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nearly November and positively sweltering..................!


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30° on our balcony this afternoon and have been walking in bright, dazzling sunshine during the week!

Our mulberry tree has only shed a few leaves so I know that all the leaf clearing is to come[:(]

Forecast to be cold next week with temperatures falling to the low teens, so more like normal autumnal weather.

Where is it like chez vous?

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Not so hot up in the Ariège, about 23° but lovely and sunny.

At this time of year I find that being in direct sunlight makes a huge difference.

Yesterday I was on a terrace in short sleeves, but as I went home through the shady streets it was quite nippy and I was glad I had kept a long-sleeved jumper in the basket of my scooter.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Not so hot up in the Ariège, about 23° but lovely and sunny.

At this time of year I find that being in direct sunlight makes a huge difference.

Yesterday I was on a terrace in short sleeves, but as I went home through the shady streets it was quite nippy and I was glad I had kept a long-sleeved jumper in the basket of my scooter.


I agree about the direct sunlight.  It's warm when the sun is up, so mornings and evenings feel fresh.

Rooms facing south and with sunlight are warm but those on the north side without windows to direct sun are somewhat cooler.  It's a strange sensation to get about 4 or 5 degree changes in temperature on walking from one room to another!

Saw a massive flight of cranes, circling in the warm air and making a racket to wake the dead.

Tomorrow is about the last really warm day here so lots of outdoor jobs to do today.

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