but no-one is 'banned'! For me the 'genuine positive advantage' for Britain is that it can make its own decisions. Such as vaccinations, food stuffs, trades and many other things that the E.U. simply can't manage. For me self determination transcends any altruistic tendencies I may feel. If you love the E.U. and its workings then become a citizen, rescind your UK. nationality. In other words put your money where your mouth is!!! Perhaps you have, but I doubt it! Like most others the lure of a U.K. passport is too great to give up!!
  8. Ken

    Where were you?

    Insults aside I have said elsewhere that , for me, the only issue was a countries right to sellf determination. Nothing else. I apply that to all countries. I have to say that your selfish reasons are your concern, not mine. The majority voted to leave. You were the minority, and lost. You seem to set great store by suggesting that you and your family have the right to so many things yet won't accept a democratic vote. As for celebrating, well hardly a day goes by when I don't thank those who voted to leave. The majority!
  9. In my mind there is no question but it is a Brexit subject, in this forum anyway! Be it chlorinated foodstuffs or now this allowing unregulated feed to animals. Certainly decisions are made in the E.U. or even in the U.K. but postings here are very much pro-EU no matter what the circumstances and that is because of Brexit. The E.U. is rarely, if ever, criticised. These people simply cannot accept that Britain voted to leave and their world has been turned upside down. I'm accused time and again for making something a 'Brexit' subject but it is quite obvious by the way posts are formulated that criticism is aimed anywhere to deflect from the shortcomings of the E.U. Many here won't accept it and snipe at the U.K. or the USA in an attempt to justify their partisanship. I don't read, never in fact; how successful the E.U. is because it isn't; but rather how bad the UK or USA is, even Australia has been dragged in to it!! Quite pathetic! I have no problem with anyone who wants to laud the E.U. I may not agree but each is entitled to a view or opinion. It would be refreshing to actually read something that is a success emanating from the E.U.! It is the one sided support of the E.U. I find distasteful. Objectivity, a word, certainly not a practice!.
  10. I'm certainly not a vegetarian but I do think about what I put in my mouth!! I have certain principles regarding baby pigs, cows, sheep etc; but accept that is how the world is. What is different here is the acceptance, by the E.U. of possible foodstuffs being detrimental to the health of the people in the E.U. Certain countries will supply foodstuffs that is contaminated. That I can't. accept. It has happened and without rigorous checks will happen again. The E.U. have condoned future health problems in my view by allowing this to happen. An aside is that E.U. lovers cannot bring themselves to condemn it!!
  11. The meat which is going to end up on French shelves, thanks to the E.U., is meat that could originate almost anywhere. "Anywhere" being where rigorous adhesion to the regulations isn't carried out. Being slavish to the E.U. is one thing accepting potential problems with the food chain is something else. These 'anywhere' places won't have scruples as to what they feed their cows. Keeping on trying to somehow point the finger at the U.K. is ridiculous, they didn't pass the E.U. reg. It was the E.U. The truth is what the E.U. have done and not what the UK papers or anyone else is saying.
  12. Where were we? Oh yes meat! My personal view is that feeding dead animals to live animals isn't the sort of thing that should happen. However, despite happenings like the Polish 'sick cow' experience, B.S.E. and other food scares it seems the E.U are prepared to take the risk of it happening again. That a product from God knows where will end up on my supermarket shelf is of some concern! Of course, the E.U. can do no wrong but unlike some here I'm afraid I don't feel that way. Incidentally these are my views so am unable to provide a link!!!!!
  13. Chessie: I stand corrected. Perhaps I am too sensitive!!!! Thank you. for the offer of a PM to inform me of another forum but no thank you, I find this one 'radical' enough! I wouldn't last ten seconds on something you could suggest. There are enough Guardian readers here!! I should say that I have lived in France for over 22 years and love the country. People do, of course, have different perspectives but some here simply won't accept a different view point to their own and when given an opposite opinion revert to veiled insults and even threats! Yes, I have had one in a P.M. ! I absolutely love to discuss issues with people, that is why aI am here; I will though, passionately, and with equal aggression reply to someone who simply aims an insult. Anyway, thank you for your reply and hope the recycling went well. It's bloody raining here!!!
  14. Can't get away from it I suppose! Brexit. Where were you when you heard the news that the vote leave had won? I was in a restaurant in SanFrancisco when the news broke.A great cheer from another table made me aware that there were other Brits in the restaurant. We shared some very nice wine to celebrate. Five years ago this week. It really made my holiday.
  15. Chessie: It's interesting that you suggest another forum. The implication being that because I don't agree with some here I perhaps should leave! I have nothing personal against anyone but I cannot alter my opinions to suit them. I am utterly convinced that most here were anti Brexit and it shows, I believe, in the way they write. It doesn't trouble me that they do so it is just I think their hypocrisy should be pointed out from time to time. You would note, perhaps, that it is always the same one or two who pontificate but don't like criticism!
  16. Of course it has to do with Brexit. Anyone with a brain cell would know that . People here simply cannot accept what the majority have voted for and snipe continuously against it. Almost by definition these sites are. anti Brexit and much of the content of posts is certainly left orientated. I'm surprised the Telegraph was mentioned. The poster must have been disorientated! The Guardian is a much. better source of information after all!
  17. The Telegraph! Quite a surprise! The left doesn't do 'fiddling' of course. I am never disappointed at the thinking of 'leftish' thinkers. The Guardian and it's followers are quite pathetic. What it boils down to of course is that these people simply can't accept that the majority voted to leave their E.U. Why, because trey knew it was corrupt and unworkable. If, these 'believers' love the E.U. so much take. up citizenship and put your. money where your mouth is!
  18. ALBF---If I got French citerzenship and voted....I am still British. So I am a British person voting in France. It would appear you are absolutely correct! Providing you have maintained your U.K. citizenship and obtained French citizenship Then it seems that you would be a Brit voting in French elections!!
  19. If I got French citerzenship and voted....I am still British. So I am a British person voting in France. What you are 'missing' is that if you acquire French citizenship you become a French national i.e. French. You are no longer 'British'. In the legal sense. Having acquired French citizenship just try and return to Britain and vote there!! I know what you are getting at regarding still being 'British'. Nothing can change the fact you were born British but legally you would no longer be British! A piece of paper does change that!
  20. My own opinion which, undoubtably will be unpopular, is why should a foreigner be allowed to vote in another countries elections? I know the argument about paying taxes, contributing to the economy etc but for me that isn't reason enough. Of course I should pay taxes etc after all I use the facilities and services. but to determine in some way the political future of a country; I think is wrong. Often a foreigner will think entirely differently to the indigenous population on a whole raft of subjects which is quite natural given their differing upbringings. When I was able to vote here I did so but always felt a little guilty! Now, of course I can't and am content with that as it goes with my views. If I don't want to accept it, well we all know what I could do and that option is open to everyone!!!!
  21. Ken


