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Everything posted by idun

  1. As NH mentioned, and I was also wondering if she speaks french, lots of romanians do.
  2. I am not saying that it is not a good thing that when the property is sold that a pro rata thing is done, based on the previous year's bill. BUT, as it is the liability of the person who owned and lived in the property on the 1st of January, it always amazes me that the pro rata card is played. Obviously there is no legal liability on the new owner, simply a generous  good will gesture. So Scalehill, I think I would be rather happy that I have had a partial payment. All this info is on the Service Public web site, and was always clear on the back of paper bills, but I am sure that it is clear on the impots.gouv. fr web site too. Well it wasn't clear on the impots web site, but was on the service public site:- https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F59 https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F42 both links should be live.
  3. I usually use the service public web site as my first port of call, but didn't this time, thinking that CARSAT or some other site would help, didn't. I even tried a simulation and it came out as I had thought, but if there are tranches which was not clear on the sites I looked at, then the simulation was wrong. So not so bad, end up with all these 'taxes', impots and these, what I still consider stealth taxes, that it would be about the  same as UK income tax in total or there abouts and that is fine. However, the thing, the big big difference is top up insurance, and that would be costly judging by what friends have told me. And I would want good cover for that, as I know how bills can mount up, even when we were young they could. So now[:-))] being old folk, could be even worse.
  4. I have just been calculating how much CSG etc we would have to pay, as well as impots if we moved back to France, AND ofcourse top up health insurance and I reckon we would be quite a lot worse off. However, that depends on what will happen in the future, and if the french start getting funny about paying the pensions to us..........?? Because without them, we really would be a LOT worse off!
  5. Well if this old gal has not misremembered, then will be in the french health care system, and this 'should' not affect him. But being a good egg and posting about it anyway.[:D]
  6. The government pensions are taxed at source. Whether you be french living in another country, or british living in another country. These are international tax agreements which, I do  not believe have anything to do with the EU. What 'rights' they afford is quite another thing. The only thing that is sure is that they do get deducted at source. NH, would this affect you, as you have a french pension, don't you, or has this old gal misremembered[Www]
  7. Don't get me started on over population. Adverts at the moment for Save the Children, with a young girl saying they are the future, and that is true, but IF I want to help keep 'her', then her parents are to have no more children that they cannot afford or care for. And India, well, what a disgrace it is at the moment, moon missions and then adverts with abandoned children in the streets and us being asked to help. We send boat loads of money to India, and yet they have enough to provide orders of Rafales from the french too. So as I said, don't get me started. Or I shall be writing for ever![:@]
  8.  I do watch some rugby and enjoy it and I knew that the world cup was on too. But google's opening page, has what I feel is the oddest cartoon. To me it looks like a group of sumo's having a free for all, and I could not make it out at all and had to click on it to see what it was about. Sometimes with these big events I love the various  cartoons  designs associated with them, but I still cannot get the sumo's out of my head at the moment.... and it is amusing me.[:-))]
  9. This is a good thing. Makes me think though that this is the generation who's parents will more than likely have used endless disposable nappies, and wipes, the dreaded wipes without a thought. Not only the government and businesses, but things need changing in these young people's homes too. Hope that they have thought of that.
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=old+oak+trees&client=ubuntu&hs=ZT1&channel=fs&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=pYj405V_kKVZgM%253A%252CQBqKOSRMTKGjzM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQdrQJ9M2ZkMARpAOew-FWy_WA_PA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio2avCwN_kAhWGEMAKHaeaABgQ9QEwAHoECAAQAw#imgrc=HEJfrWP9pWqEeM:&vet=1 How do you know it is sick???? Above should be a live link showing photos of old oak trees. I know that they split, when old, so maybe IF you can find a proper arborist to look it, would be a good idea. France used to be sadly lacking in proper tree experts who should have been pollarding properly but simply butchered the trees and they eventually died off from annual abuse. ie our village had to have them all cut down and new ones replanted, as did lots of other places.
  11.  Ah but wooly there is already a problem on that coast line with people leaving France.......... those crossing the channelto illegally enter the UK. (Just why don't they want to stay in France?????) The french border force has done what exactly over the years........... to be kind I will say, very little, rather than the very nasty things I am actually thinking[Www], and the UK has put lotsa money into things. So them practising........well, perhaps they need to.
