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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Ken


    10.15!! The poor dog must be starving!!! No wonder he gets you up!
  2. Ken


    Early! The day can't start early enough! Yes, wordle can wait, I can't!!!! Anyway the cats enjoy an early breakfast though they haven't yet mastered wordle ! No paper round though I'm usually returning from a run when many seem to be just getting out of bed with the day half gone! What a waste!
  3. Ken


    Not normally an 'addict' sort of person, other than exercise but 'Wordle' has grabbed me and I start my day (around 5.30 a.m) finding the hidden word. So far 100% and have been doing it for a couple of weeks. If you like sudoku or other puzzles then this is quite good. It gets the brain going but isn't particularly difficult, just puzzling !! Easy to find, just type in wordle.
  4. It's almost a schizophrenic situation regarding what's happening. Undoubtably Macron is doing his best to make Britain pay for Brexit but I doubt it is aimed at the British people, not in that personal way. It is political and the schizoid aspect comes into it in that it is the politicians playing their games whilst at the same time suggesting they are doing it for 'the people'! The politicians are on another plane to the rest of us but unfortunately we are the subject of their grandiose schemes. As you have said, the French are also suffering because of Macrons behaviour but it is for their 'benefit!! I can't help but feel that Macrons time is running out. The rest of the E.U are not wholly supportive of France because of his behaviour and the French themselves can feel the 'pinch' regarding British spending power. The major problem is the coming election and the tactical voting that goes on. It could well see him elected again. If he is elected I foresee much more civil unrest here, if there is something the French do well (and they do many things well) it is street riots!!!
  5. A strange thing to say! Do you know Macron's parents found his marriage to be offensive? She is an attractive woman and many will simply be jealous, an unenviable trait in people.
  6. I don't know of any other President who used that word but I do remember Sarkozy causing a storm by using 'racaille' The British press just, as with 'emmerder', plumped for the worst translation possible of course! Each word has several interpretations and Presidents should be aware that whatever they say it will be shown in the worst possible light by their enemies!
  7. I have never understood why Mrs Macron should be insulted as she is. I find her an attractive woman. No doubt she is intelligent and as far as I'm aware hasn't done anything offensive. No doubt, first thing in the morning she may not look as attractive as she does in public but then again who does? Macron may be all that is said about him but why his wife?
  8. Noisette; No need to apologise as your post isn't confusing at all. As usual you say things that simply haven't happened or existed. I have not used the term 'indignation' at all. Your 'comical' reaction is therefore rather strange. A vivid imagination perhaps! As for my 'dogmatic bulldozing' of others knowledge of a subject, more vague 'comedy' I'm afraid. More whimsical imaginings. You don't have the time to waste with arguing on forums but do find the time to have a 'dig' so you say. That is quite apparent but equally you don't like it when your posts are corrected. It's easy to 'have a dig' isn't it? Not so nice when you are on the receiving end and your character is revealed for what it is, no matter how nicely it is tried to be wrapped up!!
  9. Yes it was diplomatically put. There is nothing at all wrong with having a point of view, as you have shown! Expressing it correctly is all important. I wonder why anyone would intimate it is wrong to do so?
  10. Down here my French neighbours say the same thing. The don't like Macron, hate what happened regarding the flag but will still vote for him in the final round if MLP is there too. As diplomatically as I can I Point out that it is the tactical voting in the earlier rounds that leads to that situation so it is as much their fault as anyone's that they end up with a President they don't want or like!!! Absolute waste of time, they won't change.The same thing happens at the local elections when they vote for another neighbour because he is their friend!! What can you say? Without causing offence that is!!! I am, despite living here for 22 years, still a guest in France.
  11. Should Boris Johnson have flown any flag other than the 'Union Jack' over the tomb of the unknown warrior in the U.K. there would have been absolute uproar and no doubt he would be looking for another job this very minute. The French are patriotic, their military suffered tremendously in both world wars and I was appalled when I saw on the news this morning that Macron had the E/U. flag flown above the French tomb. Whatever could have possessed the man to do such a thing? I have read here that it has now been taken down, I hope that is the case. I consider it an insult to the dead of France that such a thing happened. Is the man so utterly arrogant that he doesn't consider what incredible offence it must have caused to the French people ?
