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Everything posted by idun

  1. I could pity him if his history with his companies had not let so many down badly, including his university........ I cannot even get my head around that idea, 'trump university'. My pity goes to others. And look at the cartoon on here, not that I am saying who it reminds me of.[blink] https://www.verywellmind.com/understanding-the-narcissistic-sociopath-4587611
  2. Anyone got a dog, well, if you say, 'walkies' they are there, tail wagging, raring and ready to go. I reckon that Pressy is just the same, someone says tv cameras and he is there, cannot help himself. And would be standing there shuffling and sort of rolling his shoulders, as he always does, and my thought is always, that he is summing up if could just use his bulk to push the person at the podium out  of the way, because the 'only' person who knows everything is him, what with him being a stable genius et al. One day maybe those extra long ties will come in handy as someone leads him off somewhere far away. Will he be there, well, maybe a little hiatus, but I don't think he will ever be able to stop himself. AND I hope I am wrong.
  3. Ah no, I like a slightly green end on a banana, I find over ripe ones sickly, I agree they are sweet, but cloying sweet.  And I hate banana cake too. No I love a good banana, but I am a fussy 'apeth and know what I like.[blink]
  4. For those that haven't noticed, I have posted about making an easy mask on 'put a sock on it'. Simple and it works.
  5. As making masks has been mentioned,  this is a great way to make a face mask. Being rather a poor house keeper, perhaps, I have a box full of odd socks so this is just the thing for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJmM6wQ9Ggs should be a live link
  6. auxadrets, that is a very sad, your feeling bereft.  What can one say, I cannot think of any  words to offer you, as we are all in the same boat and it will simply be a waiting game for us all.
  7. Well I live and learn, I did not know that that style  was called a chignon, in fact, for all I have had my hair like that when I had long hair, I had no idea it had a 'name'[:D].
  8. We have a friend who has called on folks too during the lockdown. Unlike you though Chessie, their OH thinks everything is tickety boo and it certainly is not. It looks like you are going to have to be crafty with things in the future and have a box or something along those lines to stash away important things that are spares, or anything else he should not get his hands on anymore. Good luck with your keys, I hope that the insurance will cover for you.
  9. Has fioul gone down in price? If it has, now winter is over, may be a good time to get those tanks filled if you can.
  10. You are driving?? I drive once a week, c'est tout. I filled up almost a week before lock down, and still have far too much in the tank to make me even consider topping up. I am told that diesel is about a £1 a litre at the moment, but there you go. Even if they were giving it away, I could hardly get any in my tank.
  11. auxadrets, how often would you have seen your children under normal circumstances?
  12. You have fantasised rather than thought this out haven't you? My shoulders, especially my right one is painful, and the longer I have it held up the worse the pain gets, ends up feeling like cigarettes burning inside the joint. So a torture contraption would be just tickety boo, wouldn't it.[:(] And if I wanted to 'clip' him, I would suggest he runs, rather than moved around..... if I was feeling that way inclined, best get out of my way nez pah![blink]
  13. I cut my hair about ten days ago and husband's. I am not a hairdresser, but have hairdressing scissors and usually do a fairly decent job. Biggest problem is bloddy arthritis, and my arms and shoulders especially do not take well to being held up for more than a few seconds at a time. Still, once started, I have to grit my teeth and get on with it. I don't like wearing trousers, and haven't worn tights for a few weeks now........... just let the hairs on your legs grow if you want extra warmth or covering.......... #trendsetter  [;-)][Www]
  14. Sadly ALBF, they still do not know if you can catch it again, or how long you are really contagious. They keep trying to get this right, but it has ended up as guessing things happen and their original analysis is not what is happening.
  15. Never ever will be fair, never has been either. Us little people in general obey the rules and those in power or with wealth all too often abuse the systems, because I can only assume that other powerful folk built in systems for them to do so! Stinks doesn't it.
  16. So everyone is doing OK then? It is OK even if you aren't and are not coping very well with it. We all deal with things differently. I wish everyone well and prenez soins de vous.
