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New E111 UK


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The new E111 is available at the post office.  The back is filled in as before, but this is taken to the post office and they send it off.  In due course, sometime in 2005 you will then automatically be issued with a new European Health Card.  Along with the E111 is a sheet of paper(ask for it) that has to be filled in, which is stamped by post office and this will act as the temporary E111 until the new cards are issued next year. According to the form no E111 will be issued or utilised after December 31 2005, the date on which the European Health Insurance card will be distributed in all Member States.  I only found this out after standing behind somebody at the post office who got the new forms, which I now have.  We, as usual are far behind France in the issue of the health cards. 

Hope this is useful to the people who have holiday homes.


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You don't usually have all the paperasse in the UK, so as long as they get them out when they should it will be OK. We have papers for health care all the time. And in spite of all the paperasse here, the french still haven't got the new pet passports sorted out.

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My nurse friend here has just applied for and received her new European CV with all the details of her french cover including E111 cover for when she visits family inthe UK. From 2006 all CV holders in France will start to receive the new cards for which your photo will be required to be put on them. There are several swingeing new changes coming here soon in our health system.
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The UK is still a long way behind France. CPAM offices in most "departements" in France are now issuing the European Health Insurance Card in lieu of the paper form. Give them 2 weeks notice in advance of your first trip and you should receive it in time. It is valid for 1 year and not only does it replace the the paper E111 but other E Forms that are used on temporary stays in other EU states such as E119 and E128.


Peter Owen

[email protected]
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I applied a  little while ago and got back the paper ones for the 4 of us. I asked why and the lady simply explained that the cards were not yet ready. I suspect that they are ready now though, as I have read that some people are receiving them !

TU, For the UK it states that it is not neccessary in the hospitals of the NHS, as they are free but for a visit to the Doctors, if you state you are from abroad you can (will ?) be charged and it explains that you should then send the form to your normal regime.


On many of the internet sites talking about the new carte, it states that it will be valid for up to 1 year : The official French health site state thus :

La Carte Européenne d'Assurance Maladie est une carte nominative et individuelle, il convient de demander une carte pour chacun des membres de la famille. Valable un an, elle n'est pas une carte de paiement, elle ne remplace pas la carte Vitale et ne peut être utilisée pour des remboursements de soins en France.

On another one (a French mutualiste) it states up to 2 years :

Depuis le 1 juin 2004, le document E111 est remplacé par la Carte Européenne d'Assurance Maladie. Celle-ci est, comme le E111, valable dans les pays de l'Union européenne ainsi qu'en Suisse, en Norvège, en Islande et au Lichtenstein. Cette carte individuelle vous couvre pour les soins nécessaires lors d'un séjour temporaire et est valable pour une durée maximale de 2 ans.

Same for the official OASIS Governement site for Ireland :

Each European Health Insurance Card will be valid throughout the EU/EEA for up to 2 years.

...and you will love this one from the official site of Number 10 :

A consultation document published today outlines plans to introduce the card to the United Kingdom by December 2005. It is proposed that the card will:

  • Replace the existing E-forms but retain the same entitlements
  • Hold no electronic or clinical data, but will show name, date of birth and a personal identification number
  • Be free of charge and valid for up to five years.

All that money spent in the European parliament and even something fairly simple like this card, will have possible differing terms of validity !

In France, it is to be one year but will the card manufactures keep up with the demand every year?




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Hello All,

People talk of a 2 speed Europe. On this subject it is a multi-speed Europe. But there are good reasons for this. First of all there are many EU countries, including established and new members, who do not have a card system for identifying entitlement to healthcare in their own countries. So it will inevitably take more time for them to introduce a card system at all to include reciprocal arrangements. On the subject of different periods of validity, this must be a decision of each individual member state. This is because if a country says it will be valid for,say, 2 years the host nation issuer must actually honour payment for the treatment. Naturally enough many countries will be loathe to have any EU wide standard period of validity, as it will not necessarily fit with their own domestic regulations for entitlement to healthcare.

TU. In respect of the new European Health Insurance Card each member of the family, including children, should have their own card. E111,in any format, is not strictly necessary for a visit to the UK. But I would obtain one anyway. I have my card because I will be in the UK next month but I told CPAM I was visiting Italy!


Peter Owen

[email protected]

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I have an attestation, but our son doesn't. I'll certainly start the ball rolling on Monday and get his E111 ordered and a new card for me too.

I have been doing a little research today, but didn't find any mention of E111's being used in the UK. Although it was a useful excersize never the less, as I did find some other information that I have been looking for, for ages.


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Don't want to stand at the Post Office counter for 10 minutes filling in your new E111 application?  Go to


and you can download the application form (one for all the family) and the new E111 form (one for each person), and complete them in advance.

As of 19th August this year the old E111 was replaced with a new version.  This is an interim measure until the new European Health cards are issued in the UK some time in 2005. The old E111 will only be valid until 31st December 2004, so if you are travelling from UK to France after that date, you need to get a new E11 as soon as possible.  The new versions are valid until 31st December 2005.

You now need one E111 form for each member of the family, whereas before one form would cover everyone.

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As of 19th August this year the old E111 was replaced with a new version.  This is an interim measure until the new European Health cards are issued in the UK some time in 2005. The old E111 will only be valid until 31st December 2004, so if you are travelling from UK to France after that date, you need to get a new E11 as soon as possible.  The new versions are valid until 31st December 2005.


And on the reverse side of the new form is a tick box which, if used, will cause a new card to be supplied automatically when it becomes available in 2005.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well yesterday, the postie delivered us 2 new E111 cards. Daughter and son have to apply seperately now.

They are a 2 tone lavender (ish) colour  cards, same size as the C.V and comes with a well seen notice, warning anyone that this card must not be confused with a C.V !

It has name, date of birth, soc sec number and date of expiration, which in our case will be 26.10.2005.  Also has an authentication number for the card and that's about it really, nothing on the back.

Exciting eh !! No thought not




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