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Carte Vitale and Cancer


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I have recently had a cancerous tumour removed, I do not have a carte vitale as I am not eligible, so have private health cover. I seem to remember reading that if you are diagnosed with cancer you are entitled to a carte vitale regardless of your situation, does anyone know if this is correct.

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[quote user="BettyB"]I seem to remember reading that if you are diagnosed with cancer you are entitled to a carte vitale regardless of your situation, does anyone know if this is correct.[/quote]

I have not heard this before.

Can you say where or who from you have heard this?

If you are "in the system" and your French GP has declared an ALD (affection de longue durée, in Google English here) and the CPAM doctor has agreed it, the treatment costs are covered 100%.

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If you fall ill with a condition which was not known to you before your move to France and your E106 expires during treatment, and you thus cannot get private insurance due to your condition (with me so far?) then you may be allowed into the system under the "accident de vie" provisions, once your E form has expired.  But if you either have no E form or have not got yourself insured privately, or if you have private insurance and your insurer will continue to cover you for your cancer, then there is no way you can get into the system that I know of.  Thus I'm afraid your insurers have to pay up.

Edit : If your insurers refuse to cover you in the future for any cancer-related conditions you may have then you should be covered under the "accident de vie" provisions then and may well be allowed to join the system.  Sorry this answer is so full of ifs and buts!

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Well, I'm glad because when I read mine again it doesn't seem very clear - I don't know what I was on when I wrote it!  But for you the point is that if any time in the future your run in with cancer prevents you from getting private insurance, then the accident de vie provisions are there to help people just like you.  Here's hoping all will go well for you and that you stay healthy now and  won't need them.[:)]

Edit : Here's the bit that concerns you:

La personne a disposé, dans le passé, de ressources suffisantes pour assurer son

autonomie matérielle ainsi que d’une assurance maladie couvrant l’ensemble des risques.

L’accident de la vie (perte d’emploi, séparation ou décès d’un conjoint, cessation de la vie

maritale, refus d’assurance en cas de maladie grave et non prévisible, au moment du

changement de résidence…) peut la conduire à demander à avoir accès à la CMU. La CMU

de base peut lui être accordée ainsi que le, cas échéant, la CMUc


(my bold.)  From :


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