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Christine Animal

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Everything posted by Christine Animal

  1. That Alexa is amazing.  I've just tried it.  Thanks Hegs.
  2. Looks like you asked for it Mr. Conkerer.  You know us lot on here are about as cultivated as a carrot. Unhappy Frank Frank looked at the table hardly daring to look at the table. « I hate that table, » he said « Bloody owld table in my house. » Then he looked at the clock. « Damn that clock in my house, » said Frank, for it was his house you know. After a little bit his eye came across his very mother’s chair. « Don’t like that chair one bit, » he showbedy. « Just look affaffter all this garby ruddish. Wart am I but a slave tow look upon with deesekfrebit all the peegle larfing and buzing me in front of all the worled. How can I but garry on? How? Hab I no live of my own to do but wart I must ever jub gleenig and looking areftor theese damn owld house of my own? » Frank went over to his dubb old mother, whomn was stikl liffing with him. « What are you larfing at you dubb owld boot? » « Havn’ I nuff treble without you kakking in the korber? » With that Frank stub up and kicked her plainly on the head. « Take that for larfing you budd oled griff. » « I hate that boot, » he said smiling quirkley to themselves. « I’m going to sell this daft shed and you to aswell, also Mummy. » So he sold it all and left the country and settled down in another country which he did not like half as much as his dear old home in England with his dear old quaint old luvly mother what he (Frank) lost due to a bad harvest. Which judd go to show what happens. John Lennon
  3. The French animal programme « 30 millions d’Amis » disappeared for several weeks, leaving way to the Tour de France. They said they will be back next week, Sunday 31st July, at 17.20 on France 2 and will be in Jersey. May be of interest to some of you who come from there. On the agenda they mentioned donkeys and greyhounds. Are greyhounds « typical » of Jersey? I did not know this. http://www.30millionsdamis.fr/FR/Emission/Ausommaire/Pasdemissioncettesemaine.asp Christine
  4. Most French hotels, etc. accept pets.  Many of them have their own wandering around.  There don't seem to be any problems...?
  5. ... I thought it was Nick coming back crying from being banned on AI   Love the flying outer space cornish pasty, Ian.  I always thought it was some Greek god or something.  You know, one of those objects you can buy at the Boutique du Louvre.  We only had to google Deimos...
  6. "Les Gentleman Farmers" We have them over here too Missy, surtout in and around Paris with their "quatre-quatre", their Lacoste, their yellow Labradore and their Jacques Roossell... ... couldn't knock a hole in a rice pudding !
  7. Dave, I don't understand what happened to your cat, do you mean by a car?  Whatever it was, I am truly sorry. Not that it will help you in any way, but I am feeling pretty low too tonight, one of our cats died this evening from an illness. Christine  
  8. Yes, the farmers have bigger and bigger tractors for the bigger and bigger fields (with less and less hedges).  Trouble is they don't fit on the country roads!
  9. Where is FK, I miss him "grave". Perhaps he has returned to his little colombinage chaumière in Normandy.  I wonder what he finally gave his neighbour...
  10. Fran, Pehaps you could put this in the Pets section where there might be more chance of someone seeing it. Good luck, Christine
  11. I am all for the Gandhi attitude "lie down, the horses will not step on you". But here, extreme action unfortunately needs an extreme reply, and is perhaps the only way... hoping that there will never be a mistake.
  12. I would always rate you five star, Mrs. Tresco  
  13. Lori, don’t let this situation get at you, what Hoddy said seems true, they have managed to transfer their problem on to you. What is two weeks in a whole lifetime? If you take a hasty decision you may miss some wonderful moments in the future for other guests and for you with them. Several years ago we decided to go for a short break in Tunisia (something we had never done before) and had a week out of this world at the Grand Hôtel, Hammamet. After this wonderful experience we decided to try Greece with the same company and had the worst holiday ever. We couldn’t believe that they had sent us to this dirty, dingy, awful hotel and when we returned wrote a letter of complaint. They made the small gesture of offering us something like a 10% reduction on another trip. So, off we went again, this time to Morocco, and we had the most wonderful, beautiful week anyone could wish for, something I shall always remember. So you never know what may be round the corner. Right now you are as we felt in Greece, never again! Once they have gone, you may feel differently, when you are able to appreciate everything once more. One thing’s for sure, if your guests ever get on here and read all this, they’ll never be back!
  14. I think she means an Epagneul Breton, Ian.
  15. Not me...  We do other things than just work ourselves sick, don't we?  We do have some fun, don't we?    
  16. Not bad!  It looks as if they have a problem when travelling...
  17. No, it closed down years ago (that's why I said "used to be"), it was rue Pierre Lescot.  Is Joe Allen's still there?
  18. There used to be a well-known restaurant in Les Halles, Paris called "La Poissonnerie" and that was all they did, fish. Will, you could have had a starter, a fish course and a fish course...  
  19. Catalpa, you missed the whole point, even if there it was jovial, it was a reminder that the British microchip does not work in France.  At the ports they can see that the animal has one, but the great debate is that if an animal is lost here, the owner cannot be traced and this is something very important we are working on at the moment with the Sheeriks at Phoenix as a little English dog was put down in a Brittany refuge after eight days before his owners finally found out where he was, because they could not be traced through the microchip.  And we do want to startle pet owners about this and will soon be back on a separate thread. By the way Ian (Deimos), if you see this, I couldn't get the site you mentioned www.europet.com/who/default.asp  
  20. Notre cher Vraititi with his Ripoux made me think of another French film, which is worth a thread of its own: Le Bonheur est dans le Pré. Probably many of you know this film, but for those who don’t it is about a toilet seat manufacturer (Michel Serrault) who has a « ras le bol » with his wife, his business, his problems, the rat race, etc. and ends up happy in the Gers (pays magique) having left his first life behind him. In a way similar to those who have left England for a « dream life » in France. It is a typical French film, about typical French life, with typical French humour and marvellous French actors: Michel Serrault, Eddy Mitchell, Sabine Azéma, with the participation of Eric Cantona. It is absolutely « sublime ». We love « fairy tails » and this is one, not to be missed.
  21. ... and thanks to this Forum for making it all possible, for Bix and for the others.
  22. He was wise to prefer the tattoo, which can be immediately seen, and the British microchip doesn't work here anyway.
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