  17. So not a hundred then and should be up to an afternoon frolic, which is surely far nicer than a 'nap' ........... does this make me 'devergondee' then[Www]
  18. We had not been in France that long when we received a bill from the french government demanding a payment of, and here is what I cannot quite remember, but something like 2000ff so around 250€ which in 1981 or 2 was a LOT of money. We had to pay and were told it was a loan that would be repaid and it was several years later. So yes, the french government does require the people pay up if they need money. No idea if they decided to do it, if they would class any demands as a simply one off tax or loan, but they certainly have form for doing such a thing.
  19. Go on wooly, tell us how old are they???[:)]
  20. Unsurprisingly, we have had a glitch in our internet connection during the last week. I was sort of expecting it sooner, but instead of getting mad about it, because we are with Virgin and I think that they cost a rotten fortune, I was rather philosophical about it...... and just pleased when I could get back on. Apart from that, we are doing just fine. The days glide by and we will be outside applauding again tonight. It was mentioned on another thread about people saving money. And that is something I have noticed, our bank balance. We have ordered some things on line. In fact quite a few, but obviously our usual spending exceeds this. And our larders are as full as usual. Initially I was amazed at the amount of money we hadn't spent. So, I have been giving this some consideration and there is ofcourse, filling the tank up. We do like to eat out as a couple, at least a couple of times a month, good restaurants but not costing an arm and a leg either, and we no longer have wine with our meals.......and I lunch with friends quite regularly, but that is usually a light lunch, not a meal, so not expensive. Is it going out  that really makes it all mount up because the bank balance is rosey. If it is simply eating out that makes the hole..... well, it will be very very nice when we can make a hole in our budget again.
  21. Not just for clients, but registering with the authorities as a business. When I see french people start things up, they seem to need all sorts of registering and authorisation, so I don't get how people can just move and start say practising hypnotherapy, unless say, their qualification is transferable. Not everything is automatically transferable. Hunters in my old village bof, double figure IQ's I think for most of them, a neighbour who lived next to us for a couple of years was originally from the Villefranche area and a hunter. He only went out with our locals once, called them butchers not hunters and was disgusted. There are too many deaths with the hunts in France, from dogs to people, some will shoot at anything at all and I would not go anywhere near the areas they hunt in. All the french people I know seem to have to have special qualifications to do just about anything, and as not every qualification is transferable I don't know how so many of these programs seem to suggest that someone can come and just set up shop. I didn't really mean Chasseurs official sites, but more like government things to register your business. And please the word is GITE. The french are hot on spelling, I know only too well, as I am not very good at spelling in english or french. Yes, learn french. I moved back to the UK after a long long time in France and it disgusts me that so much is done for non english or should I say non british isles languages.  As far as I am concerned a BIG waste of money, move to another country and use their language as we chose to move there, no one makes us. Don't get any ideas that I sound french I don't. My french is what it is, still have my english accent, but I do everything in french  in France and that is how it should be, and no one will convince me otherwise for those who move to another country permanently.
  22.  Strangely I looked up how to join, as I need some information about something and someone told me that the person who can give me this info only uses twitter. As it can wait, I shall await things reopening and sort out then, just felt wrong in joining as I would not use it. Don't use facebook either. I come on here, and that is it.
  23. Interesting post. Some of the hunters in our village had hunting dogs, and from friends in the region, I heard of too many hunter's dogs getting shot. So not just in our village. You have made me wonder if they were better trained that they would avoid this? Pet training, do french people do this. Most seem content to buy a dog and simply leave it in the garden, and that is it's excersize...... apart from our old postie, who used to take his little dog for a walk and carry it....... And yet, for all it is actually illegal for dogs to constantly bark, so many do, so if you could find a good and easy way to stop barking, then that would be good, that is pet training isn't it? Nothing IMO is as straight forward as these holiday programs say, and I am too often in doubt about the legality of some of the things that they do. Do your research properly, not just on here. You need to see how you register properly for your businesses etc etc so contact those authorities. Put a search in, obviously in french about what you want and find these people. Good way to get to grips with french officialdom.
  24. I will add to this, as sometimes legal advice is necessary, and I would go and get a free appointment and see at least three different notaires This system worked for me.
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