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Everything posted by idun

  1. If you do overpay, make a copy of your payment sheet and make sure that next time you get a bill that they have credited you with the full amount you have paid, and not just the amount owed. I agree that overpaying would be the best idea, but french accountancy is weird and in my experience incorrect that any payment made, needs watching like a hawk!
  2. Well April and 1st of May mentioned but those three 'glace' saints are the 11th, 12th and 13th of May........ almost the middle of May. Thing is that I cannot remember almost mid May being this cold. And it was glorious for our 'street' party last Friday, and glorious on Saturday too....... cooler yesterday, and today, WOW what a difference, forecast but never the less shock to my system. mint I remember a couple of friends with MG Midgets, what a job getting into one with a mini skirt on, the length of which is called a tunic now and in fact  tunics are longer than the minis I wore (not just me ofcourse, we all did all girl my friends)!
  3.  Ça caille! There is little more to be said. I have not known it so ruddy cold at the beginning of May as it is today. In France they say the Saints de Glace......... gardeners beware...... so beware if this is coming your way. Brass monkey weather!
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8204255/There-THREE-separate-types-coronavirus.html Tried to find a more up to date 'map' but couldn't but found this interesting never the less.
  5. Really, what an organisation, so whilst everyone was saying 'le' they had what, a video conference and decided it was 'la'......... bravo to the Academie!
  6. A few things in my life have meant that this has not bothered me. I have had confinement of 6 weeks with complete bed rest during my first pregnancy and nearly six months of the same for my second. I coped with that. Not pregnancy related, I have had depression twice, I know what triggered it on both occasions and been very down, but not truly depressed on another. I am OK, we are OK. When I shop I don't shop any differently to normal. After living en campagne for so long, I always keep a well stocked larder, and just top up. I have been taking my cool bag and ice pack truc with me for anything for the freezer. The only thing I couldn't get was flour and fresh yeast that is sorted now, so everything is fine in that regard. I am not looking forward to the next phase at all. That concerns me far more than the current situation. But there again, we are pensioners with a regular income, and in comparison have it relatively easier. Which reminds me to put a couple of cheques in the post this week, to charities that will need it. I leave quite a lot for the food banks when I shop anyway, but there is more than they that need help.
  7. We often get paypal phishing and ignore them. IF we are worried we open the paypal account and see if there are any messages on the account.
  8.  I think that we are all paradoxal, and we can all have extreme views, good and bad. I have views that are extreme on both ends of the spectrum. I have also realised that the older I get, the less I give a xxxx about what others think about what I think, although this can be measured, because I don't like upsetting those I am fond of.  Unlike some  folk who worry far too much about that others will think. Unless a career will be compromised, well, so what. Boris dying of coronovirus....... she should have known better and that is disgraceful and as I said, if a career would be compromised...... and maybe hers will be or should be, and she will rue the day that she said it.
  9. Ofcourse Ville is feminine, posted late last night and cannot for the life of me remember which example I wanted to give now.[blink] In your examples,  they were fond of using 'plus' instead of 'pas' a lot of the time. I found that very confusing when I was getting to grips with french as 'plus' inferred that I wanted more than I was asking for. And not that they hadn't got any left.
  10. And I had always looked upon 'bel et bien' as just an expression, not that I usually try and go into it any deeper. The odd times I have tried I end up not getting it, ie, in  a city we used to visit sometimes, there was a hotel, Hotel Le France. I was told it was because Hotel was masculine, but it is always masculine so why isn't it Hotel du Ville, par example when it is always Hotel de Ville. Please no one even try and explain, it is far toooooo complicated for my little brain![Www]
  11. not here, remember looking at the moon last year, I think it was, and it looked HUGE. Just looked the same as ever last night.
  12. Now when you open the Guardian site, it says that 'he' is accused of sexual harrassment............ and then the cookie thing comes up and says 'I'm ok with that'!!!!
  13. Ah thankyou for making me smile. That sounds just great, what a wonderful reply to such a question.
  14. Why would it be racist? I don't think that any of it is racist, I just think that so much associated with Megan has nothing to do with her colour, but the way Harry changed when he met her. And that was his choice too. This happens all the time, I know loads of people both male and female who changed a lot after meeting the person they will stay with. I didn't need to see a thing about Harry or his family, they chose to leave, so be it. That is what she wanted, but I don't need to see them again, or pay towards anything to do with their keep. I suppose many of us used to find something endearing about Harry.
