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Everything posted by idun

  1. idun


    I don't want them to speed, I would usually love to go a lot lot faster....  and I  do when I can........ they often do not........ which does my head in to be honest.
  2. idun


    I like driving and I like driving fast when I can. But what my car will do and what is indicated in law are two different things. Also, sometimes local knowledge means that one knows why the speed limit is lower than those who don't know local reasons, feel it should be. And sometimes it is some jumped up official(s) who has decided what it should be and it shouldn't. Hate driving at 70 on motorways, mind numbingly slow......... wish there was no limit on motorways. I do it, I do not speed. I value my clean licence and do not want my insurance to go up...... in France I do not think that points on licences are counted by insurers.
  3. No matter it be France, the UK or anywhere else....... why do too many people simply ignore the speed limit? EG Big signs say 90kpm and they just stick their foot down, or it feels like it when I am slowing to that speed. Do they think I am a mug for respecting the limit, or they simply feel superior for ignoring the rules of the road. And they may speed past, but when the limit is 'off' I often overtake them as I am fond of driving as fast as the law allows. I just don't get it. Surely not simply inattention, because that notion is a tadge frightening when someone is driving.
  4.  Have to ask, what do you do with them???? I know what they look like, but I never have anything associated with my fire that I can think that I would use them on....... all I think I need are my sturdy welding gloves and a big poker and just sort everything out like that. I have some kitchen tongs, and have tried to use them when cooking and am useless, I'm a two fork gal, and manage just fine with two forks.
  5. [quote user="chrishead"]The fit wenches all left the forum...no reason to stay. And in the bad old days the mods ran amok and sorta cramped the fun...anyway, nice work JJ, keep on learning and growing. Just a small example of current work.. http://www.leboncoin.fr/services/658893217.htm?ca=14_s Ciouciou [/quote] No amnesty and I really am trying to find some polite way of addressing 'the fit wenches leaving the forum' statement, mais helas, I cannot. Really mon petit bonhomme, have you any idea what a dreadful comment that is. I shall watch my words as this is still a moderated forum. faithfully, an apparently unfit Idun[:(]
  6. Hoddy, oven pride on the grill and I used to karcher the rest. Came up a treat and easy to do.
  7. I always buy self cleaning ovens and then on the shelves use oven pride, which works very well. Do you really think that people would pay to get this done? I cannot say that I would ever think of having it done by someone else.
  8. No I'm afraid, but I'm still thinking about it. Maybe next academic year, something I would like to do. Next term maybe another computer course, not sure.
  9. AnOther, Coops announced it's closure some time ago. I cannot get the search feature to 'find' it to show you.
  10. [quote user="Jonzjob"]I suppose that you could always go to a Swiss finishing school[Www][geek] I couldn't resist that either, well, you started it[6] [/quote]   [:D][:D][:D]
  11. Can't resist, this lady's not for turning! ............sorry[Www]   No I don't turn, a friend of ours used to in France and make all sort of wonderful things. We are back in England and I had been considering a 'finishing wood' course, so I hope that I'll find one somewhere to do one this autumn, the  lovely photos of your work have reminded me.
  12. [quote user="Jonzjob"]Thank you Idun. It is sanded down to 400 grit, 0000 wire wool and buffed with wood shavings. That gives it a lovely sheen all on  its own. Then a coat of celulose sanding sealer and a coat of melamine lacquer. When that's all dry I buff it with 3 stages of buffing wheels, the final giving it a coat of carnube wax. Fairly time consuming but the finish is well worth it.. [/quote]   And that explains why we never get the finish I would like on things. Until now I have ended up having a go and my finishes are quite good, as good as a lot of the bought stuff we see and buy, in fact sometimes better. However, seeing that, I reckon that I am going to have to go on a course and learn.
  13. Beautiful work. What finish have you put on them?
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