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Everything posted by cassis

  1. I just pass on what I've learned from other people.  I can't claim inside information other than repeating what insiders like Cutts reveal.  I don't want to get into a debate about PR, SERPs, SEO etc. [:)]
  2. [quote user="Chris Jewell"]I am in the process of building backlinks to our website to improve our search engine position. Anybody got any tips to share? [/quote] I agree it's a good idea to build backlinks (inbound links) as even the man with the inside line, Matt Cutts, admits that Google puts store by them (on the principle that if a site links to you then someone out there thinks your site is of some merit for something!).  If you can get sites that don't require reciprocal links, or offering a 3-way linking strategy, all the better.  Always try to include your keywords in your linking anchor text.
  3. I've put together on my blog a list of events taking place this year to commemmorate the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. I've trawled the Internet for information and the list is as complete as I can make it - though I've had some complaints from American readers that there is not enough listed for the Utah and Omaha sectors.    I think that just reflects the balance of events, but I will add more if I'm missing any. The list is here : D-Day 65th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremonies and Events 2009 I'd be grateful if anyone knows of additional events in their area to let me know - Town, contact number, date, time and brief description of what is happening.
  4. Another alternative is Fermacell.  Again, a lightweight levelling and insulating material like Placoforme and Vermex. Point P seems to stock all of them.
  5. [quote user="PeterG"]Suppose it's back to the lilo then, with the wife paddling like buggery..........[/quote] How many passengers can you carry?  I could be interested.
  6. If left untended without an automatic watering system, then houseleeks (sempervivums) and echeverias, small varieties of phormiums and yuccas are tough as old boots and will survive drought without attention.
  7. Here it is: http://www.pointp.fr/catal/jsp/CataArticle.srvl?art_nat=1175490&p=122S229R229c1320 It's called Placoforme.  Usually used for levelling and insulating uneven floors before laying boards but I've found it a great perlite substitute. http://guidemateriaux.toutfaire.fr/product.asp?dept_id=214&pf_id=8190 [quote]Une couche de granules d'argile expansée ou de roche volcanique appelée forme d'égalisation Placoforme® est étendue sur le sol de manière à rattraper le niveau. En recouvrement, les plaques rigides Placosol® sont posées jointives en deux couches croisées, collées et agrafées. L'ensemble forme une chape sèche flottante et légère, qui améliore les caractéristiques acoustiques et thermiques du plancher.[/quote]
  8. I've got about 200 litres of a perlite substance (but brown) that was used as sound and heat insulation for our upper floors.  The menuisier left me a couple of sacks when I asked (I had in mind using it as a perlite substitute, which I have used it for since) so I'm guessing it doesn't break the bank.  Very light, airy bobbles of stone-like material just like perlite apart from the colour.  I'll have a look for the name next time I go to the barn.
  9. Yes - I saw that before I posted but I'll still believe it when I see it.  Hardly been launched in a fanfare of publicity - even the Port of Ramsgate doesn't seem to know about it on its site! 
  10. cassis

    veg plot

    Biggest job will be cleaning up an overgrown veg plot in mid June.  A massive sheet of heavy black polythene from an agricultural suppliers dug in all around the edges will kill off most/prevent any new weeds sprouting before your return in June.  Bury the edges and stick a few rocks on it here and there.
  11. I'll believe it when I see it and not before - the site has looked like that for months and has not changed.  Not sure how anyone has booked for the forthcoming maiden voyage. [:-))]
  12. Gîtes de France does not have its own rules but it supports the Ministry of Tourism « Tourisme et Handicap »  initiative.  http://www.tourisme.gouv.fr/fr/z2/vacances/handicap/label_national/accessibilite_adaptee.jsp [img]http://www.tourisme.gouv.fr/fr/z2/vacances/handicap/label_national/att00001282/logo_label.jpg[/img]  Comment obtenir le label ? Le label est délivré suivant une procédure nationale, dont l'Association "Tourisme et Handicaps" assure la cohérence, dans le cadre de la convention de gestion du dispositif, signée avec le secrétariat d'État chargé de la Consommation et du Tourisme. Pour être labellisé, le site doit  répondre à un cahier des charges et le gestionnaire s'engage de façon pérenne à garantir des prestations adaptées et un accueil de qualité.  Où s'adresser ? Dans chaque région, le délégué régional au Tourisme (DRT) vous informe et peut vous accompagner dans votre démarche pour rendre accessible votre structure.      Les professionnels qui souhaitent en savoir plus peuvent s’adresser : - à la direction du Tourisme au 01 70 39 93 00 ou par courriel - à l’association Tourisme & Handicaps 01 44 11 10 41 ou par courriel  - à la délégation régionale au Tourisme de leur région par courriel
  13. Well, it's fixed now since the link in the first post has gradually changed from a Tradedoubler link into a redirect link via goodness knows where, possibly still via Tradedoubler, but now into a direct link. So all's well that ends well.  [:)]
  14. Oddly, ferryguru's link http://www.poferriesenthusiasts.co.uk/36houroffer.html does not seem to open on the page indicated when you hover on the link - some sort of redirect? It takes you here: http://www.poferries.com/tourist/content/pages/template/offers_ferry_offers_special_overnight_fare.htm which is the direct link that Clair posted.
  15. I've got loads of stuff bookmarked that I just know will come in useful one day.  I also have a barn full of scrap for the same reason.  The only problem is knowing where you've put it when you want it. [Www]
  16. You could try approaching one or two of the organisations that specialise in providing information on holiday places suitable for handicapped people. http://www.guide-accessible.com/index.htm http://www.tourisme-handicaps.org/ There are others.
  17. I see the beautiful and enigmatic VxYfXmIEpM1wIwX28ZVS_CDvGgpW is among those following your wanderings, Mr. Banana.
  18. Looks okay to me.  Especially as it's a van.
  19. Try your local AngloInfo forum.
  20. I've seen loads of old terracotta chimney cowls in building material reclamation yards:  "materiaux anciens" in Pages Jaunes if you don't know of any.  Good for old terracotta tiles too.  But depends if these particular items are common on old buildings in your area.
  21. He a good moler?  Look after him!
  22. Most entertaining. [:)] Is that the very Destroyer, Wooly? You can also add a link to your blog in your personal longjohn settings.
  23. cassis

    Soil Wanted

    It's "terre végétale".  I need some too, though not desperately - I'm keeping eyes and ears open for any new building plots in the commune in the hope I can get it for nothing. 
  24. [quote user="abim"]What I'm a bit unclear about is if , as in this case, they have already stayed 2 nights and cancel the third? Presumably their deposit cheque is deducted from the 2 nights they pay for which, in effect leaves us with zero unless we enforce this 'rule'?[/quote] You're entitled to the full amount if a stay is cut short just because the visitor changes his mind, Abim, and as long as there's no fault on your part and it's part of agreed terms and conditions.  The only tricky bit is proving that people have agreed to your terms - easy in the case of a signed contract for a gite, but a lot of B&B owners don't bother as there are so many bookings to handle, plus many stays are of such short duration that the formality of signed contracts isn't worth it.  I know I've never had a signed contract - the idea is bizarre, although nutcases at Gites de France write all their regs as if it's perfectly normal. You could, as a sort of proof, have a tick box on your website enquiry form that indicates the sender has read and agreed to your T&Cs and block any request if they don't tick it (redirect them to tick the box). Better than nothing.
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