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Got Another One

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Sorry not been on for a while.

Well I've got another rescue, still trying to work out how it happened.

She came from Sue at Poor Paws via Pheonix, some may have seen her on the site, the Porcelaine Hound, previously she was called Diana but is now Bella and what a little darling she is.

I can only be amazed how these poor animals spend years being abused by us humans and still have plenty of love to give back to us.

So that's me back up to 5 dogs so no more looking at the rescue sites.

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I can't believe this.  The story has gone around and come back here.  When Rowan first started the Carcassonne rescues on here Diana was our

First Success Carcassonne

She was about to be put down and Rowan got her out as I had found somewhere for her to go, which fell through when the Présidente found out.  So Rowan took her in until good old Sue at Poor Paws helped out.  It's thanks to Rowan if she is alive and with you.  Rowan called her Diana.

How marvellous for you to come on here and tell us about her.  She is very, very beautiful.  Thank you so much.

That is why I cannot urge Rowan enough to get one out if she can.  We can always find a solution afterwards, your lovely girl is the living proof of it.


Amongst other dogs this Summer I got a six year old German Shepherd out of Niort.  He had been there since the end of March, was just skin and bone and giving in, so something had to be done for him.  We had him neutered etc. and an X-ray confirmed hip dysplasia.  Well last weekend this lovely boy went to the most marvellous people you could wish to meet.  He is so happy, like a little kid, playing with all the toys belonging to their other little rescue dog.  It's always worthwhile, just round the corner there is that right somebody for a dog you may think has no hope.

I didn't want to take in any more now, but have chipped in due to the dramatic situation this Summer.  Four have already gone to wonderful, and I mean wonderful, homes.  There is not only the sad side, but also a very rewarding and happy side.


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It was just be chance Diana/Bella came to me, all because I sent an updated photo to Pheonix, she is a little sweetheart, still nervous of things and terrified of "French" voices but I only have one neighbour and he's not really close to me. Her cheeky personality is coming out now and she has settled in so well with the Danes, she quietly and without any fuss took over Fina's cage and does what I call the tap dance for walks and biscuits.

I'll post a photo when Photobucket will let me get in to it

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This is a lovely story!  Rowan, bless her, ran the gauntlet for this dog in more ways than one and Sue also - complicated story but they knew they had to get her out and Rowan bit the bullet with a 'hang the consequences' determination.  It's so good to hear her happy ending amidst so many not so happy ones this year - it's been such a shocking few months I think we all know.  I have just taken in my number 8 rescue......... from Phoenix and he will actually be moving to his proper home next February/March but has had a rough time and is appreciating his reprieve from death row and some much needed TLC.  He's a little old Dachsund who got Parvo virus and then when he wasn't recovering as well as he should we discovered he had a huge tape worm burden that Drontal Plus had just not conquered.  We sorted it with Diatomaceous Earth.......... if any of you would like more information on how to use this amazing, safe, organic product for your cats and dogs, let me know.  The little fella is now coming on in leaps and bounds!

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If I were married to someone else I would get loads more out, but he will not be moved. All those of you who have husbands/other halves who really share their passion are so lucky. I have lost two recently cos I wasn't allowed to bring them home. Other half feels we were lucky to be able to move Diana on and doesn't want to be stuck with a 3rd dog.

One problem is that I work abroad quite a bit, and he is stuck with the walking etc. I think having an occasional 3rd dog would not add too much to the burden, especially as (unfair as it is) the 3rd could be left at home (on the basis that it is only used to a tiny SPA cage, and our garden would be paradise)

I am about to post some pics of a new dog, and this one I will not let die. So if anyone has any ideas for the long term, if not the short, please help me!

I must admit, when I first saw this thread and saw it was about Diana, my heart skipped a beat. I thought she was homeless again. Thanks to Wallifer, Sue at PP and Tiffany from Phoenix, she is safe and happy.


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