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Micro Entreprise 2007


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Anyone out there familiar with the new for 2007 regulations for Micro Entreprise registration ? I have been advised that the limit on earnings has been raised  and that it is now possible to protect ones business by separating it from ones property.

Pointers to the relevant site for information would be appreciated.

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At last a move in the right direction, and although if your turnover reaches the max allowable under this regime you will still pay about €3500 a year which is similar to the previous charges, now if your turnover is less than this you will only pay pro rata on that amount.
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As I am either very dense, or just tired (both probably), can anyone actually explain in a paragraph how the changes will be implemented and how they will affect someone like me thinking about setting up a small perhaps part-time business across the water?

Thanks to Cassis et al, I have sussed out the high social charges, does this mean they are coming down, and will it actually mean I have a small glimmer of starting up a business in France.



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No, the charges cannot come down - or if they did, another form of taxation would have to go up. Two major componets in the rag-bag that makes up the cotisations are for health and retirement. Both funds are, financially, in deep s***, and in case that sounds familiar the cash crisis is probably even greater in France than in Britain. That is why we have the CRDS, after all.

There has been talk about reducing the charges for new micro entreprises. That's all very well, but would put established micros at a serious disadvantage, so that's really a non-starter.

The real situation seems to be that  a start-up business, instead of paying its first cotisations based on an 'average' turnover, will pay accrding to actual figures. Though how they will know the actual figures in advance of the first set of annual accounts is another unanswered question. And as it has always been possible to pay reduced cotisations if you know your turnover is going to be low, it doesn't really make a lot of difference.

Still, I am sure it made Jacques Chirac feel good to say he was helping people to start up small businesses.

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  • 7 months later...
[quote user="londoneye"]


I am trying to find out if any changes have been implemented as per this thread, but cannot figure out how the google translation can be applied to the page as one poster mentioned (bit of a techno-pr*t) (me that is).

Can anyone help pls ?


Go to google.com or google.co.uk (not google.fr) and enter into the search box "lenterprise.com" (or whatever) without the quote marks.  Then click on the link that says (Translate this page).




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