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Everything posted by idun

  1. BritinBretagne your post has confused me. Are you in France, well La Belle Bretagne, or the UK? Here in England, it is not perfect by any means, but certainly liveable, and that is what I had hoped for. I cannot think of any point when living in France or the UK, where me 'soap box Idun' would not have something  to say about government decisions, because usually there is, along with something 'right', there is something 'wrong' too. I don't really expect anything different. That you think badly of Boris, is evident, but I have thought badly of many a 'leader', and Boris is not the worst I have lived through. I thank my lucky stars that Corbyn or the Lib Dems are not dealing with this at the moment. So at the moment, all is working as it should here, for me and those I know, in this very odd world we now live in.
  2. eurotrash,  I have used the DGCCRF for other things and they were excellent.
  3. [quote user="vfeva"]I am working full time in a job (CDI) and my boss is very exploitative (working free overtime, no meal breaks etc). I have tried to complain to him (no avail), the government authorities ('not my problem'), Pole Emploi (cannot help) so I am left with the option to get the sack or leave. If I leave, I cannot apply for chomage (despite being exploited), I have checked with Pole Emploi, (it is a judicial process, this is going to cost $$-another story). So I am wanting to know if I leave, get a CDD job and when that expires, apply for chomage. Anyone else had the same experience. I know the bosses in France are exploitative and they know they can get away with it (weak laws in France to protect workers).[/quote] It doesn't matter what nationality you are, I have been driven round the bend in the past with french folk not knowing their rights as workers. Even my DIL, made a right mess of her contract with the company she worked for, and my son managed to make a mess of his too. To say I was pulling my hair out, would be an understatement. With some exceptions employees in France are so well protected it beggar's belief, the exceptions I know of being the hotel, restaurant, leisure industries, where, I am hoping things are a little better now, but were appalling when my son worked in restauration and hotels for many years. So in general, french employees are protected. It is not hard to find who to help you, ie call the Inspection de Travail. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F107 and the Conseil de Prud'Hommes too https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2360 All  links are live. I also look at Juri Travail https://www.juritravail.com/  My first port of call would be the Inspection de Travail. But be warned, you had better have facts for them, ie proof of hours worked and working practices and proof of lunch hours not being granted etc. If you haven't got all this already, start getting proper proof for them. I know who DIRECCTE is, but I have told you who I would be contacting. There truly is more than enough help out there.
  4. How will this affect your S1? I take it you have one. This should only affect you for one year though, surely? I would not put up with this for any longer than that.  Also, I would go into your Mairie all apologetic and say that you have a problem and can they help you. And hopefully they will help and then I would be sending confirmation from the Mairie stating that you are a full time resident in their commune.
  5. Well there certainly isn't any extra month in France either. However, when working in France, things often can be rather different.
  6. Have you taken into account the dates ? I am starting to wonder if this is not going to get very very complicated. IF you paid this in 2019 then it would need to be declared on this french form. IF paid in 2020, then next year. You say that you have exceeded the tax allowance, but it isn't just about that. So, those dates are important. Being in the UK over six months could also affect this, but  would this be in one tax year. Frankly I would call HMRC and tell them your situation and see what they say. Might have a long wait, but I think you need information about your residency.
  7. If it is every four weeks, there is always a month with two payments, and June is that month for me[:D][:-))]
  8. I was just thinking that you should become, is it a Chatelaine, maybe not wearing the keys on a belt, but you have your own hiding place for all of them. AND all those euros which will cover the cost of new car keys, that is in fact if you are going to get some for his and not just have it scrapped etc. Good luck, if you want anything doing just ask. It wouldn't be the first time I have called for folk on here either.
