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debit card charges in France


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As far as I know, it is "normal" to pay at least 5 euros per month to have a debit card for our non-interest earning current accounts.

I bank with Credit Mutuel and I am also charged 2.50 euros per month for the privilege of having a non-interest current account at their branch.

Is this really "normal", or am I just paranoid?[S]

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Probably yes to both parts of the question.[:)]


We pay 30€ for a debit card each - one off, but equals 12monthly 5€ payments, plus 4,60 per month for the management of the account and statement for our French account.

Free banking is a concept that has not yet reached continental Europe - Germany is just the same.



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Credit Mutuel charges possibly vary from area to area, but in Mayenne, we pay now 2.54€ per month for our CM account with a Maestro card. We also had to pay I think it was 18€ for the card. The account is called Eurocompte Tranquillite.

This charge seems to have come down recently, as it was 3.50€ or more last year.

The other thing to check is which card you want, as there are at leat 3. You can have a cash card only, to get money out of the hole in the wall. Then you get the Maestro card which is only for use in France. After that there is the Visa card which can be used outside france. The costs go up with each one.

You also pay more if you want card protection, which they will probably try to get you to take on.

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