  15. I am unsure as to who you are implying would be put off by the nationality of the other.  ALBF, remember I moved to France when I was relatively young, and believe it or not, the french ladies I knew were not adverse to a liason with a brit, or irish bloke, at all! Some even married them, but not that many went that far. Would it be different now, doubt it. My friend used to get old magazines from her MIL and there were often articles in these 'elderly folks magazines' about the 3eme age and relations intimes... and why not. I know that we never ever discuss that subject on here, and yet so many live in France and have second homes in France. Sometimes, it feels like most must have been delivered by a stork, or found in a cabbage patch....as if! The french are not so pudique, obviously this board is excessively puritanical. Strange for francophiles[blink] Not quite enough information.......... yet,  here is a live link, remember every day we all get older, and some of us are quite fit, be it 'elderly'![8-|] https://nospensees.fr/5-mythes-sur-la-sexualite-au-troisieme-age/
  16. OK, so I would like to know how old, too old is supposed to be? [blink]
  17. If the unopened can of lait sucre is simmered, completely immersed in the water for about 4 hours the caramel is quite thick. I let it cool a little before spreading over the biscuit base, crushed cookies mixed with melted butter which covers the baking pan's base, then sliced banana and then the caramel. And some top with cream. I have had it made with other caramels on this, when invited. And as I said I make several types of caramel, but I would find them even richer,   ecoeurante even, on a bannoffee pie and prefer the lait sucre,   but obviously others like it  like that.
  18. Even when they decide what they are going to do here, I do think that me and my old man are going to have to chose what we feel is best for us for the foreseeable future, never mind what the government tells us.  I doubt we will be only ones and I reckon it will be the same in France too. LOL and on a foot note, my GP called me today to see if I wanted to renew my Do Not Resuscitate. Had it for a few years and it gets renewed regularly, as it will this time.
  19.  Yes, Loiseau you can get it ready made here too and I have never bought it, as I am not sure how toffee'ish it is, so on the rare occasion that I make it, I still boil the tin of milk. My that was a bomb going off and it was a good job you were nowhere near when it went off. And there was me thinking that the worst  I had heard of was when a friend left her pressure cooker unattended with beetroot in it, it went off and redecorated the kitchen.
  20. I can now get flour. I have three recipes without flour in them that I make from time to time, two with ground polenta and another which is one I 'invented' many years ago and is a chocolate one. Also there is always banoffee pie, with it's crushed biscuits, and layered banana and caramel. Lori, in England 'I' and I suppose many make the caramel for this, by simmering an unopened can of lait concentre sucre in a big pan, completely covered in the boiling water for several hours. I make other types of caramel regularly but always like this for banoffee pie.
  21. You can call me fattie all you want wooly, food is my vice, and I know it.[Www]
  22. Would that I could believe the figures from every country that says that they have few cases and few deaths. Every country records deaths differently. This is not a level playing field with regards to figures. I still have not worn a mask whilst out.  I realise that me wearing a mask, is only there to protect others in case I have caught it. What I would dearly LOVE  is that  test they keep mentioning to see if not only if I have had it, but more importantly, got decent anti bodies. AND my other desire is for a vaccine. I am not really interested in that tiny window in time where I could get tested and see if I have it or not. If I have had it, so be it, and IF I catch it and am poorly, I am sure I will know about it.
  23. Up until his early to mid 80's my Dad was a distance runner, ran in the Masters races all over the world. He dripped sweat and spit, beurk! All those body fluids flying around, I would say stay clear at all times, not just now. AND wear a mask.
  24. No idea how much I have put on, but I have and yesterday I was very very good about what I ate, or in fact, did not eat. I have the CIF problem, I love sweet things, never smoked and so rarely drink, but I love my cakes etc, so, CIF is cake into fat! and that has been my recent downfall. LOL I don't need to confess, anyone can see my clothes are getting tighter and it would have been me self deluding to even start to imagine that my clothes were simply 'shrinking', me who needs to shrink a bit![Www]
  25. Wouldn't they have had to wait three months to apply for a titre de sejour anyway? And France  hasn't been on lock down for 12 weeks? AND when did they sign the Acte, that is the actual buying isn't it, not just saying that they wanted it. So here is what I think. That as they own the house, surely they will have bills associated with it already, so to get to it, why cannot they use these bills and state that they are going home.  And ofcourse he will have a copy of the acte de vente too, which proves ownership. You did not say how old the children were, but certainly during the year they are six, they have to start formal schooling that September. Ok, so it is getting on for the end of the school year now, however, it is not the end of the school year yet by any means, so how would they and the children, if of formal school age cope with 'home work' at home, they are all fluent french speakers??? 
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