  9. Well I am so pleased that you found his current hiding places for things and that that paperwork has been found...... no keys though??? You say, 'normal', well, life is not normal at the moment for any of us, and who can say when it will be. AND so please get in touch with your GP and the Alzy association too. Tell them all that has happened..... he will ofcourse tell them that he is perfect too blah blah blah..... so maybe warn them about that too. Although surely they will be used to this situation. I have mentioned a good friend and their problem with memory and behaviour too.... they had had some tests just and an MRI just before lockdown. The MRI, can tell how much of a problem there is. They were started on tablets a week or so ago.... anything that helps at all is  a good thing. And with regards to keys, maybe you should hide the post box keys and so you get the post from now on. That is exactly what I would do in your circumstances. Better you taking over these keys before he has half-inched them eh? Especially as important things may be in the post box and you need to know what is going on.
  10. Just looked up Vylella, it is a pathogen, and working it's way up through Europe and is in France. I had half watched a program when it was mentioned and as I know zilch about gardening hadn't paid too much attention when they were talking about it. Just caught it was very  destructive, so had sort of thought it was a bug, rather than a disease.
  11. [quote user="notsofrenchguy"]Thank you for your response. Actually I just need the seller to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. The notary will of course be paid in Euro, since the French state does not accept this currency. [/quote]              -------------------------------------------- OK so the notary would be paid in euros, for the taxes and their fee? However, they then will have no proof of the actual sale price, which is what those fees are based on, how could they verify that. There are lots of rules associated with house sales in France, including the Mairie having the right to purchase if the price is 'right' for them, ie someone selling at too low a price. Laws apply equally to Corsica as to the rest of France. The notaire involved in property sales has to inform the Mairie. Frankly I do not understand bit coin, as strange an unreal to me as the Tulip Mania of 17th century Holland and the South Sea Bubble of almost a 100 years later.
  12. The one who was named was because they have a famous brother. I am pretty sure that if journalists get hold of other names and find a famous link, they too will be named. So these people, maybe if they are ill, the NHS should stop them using services and hand them a book about prehistoric cures. I take it that as they are so unenlightened and selfish and egotistical that they would not be interested in anti biotics (whilst they still work), pace makers, chemo etc etc etc. In fact maybe they should be isolated from the rest of us. I don't want them near me, ever. Currently it is bad enough with decent people around me, who are taking care, and the general concern about getting this.
  13. Before I would say a word about Boris at all these days, my first thoughts are that, if the election had not gone as it did, we could have had Corbyn! and that plays havoc with my vivid imagination.[blink]
  14. Ex Labour Leader's brother arrested in an anti lockdown demonstration. Piers Corbyn was taken away after showing up with a megaphone and proclaiming 5G and the coronavirus pandemic were linked, calling it a "pack of lies to brainwash you and keep you in order". The group was anti vaccinations, and well, they are entitled to their beliefs? but they really are risking the health and with some things the lives of others with these beliefs. I have no idea what any society can do with these people who IMO have such a disregard for the well being of the rest of us, ie the herd. If they think that I am some sort of vaccine fascist, then I probably am, but I would rather that than be any other way.
  15. The omnipotent ECJ 's right to it's power has been called into question by the German Court system. I keep wondering what this will this mean to the EU. The reason ofcourse is down to money, and the way the EU is dealing with it at the moment, and I would suppose that as Germany and germans believe that they prop up the EU, that they should have more than a good say about how money is managed. Any ideas as to how this will change things? Or won't it, is the EU so solid in it's present form that it can deal with this in an amicable manner?
  16. I think that this cold snap should be about finished now or at worst this weekend. We live on the coast and are fully aware of wind direction, and yesterday it was a westerly, not 'warm' but fine and pleasant for our Boris Walk. We have had overnight frosts and needed our mid winter clothes for our walks a few days ago............. brrrrr....... bracing would be a bit of an understatement![:-))]
  17. The only thing I can say to you chessie is what I said to my Dad when he was caring for my mother and things got bad......... look after yourself.  AND please, please don't apologise on here about things at home  .......and if you want to rant, please feel free to do so,  you have enough on your plate and probably should.  I am really starting to wonder if your husband has a little 'treasure cache' somewhere, like a child would.  So very unlikely places, proper hiding places.             ------------------------------------------------------------ Before I say any more, my mother was in an awful state and getting worse daily over her last few years, her symptoms included a form of dementia as well as things becoming more and more physically debilitating, nothing to be done about any of it. And from so far away and on my regular visits  my sympathy always went to the carer, it wears a person down and down, and there is next to no respite. So I should have seen one failing parent, but in reality had two and it just felt unfair and wrong. Carers are amazing. So good luck to you chessie, and remember to care for yourself.
