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The Wrong Baby


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Here's the deal, Gluestick.

Unlike you, as you seem to be able to provide links to all and every press article on the subject, I have read nothing, zip, zilch, nada about this whole fiasco in the printed press.

What I have done is hear (I won't dignify it with the word "listen"as I try not to pay that much attention to Farage) the original interview and several subsequent replays on the radio.

I don't feel that I have, in my comments, corrupted or changed the words he used. He made it clear, although not in his first utterances in response to questions, that public breastfeeding didn't particularly bother him, but that others may find it offensive. He used the word "ostentatious" which was, as I pointed out, a bizarre description, at best, given that I doubt anyone could define what constitutes ostentatious breastfeeding.

I have no idea why his opinion was sought on this non event and even less idea why he felt the need to give it, at length, when asked.

Personally, I am in no way hysterical about the matter of breastfeeding in public, in fact, I could not care less. I am more concerned about the fact that UKIP, in the form of Farage, is required to pontificate on every aspect of our daily lives as if any of them were things over which UKIP has, or could have any influence.

When we go to the polls next year, I am sure there will be many poor, deluded souls who firmly believe that UKIP will bring about the salvation of the UK, and that nothing would serve us better than a return to the Dark Ages. I am not one of them. That is all.
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[quote user="You can call me Betty"] ... He used the word "ostentatious" which was, as I pointed out, a bizarre description, at best, given that I doubt anyone could define what constitutes ostentatious breastfeeding. ....[/quote]

Perhaps it is practised by immigrants in cars on motorways. [Www]

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]In that case, your questioning of the one sentence you chose to quote is pointless, as it was precisely what I said after that![/quote]

Betty, I do not consider that I questioned your comment, I merely made an observation / comment.

IMHO, you seem to be very virulent in your dislike of UKIP and Nigel Farage to the point of calling those who may vote for UKIP ''poor, deluded souls''.

You are, of course, perfectly entitled to your political viewpoint, as are those voters who may support UKIP. or the Tories, Greens or whoever. I personally do not believe that UKIP are looking to revert to the Dark Ages but.....that is my own view. In that respect my own views are totally irrelevant as I do not live in UK and have no vote there. If, however I did live in UK I would be very tempted to vote UKIP and yet I do not consider that I am poor, nor deluded.

Each to his own viewpoint.
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Regret I was unable to respond before: however I have been away.

[quote user="You can call me Betty"] I am more

concerned about the fact that UKIP, in the form of Farage, is required to

pontificate on every aspect of our daily lives
as if any of them

were things over which UKIP has, or could have any influence. When we go to the

polls next year, I am sure there will be many poor, deluded souls who firmly

believe that UKIP will bring about the salvation of the UK, and that nothing

would serve us better than a return to the Dark Ages. I am not one of them.

That is all.[/quote]

Slight exaggeration, I fear! "Every Aspect"?

Farage is a politician: he must perforce, take each and every opportunity to

promote himself and his party: rather as all the others do!

However, to return to the core matter: Farage was asked a question, in a phone

in, by a listener. What ought he to have done? Refused to answer?

Personally, I found his answer restrained: However, I much agree with his uses

of the word Ostentatious: since this is precisely the behaviour of the

self-promoting girlie who caused this furore.

After all, ask yourself, how come she had good quality pictures of herself

feeding her baby before and then after with the large knapkin? usual behaviour

in Claridges? Remind never ever to go there again!

[quote] UKIP will bring about the salvation of the UK, and that nothing would

serve us better than a return to the Dark Ages[/quote]

My, earlier admittedly, cynical allusion, was not to suggest Farage and UKIP would

initiate a return to the "Dark Ages", but to suggest, the way our

apology for a society is going, then it is doomed to perdition and  a

volta face and a return to the Middle Ages: as I earlier stated.

 Otherwise, I invite Betty to respond and tabulate precisely

how Mr Farage and UKIP might “return this country to the Dark Ages”.




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