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Maybe something France should try?

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It never ceases to appal me the sheer amount of graffati in French cities, compared to anywhere else in Europe. I am however amazed just how they manage to spray on some of the places they reach. I'm normally very liberal on "law and order", but here's something Sarko SHOULD do...........http://www.francesoir.fr/etranger-faits-divers-justice-prison/singapour-sept-mois-de-prison-et-trois-coups-de-batons-pour-des-tags.8810

Is this news in Suisse, Swissie?

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Sorry Velcorin, couldn't open the link - will Google it later. Even in rural areas, Switzerland also has its Taggers - but of course, more prevalent in larger cities.

In some situations, and when well done - Graffiti can and does really add something great to the atmosphere. When I did a teacher exchange for s few months with a teacher in East Berlin, the graffiti along the concrete walls surrounding the train lines were brilliant - and the art really striking. I never ceased to admire them - in this grey concrete post-war jungle, it was wonderful. Sadly, the quality is rarely such, and the locations often very poorly chosen.

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I do find that taggers are a pretty lazy lot, you will find most of their soi disant art in close proximity to the skatepark and it thins out towards the limits of their (very mimited) perambulations.

I live 1.6km from a town centre and the graffiti thankfully stops at the flyover one km from the centre, when there have been some active manifestations at the factroy opposite when the syndicalistes felt threatened with job losses some of the youths from the lycée marched here to show their solidarity (read free barbecue) once thay had all eaten their merguezes and drunk their fill (paid for by the factory) and the gendarmes reopened the road to traffic they were all bleating to their parents on their mobile phones for a lift home, not exactly the tollpuddle martyrs.

That said my abandoned place had been used as a drugs den and was covered with tags when i bought it but most of the culprits were from the village and now have grown up families of their own, it will probably start again as the neighbouring cassoce children are reaching the age, that is if they are not taken into care first or have their own offspring.

When I were a lad it was a matter of pride to carve your initials or whatever onto a tree or park bench as far away as possible.

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I worked in Singapore in the 80s / 90s - people said it was a fine place (you could be fined for this and fined for that!).  The rules were tough but I found it an excellently run state; in fairness, people with children (especially headstrong teenagers) were a lot less comfortable since the police had the right to detain children without immediately informing the parents.

No idea if this has changed but in my wanderings around the world it was hard to think of a safer or cleaner place to be......


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