  18. Dear Wooly, as I thought I had pointed out, I do crisis clearing and cleaning when folk are coming...... and depending on the time there are also fresh scones or cakes or pies or a good meal waiting. So there....... just don't come unnannounced, as the good stuff would not be ready[:P]
  19. Well Chessie, we started calling it 'crisis' clearing up and cleaning when folk used to come round...... seems so long ago now[Www] A number of years ago, some friends were over in the Alpes skiing and as they had a hire car said that they would drive down and see us. They had been to see us before they had kids, but this was the first time they had been to see us since, and the kids were getting up. We did our usual, tidied and cleaned, and then I saw the eldest daughter whispering to her mother.... who was laughing. I asked what she was saying and this girl was saying that she was surprised that our house looked so messy. I started laughing too, telling her that she should have seen it the day before, and that this for us, was very very tidy. We got an embarrassed smile from the girl. This girl knew me, we had stayed with them regularly when back in England, and just hadn't thought I would like like 'that'. My kitchen, is always clean and tidy along with bathrooms, the rest well, anyone doesn't like the rest, they are more than welcome to be 'une bonne' chez moi, in fact it might be rather nice![:D]
  20. We are fine. We had some much needed rain and have had sunshine too and lovely blue skies. It has been freezing though, literally a couple of nights, there was a frost and the northerlies or easterlies were nithering when we did our Boris Walks. There is more traffic on the roads now, but we are not going to change our habits for the time being. I must tidy up though, we seem to have managed to let our living room get far messier than usual, and frankly I am not tidy at the best of times. Thing is that 'I' know no one will be coming round, and it has just been so easy to let things slide a bit. However it feels like I should make a start, maybe one day, that door bell will ring and friends who are being as cautious as us, will be visiting[:D]
  21. I don't think that having elastic around the ears is a problem NH, they will just lift the hair with the comb and cut and then cut in with the scissors if necessary. And I am sure that they don't cut ears or the elastics. I remember when I first started cutting my husband's hair, every single time he would say that he had done an ear count before I started.......... cheeky so and so he was, if he says that now, he will get a clip around the ear, but not with the scissors![Www]
  22. Should he be driving?? I and all our friends wish that an old friend of ours would stop, none of us believe now their, shall we say 'wandering mind' started, that they should be driving. Their OH still has their head in the sand about this really and it is not good. I do feel for you, and hope you get your key situation sorted out. I think I would simply lie and get rid of his car, complain about new french regs about some older cars etc etc and tell him that they won't insure him for the other one. If he can disappear the keys and commit what is a cardinal sin of going through a ladies bag, then why not. 
  23. Made ours from socks. Work well. Plenty of examples on youtube, including not being able to blow out a lighted match with one on, tried that too and cannot.
  24. When we can do stuff, I won't be. In fact, things will have to change a lot before I change what I am doing now to more like I used to do. My hair is fine, I have cut it twice now, I have over the years often cut my own hair with success. I used to do friends' too when we were young and have cut OH's since the lockdown and his is fine. In fact he dropped something off at a friends a couple of weeks or so ago, (ie put the stuff on the door step, ring the bell or knock and stand well back) and just about the first thing the friend said was stating, 'you've had your hair cut'. Think I will trim his again this week, if my shoulders are up to it, that is the only reason why I don't cut his all the time, I get really really painful shoulders when I lift my arms for more than a few minutes at a time. We want for nothing else.
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