  12. NOISETTE: If you want 'comic' lets dissect your post! Fat, Obese and overweight are well defined. Do a little research and you will find the % of fat for male and female that is the considered norm. Above that norm you move into overweight, fat Then obese. Ethnicity-Genetics has no real relationship with being fat. Samoans are huge people , possibly genetically fat but still fat!!! Bone density, muscle mass have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with fat. Different material completely and subject to different parameters. As for greed: We are taking about fat people!! Thin people are not fat, surely you have noticed? I don't know of anyone and I bet you don't either who knows of someone stick thin yet eats like an elephant on a daily basis.. We can all eat a huge meal or two from time to time without becoming obese! As for the nonsense of looking at food and getting fat, indeed it is nonsense. You would say that the biggest factor is physical activity! Wrong again: Incidentally you can't switch on/ off your metabolism!! You probably mean a temporarily increased metabolism when taking exercise. Do some research and you will find out about things like calories in fat, protein and carbohydrate which predominately are used in exercise in varying proportions, fat being the last and slowest to be used!!!. To give you a taste, pun intended. To lose a pound of fat you would need to travel on foot without eating for a minimum of thirty miles. Do the research and you will find the value in calories in fat and the calories used in exercise; You will then see that exercise is a non starter. Being fat isn't genetic. It is eating too much!! Most cases of people arguing against the basic precept that eating is the sole reason for being fat and obesity are , I found in my career, fat people!!! No matter how many times you tell most fat people that being fat could well kill them they ignore it, it doesn't exist!! Instead they go off on ridiculous tangents to try and justify why they are fat, and it's never their fault!! Incidentally I don't believe in the 'French paradox' at all. The French population is increasingly becoming fat; It is a matter of record
  13. And as ever I'm being accused of something I'm not guilty of! The diet of the young men wasn't an issue when they were called up they were young, fit and 'healthy', except they weren't were they? The autopsies proved it! No conflation! Advanced heart disease was present in the bodies brought home. The only logical cause was their diet, before , and during their service. Of course eating fat and being fat are two different issues. Eating anything and being fat is also two different issues. The whole point. though is that being fat is bad and the only way to become fat is to eat too much. It is well established that fat people are more at risk in any health situation. With your heart attack, you don't say if you were fat. You don't say if being fat was a possible factor. I'm not cherry picking but stating the obvious.
  14. Unfortunately people cherry pick whatever statistic suits their point of view , or argument. There was also, without their relatives knowledge, autopsies carried out on the returning bodies of US servicemen killed in the Vietnam war, mainly 18 to mid 20s year old. Studies found that there was very high incidence of heart disease in these young men. conclusion: Their diet was largely fat based and given as the reason. Generally speaking there is ample evidence to suggest that the fatter you are the greater the risk from not only vascular disease but cancers and other problems. Because being fat is a 'taboo' subject it is rarely mentioned these days. It is quite clear that it isn't the type of food you eat but how much of it. Nutritionally a hamburger is perfect with regard protein, fat, minerals and vitamins but quite clearly eating several a day is not going to be a good idea! People are fat because they eat too much, and it is killing them! Will they do something about it? No! Mustn't upset anyone must we!!!! Heart disease in the U.SA. is rampant.In the U.K it is very bad and in Europe becoming a big problem. Still though, people mustn't be called fat or even have it pointed out! Instead governments and individuals dance around the subject blaming lack of exercise, poor diet etc. when it is essentially just plain greed! Just to add a last bit of controversy: Watching people queuing up at the food banks for free food brought an ironic smile, most were fat or at least overweight and still they want more!!