  12. thanks for trying to explain, but I still don't get it. (NB: I am talking 'now' and not if the UK leaves the EU.) I just know that when we moved back to the UK with a french S1, if we had had UK income, we would have lost the S1, even as french pensioners. And that is why I don't get it. Since our UK pensions started, we no longer get a french S1, BUT if we moved back to France, would not be eligible to a UK S1. See how complicated it all is. Is it a wonder that I don't get why french income even with an S1 is not classed the same as it would be for everyone else in France? I daresay I will remain a very confused Idun
  13. Isn't Allianz french income and surely it would be as liable for french 'contributions' as anyone else's french income, no matter the S1 or not????? Put it this way, for those retired with an overseas S1 in France, if they got a job in France, then would they imagine that their S1 gave them special dispensation from some contributions?? And if so, why??? I really thought it only affected overseas income in France. All this is very confusing to me, probably because of all the messy things I have had to deal with, then this isn't one of them[Www]
  14.  We have been stopped miles from any border too. Searched, but not to that extent. The douanes seem to do exactly as they please and charge what they like if they decide some sort of payment is due. As my good friend always says, c'est la France, qu'est que tu veux although it always sounds like kez tu veux[blink]
  15. But won't you have to pay later this year..... as everyone else is already paying for on  this year's income????  This is all very strange.
  16.  What I would do to people who mistreat any animal is unprintable and sadly is not legal. But they lose any right to any human right I can think of! I am so glad that it was you that found these dogs johnnyboy, good on you.
  17. Well I did understand Betty's post, but there you go. Felt like just a comment. I am surprised that they are doing the equivalent of refunding tax paid in the UK though. I wonder if they realise and what they will do when they do.
  18. Re the exchange rates, here is a link to Bank of England spot rates. I would always use the rates from the pertinent dates. Links should be live. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/boeapps/database/index.asp?Travel=NIxIRx&levels=3&XNotes=Y&A3951XNode3951.x=10&A3951XNode3951.y=12&Nodes=&SectionRequired=I&HideNums=-1&ExtraInfo=true https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/boeapps/database/Rates.asp?TD=8&TM=May&TY=2019&into=GBP&rateview=D
  19. As I said, 'in theory'......... but overnight I have wondered if they would do that with him having left France.  And be basxxxds and base it on last years income. The french are rotten conniving experts at stealth taxing. I hope that who ever deals with it, plays fair. Good luck!
  20. As in theory he should not be paying tax on last year's income, no one is, unless it is an exceptional amount, but only on this years........ ....... he may not owe much of anything this year as we are still quite early in the tax year.
  21. Sue are you saying you did someone else's tax declaration for them???? Just curious[:)]
  22. Bio 7 was what was recommended and what we used. I found it expensive, but I was always pleased with it, I think I may have tried eparcyl at one point, but didn't quite trust it to do the job. And I used a super u or Carrefour type of Javel that said something like, sans danger pour fosse septique, of convient fosse septique. As I said no problems. If any of us had taken anti biotics, I would put extra bugs down the toilet. However, we had a problem once, in early January 1985, when the temperature dropped to about -30c, (we had an outside thermometer), our pipework to the fosse froze, that along with the water pipes, and that was just unfortunate.
  23. Sorry I cannot help, but I was wondering how often you put bugs in it?? I admit that when we got our first septic tank, I worried a lot about such an event, but we had our septic tank for 25years and never had it emptied, checked it from time to time and no problems. I always put that down to using Bio7 regularly and was careful about toilet paper and cleaning products, although I did use bleach, that was ok for a fosse septic.
  24. When we were selling, due to this board, we tried all sorts of things that did not work and in fact, some things cost us money. In the end we went in to see the local estate agents and spoke to a friend who used one of them to rent an appt they had and were happy with them, so we went with them. I negociated how much they would charge buyers, as I considered that they were asking too much. They found us a buyer. We had to bring our price down by about 12% in the end. Took us about 18 months to sell, pre crash in 2007, we could have sold our home, but heyho, that is quite another story.
  25. I would look very carefully into french law before doing such a thing. There are so many things about french law that still feel rather alien to me, and I have no idea as to how this would be treated and what sort of contract you would need to have. A french one, that was water tight. Who could make such a watertight contract up  for you is beyond me as my dealings with notaires leaves me with the feeling that they do what they think and IF they get it wrong, that they know that there will be little retribution. I say this as it has crossed my mind that these rent free people may feel like they are actually working for you and maybe even the state may think so too............. and perhaps you could end up having to pay them as house minders....... had you thought of that??? Also there are laws in France about kicking people out between Nov and March called the Treve Hivernale, nigh on impossible to do. Frankly I would not do it. I am not trying to be negative here, but practical. Sadly people end up in awful situations, too good natured and never imagining that X Y or Z could happen to them.
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