    2007 was the last serious flood in St Pée. There have been several minor floodings but nothing serious. It was an incredible night. Lightning and thunder that continued without stopping for hours. The rain was incredible. Come the dawn the valley was underwater, helicopters lifting people off roofs and all in the space of a few hours. As quickly as it came, it subsided, leaving devastation in its wake. People I spoke with after said that the water rose so quickly they just had time to make it to the roof. Others had to be pulled out of windows and hoisted to upper floors. Living high up we were untouched but it was quite obvious that there had been tremendous damage in the valley below and St Pée itself. Walking in the mountains days after the storm people would simply not be able understand the devastation to the countryside and indeed, the mountains without seeing it. I love storms and bad weather but I am eternally grateful to the local who said" don't buy a house in the Vally"( near a river) Over the years I have seen the result of storms and flooding across France and know of the terrible consequences of ignoring Mother Nature!
  22. Ken


    When we moved to France a local gave us some very good advice: Don't buy a house near a river!!! Anyone interested can research it but that advice was good. St Pée sur Nivelle was devastated and we looked upon a flooded valley with relief! We need the rain but nature has the last say!!!
  23. Much better! Well a link anyway. A link does save using the brain I suppose!
  24. Two posts and still no link. Surely being so widely read you could find something? I see you have support too, how comforting!
  25. Good grief! A post from the 'well read' himself without a link! Whatever next, independent thought? I suspect though that is a step too far!
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