  15. To be fair, although I also think he is odious!! The French government have said there isn't a problem!!
  16. Ken


    Well, whilst you lot were putting on weight and getting a hangover I was still mixing cement!! I have to admit though that I did take Christmas day off! But it’s finished! Boxing day afternoon the last joint was cemented. For those who like statistics: I started the work on the 20th August finished 26th of December. Apart from nearly three weeks of rain in November worked every day or part of a day. Lifted approximately ten tons of gravel and trailered it to the tip. Used a mini digger to loosen the gravel but had to load and unload the trailer by hand. It took 50 trips to the tip! Laid 12 cubic meters of concrete (12 tons) reinforced with metal grillage over 104 square meters of driveway. Laid 3.5 cubic meters of stone on the concrete (approx. 5 tons) Used approximately 50-60 bags of cement (approx. 2 tons) A third of a ton of sand for the joints, colour and ‘fixer’ A fractured hand (overuse of a spade!!) A few gallons of sweat and liberal use of expletives; but it’s done!
  17. I'm sure you feel that your highlighted sentence qualifies as the objective of the EEC but I respectfully differ. 'An underlying political objective' isn't mentioned or anything like it in the Treaty of Rome. Neither was it mentioned in your post that Monnet and Schuman declared 'it was to banish war'!
  18. Yes I did and I would have thought that, if correct, an increase of just over 2 thousand on the previous year, isn't a gigantic increase. The problem with statistics is that they can be manipulated to suit any argument as I'm sure you know. Given that there were over 21 thousand the year before, according to the statistics, rather supports what I said about child cruelty has always been going on! Given that in some countries, the U.K. included I think! If you smack a child it can be deemed child cruelty, many people think differently but it is the law and would enter the statistics as an offence against a child. There are lies and there are statistics!
  19. There were different views that's for sure.I don't see too many comments now defending social services. People who work in social services , are, in the main, the bottom of the 'food chain' 'Funny' degrees in all sorts of subjects and an even 'funnier' perception of the world and the dross that inhabit it. No doubt there are some who work well but by and large it is a dysfunctional organisation and always has been. The sad truth is that it will continue. These recent atrocities regarding children is nothing new. It has always gone on it's just at the moment it is the 'flavour of the month' for the press to get hold of.
  20. I 'm not sure that the EEC was formed to stop wars! Certainly for more integration which I suppose would help in that direction but specifically to stop war. I don't agree. Commercialism was the main thrust of the Treaty of Rome and somehow this has morphed, over the years, as to become a treaty to stop war! That aside I agree with all your points about politicians and their 'waffle'. Perhaps we do need a Le Pen or Zemmour that have stated categorically that they would do something about it, but will they get their chance? I doubt it. Your points are valid but the electorate put the same old 'Wafflers' back in power so who really is at fault; them or us?
  21. I think that xmas is wrecked for many anyway. I have just read that France is banning all non-essential to France from the U.K. Only French citizens and truck drivers are exempt. Merry Christmas!!
  22. Dare I say that we all want to end the illegal and mass immigration into Europe. I certainly do. Even those that aid the immigrants must surely want it to end. It seems utterly ridiculous to me that politicians say they will do something and never do! Just what is the answer, Another war because the situation becomes so chronic step forward a dictator who appeals the masses?
  23. How about Zemmour? Indeed most of the front runners are now talking about curbing immigration; including Macron. Germany, on the other hand; so I read this morning; is again encouraging immigration!!!
  24. East and West, a generality. There are countries in the West that allow under age (according to Europe) marriages and therefor sex. As I said earlier, what is considered normal in one country is considered abnormal in anther. The great danger is that we become sanctimonious and consider our laws and customs to be the only correct ones. The big problem comes when immigrants bring their customs to Europe, or indeed, when europeans go to other countries and lecture them on their customs!!
  25. I would agree that East and West have nothing to do with the law.That is, eastern law in the west and vice versa. The law in a sovereign country is what should count. (Don't mention the E.U.!!!) Denmark has enforced the law regarding the Minister but does it enforce the law regarding marriages to children, can it? Just how do you prove an adult has had sex with a child without imposing on their human rights!! I don't know of any prosecutions in Denmark, or anywhere else for that matter regarding illegal sex between a couple who are married but the bride is a child!!! I think the west has a very big table to sweep lots of things under!!! Immigration and the control of it is, in part, the answer. Men who are married to children can then be vetted and refused entry but immigration control is a very touchy subject isn't it? Europe is slowly awakening to the problems but it's probably too late without radical reform, step in the human rights mob!!
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